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Re: Visit with CFS doc today

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> Hi all, I went to the CFS specialist, Jeanne Hubbuch today. Gawd,

> she is so incredibly knowledgable about SO many subjects, it's

> mindboggling! She spent over an hour with me, and talked about what

> my health and what I've been doing with Alica, my energy worker.

> Several weeks ago, Alica did tuning fork acupuncture on me. It was


> DISASTER, left me with a headache for a week, and I just haven't


> well since. Dr Hubbuch *had* wanted to do some sort of tuning


> on my adrenals, but she said that my system is just too senstive


> that... I also can't take reflexology-- just too much. BodyTalk


> acupuncture are really good though.


> We went over my labs... she agrees that my sodium is out of whack--

> even with the " normal " range. She said my level should be much

> higher with all the extra sodium I've been taking each day.


> She did... I guess what you'd call kinesiology tests on me, and she

> feels that all the emotional traumas I've experienced are just

> draining my adrenals. That was one of the BIG things that came out

> of the kinesiology: emotional trauma was off the charts. She said

> that the EMDR and counseling *should* be helping, not making my

> adrenals worse. She wants to put me on Cortef, and on a low-dose

> anti-depressant-- Lexapro. She said that the repetetive thoughts

> just running constantly through my head are just poisonous to my

> system, and my system needs to be calmed ASAP. My energy worker


> said that I absorb emotions from other people, and Helen Trimble


> said that I may be an empath. Dr H said my adrenals aren't

> *crashing*, but the trauma is kicking the stuffing out of them. She

> knew about wei qi, and flower essences, including Rescue Remedy.


> We talked about getting my old amalgam fillings removed in the

> future. She said chlorella would be good if I do that, as it binds


> the mercury.


> She wants me on an alkaline diet, and gave me an antacid, with ph

> testing strips. Avoid gluten, corn and oats; drink more V8 juice.


> She wants me ON the salt for the aldosterone testing, so she can


> what I'm doing NOW. She want me OFF the pregnenolone, since she

> feels that's not helping the way it should.


> She took my BP about 5 times-- sitting, lying down, sitting up,

> standing, sitting again. Pulse, too.



> So, here's what she wants to do:


> Meds:

> Cortef 10 mgs to start, divided dose (after the testing)- (she

> referenced Dr Jefferies' book)

> Lexapro (to start whenever)

> A supplement called Alkala, which has sodium & potassium, twice a



> Testing:

> Aldosterone

> TSH, Free T3, Free T4

> 8 a.m. Cortisol

> Hair tested for mercury


> I'm so amazed that she:

> 1. Knew what Body Talk and EMDR are

> 2. Knew what tuning fork acupuncture is and reflexology

> 3. Knew about Dr Jefferies cortisol book

> 4. Knew about glandulars, herbals and nutrients


> So. I go to my primary doc Friday, with the note from Dr H, asking

> the primary to test the Aldosterone, cortisol and thyroids.


> I feel really positive about the visit. The only bad thing to come

> out of today was when I dropped off the scrips at the pharmacy,


> were out of the 10 mg cortef, and had to order more (not a problem,

> since I can't start them until after the testing); and for the

> Lexapro I have to have a pre-authorization from the doc for my

> insurance company. Of course I learned this at 5.05 p.m. after the

> doc closed up show, but all in all, it was a great day.


> My mom went with me, and she was shocked at the LACK of people

> waiting to see the doc. I said that Dr H doesn't overbook, and

> spends more than 10 minutes with her patients-- usually at LEAST


> hour, so that was why-- and my appointment was the last one of the

> morning, and was an hour long.


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