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Val - This is beyond me now. Need help.

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Hi Val,

I've been reading the forums for a while and I've been treating

myself for low thyroid and low adrenal with some help from my doctor,

who admits he isn't an expert on thyroid problems. He does do the

tests I ask for, though.

Right now, I'm up to 5 grains of Armour and 45 mgs of

hydrocortisone. My temps are very erratic – bouncing up and down and

rather low. I've never gone up to 98 except when I had a fever with

the flu. Typical average temps range from 95.9 to 97.2. My symptoms

now are double vision, trouble sleeping and constant heart


FT3 is 854 (normal range is 230-420 pg/dl)

FT4 is 2.6 (range: 0.8 – 1.8 ng/dl)

RT3 is 61 (range: 11-32 ng/dl)

Thyroglobin Antibodies: < 20 (<2 IU/ml)

Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies <10 (<35 IU/ml

Sodium 142 (135-146 mmol/L)

Potassium 4.4 (3.5-5.3 mmol/L)

Chloride 106 (98-110 mmol/L)

I just started taking Cytomel to replace the Armour and try to reduce

the RT3, although the ratio isn't that bad. (.14 right?)

I've had my feritin, transferrin, aldosterone and renin tested a year

ago. They are:

ferritin: 84 (range : 20-288 ng/ml)

transferrin: 181 (range 188-341 ng.dl)

aldosterone: <2 ng/dl

renin: 2.1ng/ml/h . (I didn't know to fast salt then, so I know this

is very low).

I'm afraid to take Fludocortisone_because I would have to take it

forever once I start. Instead, I'm using celtic sea salt in water

twice a day, hoping that will help. I don't feel dizzy anymore when

I suddenly stand up so maybe it helped. I tried licorice but my feet

swelled up and I couldn't wear my shoes anymore.

I'm so confused because I'm taking a high dose of both Armour and

hydrocortisone and it seems from my temps that it's still not

enough. My blood pressure on standing after sitting goes up about 6

points now but my cholesterol is still high (212). My symptoms seem

to be hyper symptoms but my body is giving me mixed signals! What

should I do?

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Somewhere along the line you crossed over into hyperland. You never felt

it due to high HC dosing. I think you need less of BOTH thyroid and HC.

Lower Armoru adn HC together that will ease the transition to T3. Yes

you have to much RT3. Anytime the T4 is over range you will have too

much RT3. I prefer to se T4 at 1.4 no higher! I would drop 1 grain

Armoru and 5mg HC NOW and not replace the thyroid with T3 till this drop

settles, then in a couple weeeks drop another grain and another 5mg HC.

Then start weekly replaceing 1 grian Armouri with 25mg T3 till you are

on all T3. If you have trouble in the way. DO email and I can help you

out. Your sodium levels look fine so the sea salt is plenty and the

reason your Aldosterone showed low was thta you didn;t fast salt when

you tested.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Don't forget to add magnesium for the palps...


Terri Stovall, ND

Traditionl Naturopathic Doctor

Get Healthy, LLC


Nature's Sunshine Herbal Supplements


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