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Night Sweats from cortisol spike?

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I am optimized on 25 mgs Cortef.

Haven't started Armour yet b/c I'm waiting to get B12 up first.

I feel fantastic throughout the day but have been having some night

sweats at around 1-2 am.

My asliva test showed that I was having a cortisol spike at midnight

tho my other levels were in the dirt.

(I'm primary adrenal - not secondary)


Morning 13 normal (13-24 norm)

Noon 1 depressed (5-10 norm)

Afternoon <1 depressed (3-8 norm)

Midnight 7 elevated (1-4 norm)

Now that I'm on Cortef do you think my rythms should've evened out so

that I'm not spiking at midnight like that? or would that still happen?

Is it likely that cortisol is causing the sweats?

I noticed that I don't get them if I take a bit of progesterone cream

- but I haven't been sure about taking prog cream right now as I'm

trying to add as little as possible ata time to see what's doing what.

My DHEA was way low (3) on saliva test also - and is probably even

lower now that I'm on HC right?

Should I add in the progesterone cream on the last 2 weeks of cycle?

Or just start some DHEA?

Grateful for any opinions.

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>>Now that I'm on Cortef do you think my rythms should've evened out so

that I'm not spiking at midnight like that? or would that still happen?<<

Yes but it may to too low at night now.

>>Is it likely that cortisol is causing the sweats?

I noticed that I don't get them if I take a bit of progesterone cream

- but I haven't been sure about taking prog cream right now as I'm

trying to add as little as possible ata time to see what's doing what.<<

Could be high or low cortiosl or low estrogen. As you raise cortiosl estrogen

wil come down, and if it was not too high to begin with it may have fallen too



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I had a bad reaction to Armour after day 3 at 1/2 g(low cortisol

symptoms - had to stress dose) it coincided w/ starting B12 supps and

it was suggested in the thyroid forum that I should stop Armour til I

bring up B12 as B12 effects the way the body absorbs thyroid hormone.

I'm doing fine on HC and B12 today since stopping Armour.

I was just reading thru other posts about night sweats and someone

mentioned that low cortisol can cause night sweats and that when we

get to the 20-25 mg mark on hc, our adrenals start to down regulate

and we may need more hc?

What doyou think of this downregulating theory?

It's interesting to me b/c I am right at 25mgs and have been doing

fantastic - stable temps - thought I could add Armour - but I

couldn't. And now the night sweats and achy adrenals.


> >>Saliva tests said DHEA = 3 (3-10)

> Now that I've been on Cortef for a month it's likely even lower now?<<


> Not necessarily as sometimes propping the adrneals wiht cortisol

helps them produce their other hormones better.


> >>I still need to get on Armour (waiting to get B12 up first)<<


> Why? Low B12 would be helped by taking Armour, never heard of

needing B12 optimal before starting Armour.


> >>Will adding DHEA effect my ability to start Armour?

> Won't DHEA help keep my hormones balanced?

> What are the adverse reactions to watch for if I add some?<<


> Adding DHEA wil not affect Armoru at all. DHEA does alot on it's own

besides converting ot sex hormones. But most that have low sex

hormones it is not from necessarily having loiw DHEA it is because the

body is not converting he hormone scorrectly which is why I always

tell pwople to take the hormones they are LOW in not precursors, this

includes DHEA. Do no6 count on DHEA raising estrogen.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Thanks so much Val. I appreciate your explanations.

As I mentioned in my initial post - using a bit of progesterone cream

at bed time stops the night sweats - so that's why I figured it was

low cortisol rather than low estrogen.


> >>I had a bad reaction to Armour after day 3 at 1/2 g(low cortisol

> symptoms - had to stress dose) it coincided w/ starting B12 supps and

> it was suggested in the thyroid forum that I should stop Armour til I

> bring up B12 as B12 effects the way the body absorbs thyroid hormone.<<


> I have still never heard of this. Been talkign to hypothyroid people

for 20 years and never heard of it. ????


> >>I was just reading thru other posts about night sweats and someone

> mentioned that low cortisol can cause night sweats and that when we

> get to the 20-25 mg mark on hc, our adrenals start to down regulate

> and we may need more hc?<<


> The reason low cortisol causes sweating at night is hypoglycemia,

you would not only be sweating but pounding heart and shaky too. Other

wise I would think nioght sweats could be from cortiosl lowering

estrogen too much. NO ONE knows whne or how much cortisol iut takes to

downregualte adrenal funciton. It varies form person to person because

of absorption and need. So I so not place a number on that either.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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:DIt's all a bloody maze if you ask me!

As far as the B12 effecting Armour- I think it's b/c it helps the body

absorb thyroid hormone better? and that in turn puts stress on adrenals?


> For me progesterone helps some of my low estrogen symptoms, so I am nto

> sure about that either! LOL


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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> Hi All, I've been outa it a while as my server was bouncing my mail

> for some reason. Glad they got it corrected. What, if anything

> can be done for this seasonal affective disorder, or sadness that

> usually comes in March . Getting the flu in March doesn't help,

> but after fighting all winter to stay well, I guess my immune

> system gives out. I'm also beginning to experience some shakiness

> again in the morning. The HC had gotten rid of that. Thank's for

> any information or advice.




> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/




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Good Morning, Val, I;m dosing HC 7.5 mg. at 7:30 am., 7.5 at ll:00 am

and 5 mg at 3:00 pm. This is the Walmart cream HC.

Thank you so much,


> How much adrenal support are you on and how are you dosing it?


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/




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