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Re: Retainning Water! Val

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Cortisol Saliva

Morning 9.1

Noon 3.4

Evening 5.6

Night 3.4

These were done on 1/31/08

>>I am on 2 gr. Armour and 2.5,2.5,2.5,I am on 2 gr. Armour and



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I did start to take temps, however I stopped. Dr. Rind's graph is too tiny

for my eyes-any idea as to what times of the day I need to take temps. I

will do it again, but not sure how many times a day this needs to be done.

Thanks Val.

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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Thank you!

Since you are so well versed in this horrible disease we are all in

together....I need to run this past you.

My hubby has what the doctors call Acid Reflux (prescribed Previcid), he

gets short winded very easily (new as of 3 years ago), heart has been checked

and checked, lungs checked and nothing showing up. Well Sunday we went food

shopping and while bringing in 4 bags of groceries, he was winded and had

burning in his esophagus. He could not catch his breath. We live in a ranch

house (2 small steps). He is other wise healthy and fit (130 pounds 2% body

fat), he was always running rings around everyone, but lately as of 2 years ago

he cannot get out of the recliner at age 43.

I put some OTC HC cream on him when he was feeling the burning sensation,

and was winded. He felt a lot better within 2 minutes.

I also did the flashlight test on him, which he failed.

I did the white line test on him last night and it stayed white for a longer

time then mine (I am supplementing with Cortef).

He has gone through my entire Cancer from diagnosis to remission, all of

3+years,running me over bridges for surgeries at wee hours in the am. I just

feel if the doctors are ruling out heart, lungs, etc can this very well be

adrenal fatigue? He doe snot have the energy to get moving after his 8 hours


work, and is in the chair immediately after getting home. He has become the

typical couch potato because of this fatigued feeling. Says he has to rest

to get energy to go anywhere. So unlike him.

Any thoughts, Val?

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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Hubby's Values-Blood

Ferritin 93 (20-380)

Free T4 2.3 (1.4-3.8)

TSH 1.60 (.40-4.50)

Cortisol PM 3.3

Glucose 51 (65-99)

DHEA (saliva) 107.6 (137-335)

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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>>I am on 2 gr. Armour and 2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5 HC (just recent switch from OTC

cream). I am retaining water-any idea, thoughts or suggestions as to


Uncovering hypo symptoms or too much HC. Can you post your saliva labs again? I

see way too many to remember individual details.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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You should go to 5 - 2.5 - 2.5 and drop the last dose. Too much too late

in the day. Once you get the first three doses higher then you may need

the fprth, btu not right now. Your daytime doses are not high enough to

suipress your high night time cortils so ti si going too high then with

the last dose.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Now is not the time to change Armoru dosing. You need ot find a stable

dose of HC first. Are you graphing your temps per www.drrind.com ? That

is something you should be doing now.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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You start about 3 hours after you have been awake. Say you normally gt

up at 8 but some days sleep till 9, so you would start at noon for first

temps, take the latest time oyu susally get up to choose the three hou

start. then if noon is first, next would be 3PM then 6PM. Three temps

and add them together and divide by three. This is your daily average.

You compare each daily average to the next day's average which needs to

be 2 tenths of a degree or less to show good adrneal support.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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When on line and the font is to small hit

Alt and + sign and the page will enlarge

do it until it is large enough to read.

If you get it to large just do Alt and - sign

to reduce the font size.

From: Helena412@...

I did start to take temps, however I stopped. Dr. Rind's graph is too tiny

for my eyes-any idea as to what times of the day I need to take temps. I

will do it again, but not sure how many times a day this needs to be done.

Thanks Val.

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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Hubby's Values-Blood

Ferritin 93 (20-380)

Free T4 2.3 (1.4-3.8)

TSH 1.60 (.40-4.50)

Cortisol PM 3.3

Glucose 51 (65-99)

A TSH over 1 would indicatea apossible problem withthyroid to me, and the low

glucose.. he is VERY hypoglycemic! That is typical of adrneal fatigue so I am

guessing that is a HUGE part of his lack of energy. What time was the PM

cortiosl blood draw?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I am just about out of my mind-I am so irritable, ready to bite everyone's

head off. What am I doing wrong. I feel horrible no energy at all (I stopped

DHEA today), thinking that was causing the irritable. I have cut back a

dose of Cortef (removed nighttime dose as per your advise. So as of today, I

am 5, 2.5,2.5 and 2 grains Armour (split sublingual doses). I cannot move

out of my own way. I feel like it is an effort to move any muscle in my body.

Your opinion please,,,,,


I Love Maltese Dogs!


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My temps were an average of 98.1 today (3 readings), one reading was as high

as 98.5 and last week and weeks prior I couldn't raise over 97's. I have

always been in the 97 range. My BP has always been low side of normal, have

not taken it since 2 weeks ago, and it was low.

What are your temps doing? How fast have you raised Armour? BP?


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I ramped up with the cream, then I was prescribed the pills. I just changed

1 dose with pills for 3 days, then I went immediately to all pills, this is

when I noticed the water retention. I felt I could just swap dosage of cream

for dosage of pills and was at 5,5,2.5,2.5-this caused a lot of fluid. So I

asked for your opinion, and it was go back down to 5,2.5,2.5 OMIT the

bedtime dose. This is where I am now. and 2 gr Armour.

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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From your sympotoms you nee dto slowly raise this dose. Yu have ot hit

a balance yet Follow the ramp up schedule in our files. Many times wiht

cortisl it seems we go through stages that feel worse til reaching the

optimal dose. The file is How to Treat Adrenals.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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With all those changes you need ot hold still for at least a week.

Changing steroid dosing too much too fast will onyl confuse the issue an

is a recipe for feeling really bad,.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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With all those changes you need ot hold still for at least a week.

Changing steroid dosing too much too fast will onyl confuse the issue an

is a recipe for feeling really bad,.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I really appreciate your help, Val You are a very kind person to help all

of us. Thank so much for your time and kindness! You're the BEST!

On another note-I think I found the reason for my feeling so very bad for

the last few days-the barometric pressure changes! I know recall how bad they

effect me, but for some reason dismissed them. They really effect my

husband also-so when we were both feeling like we were 150 yrs old, I put 2 and



With all those changes you need ot hold still for at least a week.

Changing steroid dosing too much too fast will onyl confuse the issue an

is a recipe for feeling really bad,.

I Love Maltese Dogs!


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