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adrenal crash

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Exactly what happens when a persons adrenals crash? people have

posted about this happening to them. can one avoid this from

happening, and how? kind of dumb questions I know:(

thank you , sherie

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Keep pills or cream on you at all times in case you run into unexpected

stress, so that you can take extra right away. If you run out of HC in

your body, you get nauseous and this will progress to actually throwing

up if you don't take any HC; you will get really shaky, and extremely

nervous/anxious and won't be able to think straight. If you're

brilliant like my DH, you'll get in the car and drive home in this

condition LOL! :)


" sweetwulfie " wrote:


> Exactly what happens when a persons adrenals crash? people have

> posted about this happening to them. can one avoid this from

> happening, and how? kind of dumb questions I know:(


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Hi Sherie,

Not a dumb question. I think it is different for everyone. As

says, everyone is pre-disposed to the amount of stress they can handle.

So I would suspect a crash would be different for everyone too.

For " me " , I was a competitive athelte so it started with low heart

rates in my workout. I coudln't get my heart rate up for anything. Then

I had wicked insomnia, being tired from not sleeping, but too WIRED to

sleep ever.

For a while I couldn't work or even think. I sat on the sofa and

watched TV just to chill. I tried reading and doing nothing for weeks

(without doing anything nutritionally or with supplements to address

the adrenals) and that didn't work.

Loud noises, music, bothered me a lot. My body shook a lot. I felt like

i was on 10 pots of coffee and 3 bottles of Excederine all the time. (I

don't do coffee or excederine.) My skin was sallow and gray. My eyes

sunken. I aged really quickly, within a year i looked 10 years older. I

went from having a little gray hair to big chunks of gray hair. All my

sex hormones dropped too. Estrogen, Testosterone, DHEA, tanked. This

was evident as my muscle tone went to nothing. (even tho I had been


I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't make commitments

to go out with friends because i wasn't sure if I'd have a melt down

(be too tired or overstimulated). And I'm a social person, generally.

Most scarry of all, I couldn't sleep, at all. For months i lived on 1-3

hours of sleep/night, even with " sleep aids " . It was hell.

I'm sure there are other types of symptoms out there. But that was what

my crash was like. And symbolically, I had a bike crash

(concussion/broken ribs) that was the straw that broke the camels back

in my adrenal crsh. although I was headed for the adrenal crash before

the accident, (low heart rate and starting of insomnia), the bike crash

sent me into full blow adrenal crash and i just tumbled downhill form

there, metaphorically speaking.


> Exactly what happens when a persons adrenals crash? people have

> posted about this happening to them. can one avoid this from

> happening, and how? kind of dumb questions I know:(


> thank you , sherie


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Thanks for posting this, . My husband has had his hopes for

competitive x-c skiing dashed year after year, and we've only now

realized that he goes through a metabolic crash every winter. (We

figured it out by taking his temp.)

He has a lot of what you described: can't get his heart rate up,

feeling brain-dead even when he has physical energy, can't get to

sleep, entering a race and coming in " dead last " even though he's a

better skier than almost all of the people ahead of him.

He's been banging his head on a wall, and he really appreciated

reading your experience.

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Hi ,

Oh, I could go on and on about adrenal fatigue and being a

competitive athlete. For one thing, I do not believe we're designed

as humans to be competitive athletes past a certain age (like late

20s early 30s). I'm 39. however, if you enjoy being a competitve

athlete, it's probalby MUCH more stressful to not partake in a

passion than to partake in it wisely. I hope to go back to bike

racing. I hope to be in tune with my body enough to know exactly how

much supplmentation i need to give it so i can race w/o overworking

the adrenals. Adrenal fatigue people tend to be " addicted " to stress

or adrenaline (and racing).

When I was going through my mid-phase of the crash or trying to come

out of it, any exercise at all, would send me into being wired. It

was like a crack high. (I've never done crack, but I guess this is

what it'd feel like.) I'd get soooooo high after a ride, at first I'd

twitter around the house like a humming bird, doing all sorts of

chores, being overly-happy. It was so annoying even to me. I swear I

don't know how my husband put up with that " high " person. Then

later, i'd shake and couldn't come down from the " high " . Forget

sleeping that night!

Before the adrenal crash, when i was racing, I'd get that high after

races and couldn't come down. While in adrenal crash, simple exercise

did it to me.

One thing to note that may help your husband... before I found my ND

who put me on isocort and iodine, i had already read 's book

and for 2 months started the vitmain supplements to the exact dosage

of his recommendation (but not the herbs). I bought them separately

and took them separatly rather than trying to find a multi which was


FREAK SHOW AT NIGHT. I had to of course, and still have to, keep my

heart rate w/in zone 2. i won't allow myself to push past that for a

long time until i can sleep on my own (w/o klonopin).

I'm now on isocort and iodine and feel a much more stable energy

throughout my day. no highs or lows. no shakes...still need the

klonopin (.5 mg) but i think and hope as adrenals get better that i

won't need it.

I remember trying to race my bike after my accident. I was in a race

that would have been a " shoe-in " for me. I'm a decent climber and

when i was climbing, the girl next to me was working so very hard,

looking like she was in zone 4, and I couldn't even work hard enough

to get out of zone 1! I knew then something was very wrong.

In terms of your husband and racing again, I think its something that

will be lifelong in terms of treating and caring for if he's to stay

competitive. It may be a while before he can race again. Everybody

needs different healing time tables. But I don't believe all is lost

in his passion!

Hope this helps!



> Thanks for posting this, . My husband has had his hopes for

> competitive x-c skiing dashed year after year, and we've only now

> realized that he goes through a metabolic crash every winter. (We

> figured it out by taking his temp.)


> He has a lot of what you described: can't get his heart rate up,

> feeling brain-dead even when he has physical energy, can't get to

> sleep, entering a race and coming in " dead last " even though he's a

> better skier than almost all of the people ahead of him.


> He's been banging his head on a wall, and he really appreciated

> reading your experience.




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Hi Rhonda,

Ya, Tylonol wired me to even tho it is benydryl with aspirin.

I used to take Benydryl for a long time before my adrenal crash. but

it doesn't work now. Most sleep aids did not work for me (ambien,

rozarem etc). Right now I take .5mg of klonopin to sleep while I

pursue fixing my adrenals with an ND. I hope to ween off of it.

Sol, on this list, had mentioned possibly a LOWER dose of melatonin

rather than the usual 1-3 mg dose could help. I'm intrigued by that

and may give it a whirl when i feel like my adrenals are a bit more


hope this helps,


> >

> > Exactly what happens when a persons adrenals crash? people


> > posted about this happening to them. can one avoid this from

> > happening, and how? kind of dumb questions I know:(

> >

> > thank you , sherie

> >










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Tylenol (basic tylenol) is acetominophen, I've never seen one with

either benedryl or aspirin in it?

Tylenol pm is acetominphen with diphenhydramine (benedryl) but I don't

see any aspirin in it either?


wild.dingo wrote:

> Hi Rhonda,

> Ya, Tylonol wired me to even tho it is benydryl with aspirin.




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What did you do to finally get to sleep? I am going through the sleep thing?

I would appreciat any suggestions. I can't keep this schedule up. I know if I

take Tylenol p.m. I will probably get wired from it.

Re: adrenal crash

Hi Sherie,

Not a dumb question. I think it is different for everyone. As

says, everyone is pre-disposed to the amount of stress they can handle.

So I would suspect a crash would be different for everyone too.

For " me " , I was a competitive athelte so it started with low heart

rates in my workout. I coudln't get my heart rate up for anything. Then

I had wicked insomnia, being tired from not sleeping, but too WIRED to

sleep ever.

For a while I couldn't work or even think. I sat on the sofa and

watched TV just to chill. I tried reading and doing nothing for weeks

(without doing anything nutritionally or with supplements to address

the adrenals) and that didn't work.

Loud noises, music, bothered me a lot. My body shook a lot. I felt like

i was on 10 pots of coffee and 3 bottles of Excederine all the time. (I

don't do coffee or excederine.) My skin was sallow and gray. My eyes

sunken. I aged really quickly, within a year i looked 10 years older. I

went from having a little gray hair to big chunks of gray hair. All my

sex hormones dropped too. Estrogen, Testosterone, DHEA, tanked. This

was evident as my muscle tone went to nothing. (even tho I had been


I couldn't think. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't make commitments

to go out with friends because i wasn't sure if I'd have a melt down

(be too tired or overstimulated). And I'm a social person, generally.

Most scarry of all, I couldn't sleep, at all. For months i lived on 1-3

hours of sleep/night, even with " sleep aids " . It was hell.

I'm sure there are other types of symptoms out there. But that was what

my crash was like. And symbolically, I had a bike crash

(concussion/broken ribs) that was the straw that broke the camels back

in my adrenal crsh. although I was headed for the adrenal crash before

the accident, (low heart rate and starting of insomnia), the bike crash

sent me into full blow adrenal crash and i just tumbled downhill form

there, metaphorically speaking.


> Exactly what happens when a persons adrenals crash? people have

> posted about this happening to them. can one avoid this from

> happening, and how? kind of dumb questions I know:(


> thank you , sherie


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