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Re: [SPAM]Re: Help - Severe ACE Reaction

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I found out I have Hashimoto's (amonth ago) and am waiting for my saliva

results. Reading this stuff is making me scared to death. Does anyone get

better? All signs point to adrenals as well plus perimenopause symptoms

increasing. Is there any hope?


[sPAM] Re: Help - Severe ACE Reaction


I am in the same boat at you, found out I had hashi's about 6 months

ago, couldn't tolerate thyroid meds, couldn't tolerate any adrenal

support of any kind, so I'm on nothing, trying to use supplements and

nutrition to heal myself.

I'm doing OK, but really lack any drive to do much, so obviously

something is not right. I'm also going through meno, so I have no

idea what causes my symptoms--thyroid or sex hormones?

I feel like I'm in limbo with this. Every time I experimented with

various things, the symptoms were awful and would sometimes last for

days. So I'd rather just deal the best I can with how I feel daily

than introduce a substance that puts me over the edge.


> >

> >

> > neuro/immune, like I said. But I don't want to risk it and really

> > crash twice as bad, either. Though I don't think I have twice as bad

> > to go before it would do me in! I just don't know what to think at

> > this point. I can't believe I would get worse like this from adrenal

> > cortex!

> >


> I just ordered some nutricology adrenal cortex yesterday, too, because

> I wanted to see what that would be like in comparison to the adrenal

> aide. I guess I won't be taking that!


> I would really like to know what is happening here, though. Possibly

> it's all neurologically caused, and I think that is a big part of it,

> but when messing with all these hormones, I can't really tell what's

> going on exactly. I am really confused about what the h-ll I am

> supposed to do at this point! everything makes me worse, and doing

> nothing also makes me worse -- although albeit at a much slower rate!


> It's been 6 months since I found out about the hashi's, and I've made

> ZERO progress in treating it since then. In fact, I just keep going

> backward! I feel like just giving up and letting the thyroid take me

> down. at least the quality of life was a lot better than this! some

> carpal tunnel, depression, and cold, big deal. I've never been as sick

> as I have been since I started trying to treat this.


> sorry, just venting -- frustrated and confused. what is the answer

> here???


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I am sorry to hear the two of you sre still not feeling to well.

Darla is is great to hear with all that you sre making progress!

I was in the hopsital 3 weeks ago for low adrenals and borderline

hyppthyroid and was put on

HC and a tad of Armour.

I saw a endo who was supposed to be a top doc and told me to stop both and

test two weeks to seeing him again May 29th.,(about 20 plus serum tests) 7am

fasting. All tests but two were done in the hospiatl.

Val has been trying it help me and has done a fabulous job in breaking

things down in the easiest way for me.

IMy antibodies tests are good so far. I do hear alot of posts and met a gal

Sat. night a a dinner party (I never get out) first time in awhile whose

daughter has 's and it took docs three years to figure out.

Isnti it true that Hashi's can be dificult to figure out because it might

wtay in hypo or yper for awhile and not come up on anti body tests?

I am just so tired of this. I first was diagnosed with Fibro, then CFS and

now I know my adrenals are in about stage 5 or 6 and my thyroid one doc says

is fine but I think it is oderline hypo. I am trying to take no HC fo a

couple more weeks prior to testing, I had salivia test confirming I am low .

Why I am waiting is so that this doc can see I am in adrenal fatigue but if

I can nottake it before the test I will start the HC as I am tired of being

on a merry go round with this doc saying this and this person saying that.

Did all three of you know you ha Hashi's finally by antibodies test

revealing it?



> Plenty of hope. You might hear a lot of problems on these lists. That

> is because the sick ones are still here asking questions and getting

> better. The well ones are better and off having a life.


> I was very ill, kept hypo for many years, menopausal, Hashi's, toasted

> adrenals. I can't tell you how much better I feel with Armour, HC, and

> BRHT. Healing does happen here ... a lot.


> Darla



> >

> > I found out I have Hashimoto's (amonth ago) and am waiting for my

> saliva results. Reading this stuff is making me scared to death. Does

> anyone get better? All signs point to adrenals as well plus

> perimenopause symptoms increasing. Is there any hope?

> >

> > Beth

> >




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