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Re: Iodoral OK to use with Hashi's??? CINDY

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Thanks Cindy! I would really appreciate if you could email me those

links. My email is: snowdenmom1998@...

That is scary what you said! I certainly don't want something like

that to happen. The reason I was wondering if I need iodine is I

was reading a few websites that were talking about how the majority

of people are deficient in it, and especially those who live in the

Great Lakes region (which I do). They were saying that iodine

deficieny can cause Hashi's among other things. I was also reading

alot on Dr. Brownstein's website. One of the things that it said it

could help was if you have fibrocystic breast tissue and that is my

concern. They were also talking about how iodine deficiency is

linked to breast cancer. So I was thinking maybe I need to start

taking iodine.......... but now I don't know what to do. I have

heard before that if you have Hashi's, it can aggravate it but I

never heard much more and didn't know why or how this happened.

What's also strange, is one of the websites was saying that iodine

is one of the safest minerals out there and cannot harm you.

So anyway, I'd appreciate the links. I don't want to just jump into

something and land my butt in ER. Do you know of people with

Hashi's that the iodine worked fine for them? Or is it basically

not a good thing to try if you have Hashi's?

Thanks for the info!


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I would highly recommend finding an iodine literate doctor or nutritionist to

work with

while taking Iodoral. My daughter has Hashi's also and has eliminated all


(which were extremely high). She takes iodine without problems. Hashi's can

also be due

to a lack of iodine. There is a wealth of information at

http://iodine4health.com and also

on the iodine yahoo group. There are many people who just start to dose Iodoral


Lugol's without doing research. Iodine detoxes the body and depending on how

bad those

issues are can end up with problems. People have the same type of problems when


start many different supplements including enzymes or probiotics or eliminating


items from their diets. Anyone with an autoimmune problem needs to take a

serious look

at anything they put in their body, primarily diet. Supplements are often

blamed for

symptoms without making any allowances whatsoever for a less than ideal diet.

There are

many supplements that have the ability to cause problems, the trick is to know

why that

problem is occurring. There is a lot of good help on some of these groups,

there is also a

lot of advice that is questionable. It would be prudent to find a doctor or

nutritionist who

was well versed in iodine to work with.



> Thanks Cindy! I would really appreciate if you could email me those

> links. My email is: snowdenmom1998@...


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Thanks for the advice and concern.

While I realize some hashi's can tolerate Armour, no matter what some

of us do, we just cannot. And yes, many of has have worked with docs

and done all the 'right' things. We just need to realize there is

nothing that works for everyone.

I've been in contact with a couple of Brownstein's patients. He's

written a book and is often touted as one of the leading iodine

experts in his field. Yet, even he has patients who are not

tolerating it despite following his advice to a 'T'.

I've seen too many posts and known too many people who have had

horrible symptoms from iodine, some requiring hospitalization. And

I've read literally hundreds of studies, both pro and con, and am

convinced that while iodine works well for many, there is documented

evidence, in addition to many posts on groups, that is does carry an

element of risk for certain people.

I know how it affected me and do not wish to repeat the experience. I

think even doctors are experimenting with it and most do not even test

people for TSI antibodies which may well be a factor in being unable

to tolerate it.

I don't have much faith in docs these days. I spend more time reading

journal articles on things which affect my health than they do and

feel I know more than many of them about my own health issues. They

are too busy cramming as many patients into the day as possible and

running their business to take the kind of time I can to research

subjects specific to me.


> >

> > Thanks Cindy! I would really appreciate if you could email me those

> > links. My email is: snowdenmom1998@

> >


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It's been my experience that very few people try iodine with the advice of an

iodine literate

doctor. It usually requires an alternative doctor and the majority of patients

either don't

know about these options or don't understand them.

I don't put much stock into mainstream doctors period. I also don't put much

stock into

mainstream medical research here in the U.S. either. The elimination of many


studies is seriously disappointing to say the least. Info is controlled and


I totally understand being your own advocate. If I hadn't taken that route, my


health issues would have taken a much different and, health wise, worse path.

Iodine also doesn't have to be taken in large amounts. People thought Linus

ing was

nuts when he first starting using VIt C in large quantities. I truly think that

iodine will take

this same route.



> Linn,

> Thanks for the advice and concern.


> While I realize some hashi's can tolerate Armour, no matter what some

> of us do, we just cannot. And yes, many of has have worked with docs

> and done all the 'right' things. We just need to realize there is

> nothing that works for everyone.


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Cannot harm? Tell that to people who have died of anaphylaxis after

being given large doses of iodine for imaging tests.

I personally met one woman who almost died of respiratory failure from

aerosol iodine, used to sterilize operating rooms between surgeries. I

don't know if that practice is still being done, but it is what was used

here about 10 years or so ago. I can say this with complete confidence

because I was billed for it on my hospital bill for a surgery.

I'm violently sensitive to iodine myself, and have been for 23 years. A

true, IgE histamine reaction to all forms of iodine, wherever it is

found. I only found out that I have Hashi's last fall, but since then

have found out that it isn't at all uncommon for people with Hashi's to

be sensitive to iodine, though people as sensitive as I am are rather

rare. I can't even use sea salt.

I would never tell anyone not to take supplemental iodine, but I do

think caution and care is warranted. And knowing that adverse effects up

to and including fatalities can and have happened.

Google " iodine toxicity " etc, for more.


snowdenmom1998 wrote:

> What's also strange, is one of the websites was saying that iodine

> is one of the safest minerals out there and cannot harm you.



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