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Re: OT: insane skin itching

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I had a problem with itching that started last fall on the back of my neck.

Then over the winter my ankles began itching like crazy and I had hives on

my ankles and lower legs. Then it spread to various other areas of my body.

When I scratched it only made it itchier and I wanted to tear my skin off. I

tried everything. I was also having digestive problems as well, upset

stomach, etc. I first got in to see a NP who told me for now to stop wheat,

dairy and gluten. Within two days, my stomach problems went away. After I

got in to see the doctor, she did a food allergy panel. (I tried to post

this a couple of weeks ago, but don't know what happened to it.) Turns out I

have multiple food allergies/intolerances. I had to drastically change the

way I eat. I tested positive to eggs, wheat, dairy, gluten, yeast, grapes

and about twenty other things. I went to a dermatologist, who also happens

to be an integrated dermatologist and functional medicine practitioner, as

does my pcp - I hit the jackpot with these two doctors. She gave me a

topical steroid ointment. She also told me to further restrict my diet by

eliminating grains as well and just eat lean protein and veggies, not even

fruit for now until my system settles down because there was a yeast

sensitivity and yeast feeds on sugar. I haven't been able to stop eating

grains entirely, but have switched to all the alternative grains such as

quinoa, millet, brown rice and just have it for breakfast with almond milk

or rice milk. I feel much better, and when I eat something I'm supposed to

avoid I feel it the next day. I had popcorn last night, homemade with olive

oil, one of my addictions I can't seem to give up, and I feel awful this

morning - like I have a hangover and I can't even have any alcohol anymore!

But it's almost like I feel like I'm coming down with something. They say

your allergies are generally the foods you can't seem to give up. Corn

wasn't even one of the things I tested positive to. I'm guessing it must be

that it converts to sugar. That I am allergic to.

Whether I've had these allergies all my life, I don't know. And whether the

adrenal problem came before the allergies completely manifested, I don't

know either. I know that cortisol is an anti-inflammatory and if adrenal

function is low it affects the way your body deals with allergens.

So, based on my experience with all this, if you can get a food allergy

panel done by your doctor, I would highly recommend it. It's a blood test.

It's called IgG Elisa Comprehensive Food Panel. I've read that's also one of

those things that traditional md's may not know about or don't do, so you

may have to fight for it, or find a doctor who is willing to order it for


The dermatologist is also doing a T.R.U.E. test in a couple of weeks. It's a

patch test which tests for chemical sensitivities. I think I have an allergy

to something synthetic in clothing. Something in socks that aren't all

cotton makes me itch. So this will determine if that's also a factor.

All these things are what Dr. calls body burdens and if we can find

and eliminate them, our adrenals will be less stressed and we can be one

more step on our way to healing.

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>>All these things are what Dr. calls body burdens and if we can find

and eliminate them, our adrenals will be less stressed and we can be one

more step on our way to healing. <<

There is also the other side of the coin,. Treat the low cortisl and MANY if not

all allergies could be a thing of the past. Low cortils adn low thyroid CAUSE



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The itching is usually from skin that's too dry, which is a hypo

sign. Having enough thyroid in you lubricates your skin, and then it

won't itch so much. My calves have always had a snakeskin/fish scale

look, which I just found out is a hypo sign. And if I run a

fingernail over it, it leaves a white line. This is classic, dry,

hypo skin. It seems like it's getting less dry as I've raised

thyroid. Heels were also very cracked and dry, but that has

noticeably improved too.


" robersonm38 " wrote:


> That sounds what I had. I had itching on both lower legs from the

> ankles an up about six inchs. When bad at times it would have a


> rash too. Mine lasted off an on for over three years.


> I don't know the answer but mine has been gone now since I've been


> HC and Armour. I know it's related to my condition but I have no


> why.


> Mark




> >

> > Ok..for the life of me I can't figure this one out. My ankles have

> > been itching for weeks. No matter how much lotion etc. Same with


> > upper back between the shoulder blades. I think that one finally

> > stopped when I took a homeopathic remedy for it. But...the


> >

> > Yes, it's winter, yes my skin is dry. Yes I have a humidifier in


> > house. Yes, I use natural detergents...There is no skin


> > no rash, no bumps..skin look completely normal...it just itches


> > the time.

> >

> > It's possible no one here many know..that's ok. I took a chance...

> >


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I've been on 30 to 35 mg HC for a long time now (since last Dec), and

though my allerigc reactions are moderated, they are far from gone.

What does this mean? I've heard of other people here who lost their

allergies when they got the HC correct.

Could I still be on too low a dose? Or does this mean my allergies will

just never stop?



T wrote:

> There is also the other side of the coin,. Treat the low cortisl and MANY if

not all allergies could be a thing of the past. Low cortils adn low thyroid

CAUSE allergies!



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I had itching for eight years. What it turned out to be had nothing to do with

my hormones. But I will mention it here just in case.

I cleaned out my friend's chicken house one day. I itched a bit after that but

thought nothing of it. But for the next 8 years I itched! It was especially bad

at night and since I have insomnia from clinical depression and two kinds of

sleep apnea, I was a mess! Hormone help helped some but there were many days I

dragged due to lack of sleep from being kept up by it. I kept complaining about

little black specks. Finally my friend Judy actually saw some on me and

realized they were mites. They turned out to be bird mites or possibly rodent

mites but since it started after cleaning out the chicken house, I suspect they

were bird mites.

The common name is Black Pepper mites. They are tiny! When they are full grown

they do look like flecks of black pepper but when they first hatch they are just

about too small to see, but boy do they itch!

They attack some people and leave others alone. I was driven crazy by them but

my friend Doc could sit shirtless in the living room and sleep soundly all

night. They never touched him. I have been reading and apparently that is par

for the course. Maybe our hormones do have something to do with it. I have them

out in my ware house sized garadge too.

Your average bug bomb is worthless. Mites are 8 legged beasties not 6 legged,

and several attempts to bug bomb my place were futile. It was one of the things

that made folks think this was all in my head until I could show them to Judy.

What I found works against them is Windex. I suspect the ammonia but I an not

monkeying with success and using a different brand. Pyrethirn spray also works.

We also had my place treated professional by a pest control person who knew what

he was dong. They don't all. He used a pyethrin bug bomb.

Hensley <>< 8-)

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All very good points. Thanks. Shampoo could be possible for me. Since

this itching is only the past month or so, my foods have not changed

any, nor have my cosmetics, detergents, or deodorant..all of which are

natural. Usually, if I use one I don't tolerate I will break out all

over my shoulders. Which has not happened. I also found it odd that

this insane itching went on for a few weeks and then I came down with

a sinus infection..now I'm not itching. ??? Maybe it's viral???

Anyway...I suspect it will be one of those mysteries that resolves


I am going to watch the shampoo with more scrutiny...try to keep track

of when I have the itching and such. Thank you again everyone!


> That sounds all too familiar. What brand of shampoo are you using now?

> I find I have to keep changing brands, almost with every bottle used.

> When deodorant gets to causing itches, I also use coconut oil for a


> sol


> I've used Tony Llama Rice Shampoo from the health food store, and

also Aubrey Organics brand - differing varieties. I am also Celiac,

and allergic to soy, so I have to look for gluten/wheat-free, soy

free products as well. Difficult to find. I also do find I do best

when swtiching between brands frequently. I've tried using baking

soda and water, with an apple cider vinegar rinse (the old fashioned

stuff), but it just dries my hair out too much, although I don't itch !


> Rebekah



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Well that's likely what happened to me because, to my knowledge, I've never

had food allergies - or I just wasn't paying attention and didn't realize it

could be what I was eating that was contributing to the overall feeling of

blah. I can't stand the restricted diet I'm on now. The food allergy test

results said to do a rotation diet, eliminating all the foods I tested

positive to - and there were about 25 of them - almost everything I was

eating. Then the dermatologist told me to do the Paleo diet, which restricts

it even more - no grains and she even told me to stop all supplements

temporarily until my system settles down. So all that's left is protein and

vegetables to eat. I find that very difficult to stick to . and rotate foods

at the same time. At the very least, I am avoiding the foods I'm not

supposed to eat. The rest I'm finding overwhelming.


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Well that's likely what happened to me because, to my knowledge, I've never

had food allergies - or I just wasn't paying attention and didn't realize it

could be what I was eating that was contributing to the overall feeling of

blah. I can't stand the restricted diet I'm on now. The food allergy test

results said to do a rotation diet, eliminating all the foods I tested

positive to - and there were about 25 of them - almost everything I was

eating. Then the dermatologist told me to do the Paleo diet, which restricts

it even more - no grains and she even told me to stop all supplements

temporarily until my system settles down. So all that's left is protein and

vegetables to eat. I find that very difficult to stick to . and rotate foods

at the same time. At the very least, I am avoiding the foods I'm not

supposed to eat. The rest I'm finding overwhelming.


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Hi Jane....I have not been following this thread so I apologize

if these things have already been said. I just now saw your post

and thought I would give you my experience.

On Christmas day I broke out in hives for the first time in my

life. Head to toe....horrible itching....INSANE itching and

antihistamines would not offer any releif. Each day some would go

away only to have others appear. I ended up in the ER twice with

mega dose injections of cortisone and nothing worked. I thought I

would go mad. I sent to remove the Christmas tree, hired cleaning

specialists to clean any fabric in the house, carpets, drapes,

upholstery, mattresses. I kept breaking out.....so I moved into a

hotel. It just could not enter my brain that I had a food

allergy...I have eaten anything and everything all of my life. At

the time I was on 30 mg HC and 100 mcg Cytomel. Thought the dosing

was ok, altho at times I felt hyper. Well long story short....a

combo of antishistamines/stomach medicine is what did the trick and

stopped them. After that I did the battery of tests and was told I

was allergic to lobster, chocolate and nuts (had been eating all of

the above).They wanted me to get the weekly injections for this. I

declined and instead I gave the three foods up for a month. In the

meantime I went to a naturist to hear another point of view, since I

try to think out of the box whenever I can. He told me this was a

typical reaction to OVERINDULGING.....my liver had said " enough " .

He put me on a whole foods diet of fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and

only fish protein for a few weeks....boring but I lost 8 lbs! I was

not to eat ANYTHING with preservatives or anything processed. If I

broke the diet, it was okay to break it with good nutricious

foods...not junk. If I just HAD to have beef, then have just a

little. He also put me on some herbs to cleanse my system. I know

I'm speaking too soon, but I have not had another incident.

I have done a lot of subsequent reading and many dr.s feel that

allergies don't really exist. It is our bodies way of detoxing all

the junk we're putting into it. I tend to buy into that

theory...that and low cortisol. Leaky gut is also a strong

indicator that you might react to some foods. The body senses them

as foreign, when they spill into the bloodstream, and your body

produces histamine to commbat the 'invaders'.

I really do not pay attention to what I eat anymore. I've had the

lobster, chocolate and nuts again, and absolutely NOTHING happened.

I'm a firm beleiver in cleaning up the eating act, and everything

will work out fine. I know many with persistent allergies have not

had this luck, but I still think cleansing the system is a good idea.

Hope you find what works for you,



> Well that's likely what happened to me because, to my knowledge,

I've never

> had food allergies - or I just wasn't paying attention and didn't

realize it

> could be what I was eating that was contributing to the overall

feeling of

> blah. I can't stand the restricted diet I'm on now. The food

allergy test

> results said to do a rotation diet, eliminating all the foods I


> positive to - and there were about 25 of them - almost everything

I was

> eating. Then the dermatologist told me to do the Paleo diet, which


> it even more - no grains and she even told me to stop all


> temporarily until my system settles down. So all that's left is

protein and

> vegetables to eat. I find that very difficult to stick to . and

rotate foods

> at the same time. At the very least, I am avoiding the foods I'm


> supposed to eat. The rest I'm finding overwhelming.




> Jane











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Hi Jane....I have not been following this thread so I apologize

if these things have already been said. I just now saw your post

and thought I would give you my experience.

On Christmas day I broke out in hives for the first time in my

life. Head to toe....horrible itching....INSANE itching and

antihistamines would not offer any releif. Each day some would go

away only to have others appear. I ended up in the ER twice with

mega dose injections of cortisone and nothing worked. I thought I

would go mad. I sent to remove the Christmas tree, hired cleaning

specialists to clean any fabric in the house, carpets, drapes,

upholstery, mattresses. I kept breaking out.....so I moved into a

hotel. It just could not enter my brain that I had a food

allergy...I have eaten anything and everything all of my life. At

the time I was on 30 mg HC and 100 mcg Cytomel. Thought the dosing

was ok, altho at times I felt hyper. Well long story short....a

combo of antishistamines/stomach medicine is what did the trick and

stopped them. After that I did the battery of tests and was told I

was allergic to lobster, chocolate and nuts (had been eating all of

the above).They wanted me to get the weekly injections for this. I

declined and instead I gave the three foods up for a month. In the

meantime I went to a naturist to hear another point of view, since I

try to think out of the box whenever I can. He told me this was a

typical reaction to OVERINDULGING.....my liver had said " enough " .

He put me on a whole foods diet of fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and

only fish protein for a few weeks....boring but I lost 8 lbs! I was

not to eat ANYTHING with preservatives or anything processed. If I

broke the diet, it was okay to break it with good nutricious

foods...not junk. If I just HAD to have beef, then have just a

little. He also put me on some herbs to cleanse my system. I know

I'm speaking too soon, but I have not had another incident.

I have done a lot of subsequent reading and many dr.s feel that

allergies don't really exist. It is our bodies way of detoxing all

the junk we're putting into it. I tend to buy into that

theory...that and low cortisol. Leaky gut is also a strong

indicator that you might react to some foods. The body senses them

as foreign, when they spill into the bloodstream, and your body

produces histamine to commbat the 'invaders'.

I really do not pay attention to what I eat anymore. I've had the

lobster, chocolate and nuts again, and absolutely NOTHING happened.

I'm a firm beleiver in cleaning up the eating act, and everything

will work out fine. I know many with persistent allergies have not

had this luck, but I still think cleansing the system is a good idea.

Hope you find what works for you,



> Well that's likely what happened to me because, to my knowledge,

I've never

> had food allergies - or I just wasn't paying attention and didn't

realize it

> could be what I was eating that was contributing to the overall

feeling of

> blah. I can't stand the restricted diet I'm on now. The food

allergy test

> results said to do a rotation diet, eliminating all the foods I


> positive to - and there were about 25 of them - almost everything

I was

> eating. Then the dermatologist told me to do the Paleo diet, which


> it even more - no grains and she even told me to stop all


> temporarily until my system settles down. So all that's left is

protein and

> vegetables to eat. I find that very difficult to stick to . and

rotate foods

> at the same time. At the very least, I am avoiding the foods I'm


> supposed to eat. The rest I'm finding overwhelming.




> Jane











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Hi Jane....I have not been following this thread so I apologize

if these things have already been said. I just now saw your post

and thought I would give you my experience.

On Christmas day I broke out in hives for the first time in my

life. Head to toe....horrible itching....INSANE itching and

antihistamines would not offer any releif. Each day some would go

away only to have others appear. I ended up in the ER twice with

mega dose injections of cortisone and nothing worked. I thought I

would go mad. I sent to remove the Christmas tree, hired cleaning

specialists to clean any fabric in the house, carpets, drapes,

upholstery, mattresses. I kept breaking out.....so I moved into a

hotel. It just could not enter my brain that I had a food

allergy...I have eaten anything and everything all of my life. At

the time I was on 30 mg HC and 100 mcg Cytomel. Thought the dosing

was ok, altho at times I felt hyper. Well long story short....a

combo of antishistamines/stomach medicine is what did the trick and

stopped them. After that I did the battery of tests and was told I

was allergic to lobster, chocolate and nuts (had been eating all of

the above).They wanted me to get the weekly injections for this. I

declined and instead I gave the three foods up for a month. In the

meantime I went to a naturist to hear another point of view, since I

try to think out of the box whenever I can. He told me this was a

typical reaction to OVERINDULGING.....my liver had said " enough " .

He put me on a whole foods diet of fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and

only fish protein for a few weeks....boring but I lost 8 lbs! I was

not to eat ANYTHING with preservatives or anything processed. If I

broke the diet, it was okay to break it with good nutricious

foods...not junk. If I just HAD to have beef, then have just a

little. He also put me on some herbs to cleanse my system. I know

I'm speaking too soon, but I have not had another incident.

I have done a lot of subsequent reading and many dr.s feel that

allergies don't really exist. It is our bodies way of detoxing all

the junk we're putting into it. I tend to buy into that

theory...that and low cortisol. Leaky gut is also a strong

indicator that you might react to some foods. The body senses them

as foreign, when they spill into the bloodstream, and your body

produces histamine to commbat the 'invaders'.

I really do not pay attention to what I eat anymore. I've had the

lobster, chocolate and nuts again, and absolutely NOTHING happened.

I'm a firm beleiver in cleaning up the eating act, and everything

will work out fine. I know many with persistent allergies have not

had this luck, but I still think cleansing the system is a good idea.

Hope you find what works for you,



> Well that's likely what happened to me because, to my knowledge,

I've never

> had food allergies - or I just wasn't paying attention and didn't

realize it

> could be what I was eating that was contributing to the overall

feeling of

> blah. I can't stand the restricted diet I'm on now. The food

allergy test

> results said to do a rotation diet, eliminating all the foods I


> positive to - and there were about 25 of them - almost everything

I was

> eating. Then the dermatologist told me to do the Paleo diet, which


> it even more - no grains and she even told me to stop all


> temporarily until my system settles down. So all that's left is

protein and

> vegetables to eat. I find that very difficult to stick to . and

rotate foods

> at the same time. At the very least, I am avoiding the foods I'm


> supposed to eat. The rest I'm finding overwhelming.




> Jane











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My experience is much like yours.

I went to a dermatologist, who tested me for allergies and said

" you're allergic to everything, which means something internal is

causing your issues. "

I then saw an integrative medicine doc, who assessed me and found

through blood tests that I have candida overgrowth in my blood, which

is a symptom/sign of leaky gut.

I'm on a plan to reduce the candida (yeast) and also to heal my

digestive system. Supplements and eating whole foods. I won't have

to eat this way forever, most likely, but it's so yummy I will stick

with it for the most part.

It takes more work to eat whole foods (lots of prep time) but it's

soooo important. " Garbage in, garbage out " as they say.

You said:

Leaky gut is also a strong

> indicator that you might react to some foods. The body senses them

> as foreign, when they spill into the bloodstream, and your body

> produces histamine to commbat the 'invaders'.

VERY TRUE in my experience!!!

I'm still taking Zyrtec but did miss a day a few weeks ago and could

go twice as long before the itchies started. That's progress! Used

to be that if I didn't take it the same time every day I was in misery

at 26 hours without it!

Naffy...it really helps me to hear that someone is taking the same

approach I am. For me, this approach really seemed " right. " I know

everyone's path is different, but it's nice to have company along the




> Hi Jane....I have not been following this thread so I apologize

> if these things have already been said. I just now saw your post

> and thought I would give you my experience.


> On Christmas day I broke out in hives for the first time in my

> life. Head to toe....horrible itching....INSANE itching and

> antihistamines would not offer any releif. Each day some would go

> away only to have others appear. I ended up in the ER twice with

> mega dose injections of cortisone and nothing worked. I thought I

> would go mad. I sent to remove the Christmas tree, hired cleaning

> specialists to clean any fabric in the house, carpets, drapes,

> upholstery, mattresses. I kept breaking out.....so I moved into a

> hotel. It just could not enter my brain that I had a food

> allergy...I have eaten anything and everything all of my life. At

> the time I was on 30 mg HC and 100 mcg Cytomel. Thought the dosing

> was ok, altho at times I felt hyper. Well long story short....a

> combo of antishistamines/stomach medicine is what did the trick and

> stopped them. After that I did the battery of tests and was told I

> was allergic to lobster, chocolate and nuts (had been eating all of

> the above).They wanted me to get the weekly injections for this. I

> declined and instead I gave the three foods up for a month. In the

> meantime I went to a naturist to hear another point of view, since I

> try to think out of the box whenever I can. He told me this was a

> typical reaction to OVERINDULGING.....my liver had said " enough " .

> He put me on a whole foods diet of fresh fruits, fresh veggies, and

> only fish protein for a few weeks....boring but I lost 8 lbs! I was

> not to eat ANYTHING with preservatives or anything processed. If I

> broke the diet, it was okay to break it with good nutricious

> foods...not junk. If I just HAD to have beef, then have just a

> little. He also put me on some herbs to cleanse my system. I know

> I'm speaking too soon, but I have not had another incident.


> I have done a lot of subsequent reading and many dr.s feel that

> allergies don't really exist. It is our bodies way of detoxing all

> the junk we're putting into it. I tend to buy into that

> theory...that and low cortisol. Leaky gut is also a strong

> indicator that you might react to some foods. The body senses them

> as foreign, when they spill into the bloodstream, and your body

> produces histamine to commbat the 'invaders'.


> I really do not pay attention to what I eat anymore. I've had the

> lobster, chocolate and nuts again, and absolutely NOTHING happened.


> I'm a firm beleiver in cleaning up the eating act, and everything

> will work out fine. I know many with persistent allergies have not

> had this luck, but I still think cleansing the system is a good idea.


> Hope you find what works for you,


> Naffy

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