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Re: Anyone had mercury fillings removed?

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>>A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could


Wekll I sure didn;t have that experience. I had all my TEETH out 2 years ago and

stil had the same level of adrenal fatigue for another year. It has been getting

rid of RT3 and now adjusting sex hormones and thyroid that is helping strengthen

my adrenals.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Hi Kim, I know that if Cheri were around (not Cherie, our other mod),

she would be cautioning you to make sure to try to find a dentist who

follows the proper safety protocols for removing mercury fillings.

There is another Yahoo group - frequent-dose-chelation · Rational

Mercury Detoxification Support - the Cherie belongs to and that I

subscribed to but don't follow yet for people to talk about issues

related to mercury detox. There is a dentist, Cutler who

participates who Cherie says really knows his stuff.

Anyway, your regular dentist would probably be happy to drill those

amalgams out of your head, as mine said he would be when I asked him

about it, but there are safety issues to be aware of and with whacked

out adrenals and thyroid we have to be extra careful.


> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?


> I just read the book, " It's All In Your Head " and I realized that when

> I really started going downhill was after a root canal I had 5 years

> ago.


> Kim


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Hi Kim, I know that if Cheri were around (not Cherie, our other mod),

she would be cautioning you to make sure to try to find a dentist who

follows the proper safety protocols for removing mercury fillings.

There is another Yahoo group - frequent-dose-chelation · Rational

Mercury Detoxification Support - the Cherie belongs to and that I

subscribed to but don't follow yet for people to talk about issues

related to mercury detox. There is a dentist, Cutler who

participates who Cherie says really knows his stuff.

Anyway, your regular dentist would probably be happy to drill those

amalgams out of your head, as mine said he would be when I asked him

about it, but there are safety issues to be aware of and with whacked

out adrenals and thyroid we have to be extra careful.


> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?


> I just read the book, " It's All In Your Head " and I realized that when

> I really started going downhill was after a root canal I had 5 years

> ago.


> Kim


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I have only started to improve after having mine done and starting chelating

using Andy Cutler method - every 3 hours ALA day & night. I suggest you look at

the frequent-dose-chelation yahoo group. For me this was the turning point.


>>A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could


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My husband had high mercury (also lead) and MS symptoms - he went to a

biological dentist where they did it the right way - would remove one quadrant

at a time with rubber dam and such and then immediately go to our holistic

doctor and have IV vitamin C to gather up whatever got spilled. Afterward he

had DMPS IV chelation - 4 times - with the protocol specified by the ACAM group

our doc belongs to. He still has some problems but a LOT of improvement in the

MS and no progression at all. I'm a bit familiar with Cutler and have no

opinion one way or the other except that ALA in large quantities I've read is a

thyroid inhibitor so I don't know. Our doc is one of only about 50 in the

country certified by the board (can't remember the name) - he is very careful

and has good results and I've talked to a number of patients - none had the side

effects that some equate to DMPS chelation. The mercury was gone quickly on

challenge testing. when progressing in MS symptoms we didn't feel we wanted to

spend many many months going through the oral protocols.

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Who is the Doc that did the DMPS chelation and where is he located?



is Baranek wrote:

>immediately go to our holistic doctor and have IV vitamin C to gather up

whatever got spilled. Afterward he had DMPS IV chelation - 4 times - with the

protocol specified by the ACAM group our doc belongs to. Our doc is one of only

about 50 in the country certified by the board (can't remember the name) - he is

very careful and has good results and I've talked to a number of patients - none

had the side effects that some equate to DMPS chelation. The mercury was gone

quickly on challenge testing.<

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> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?


> I just read the book, " It's All In Your Head " and I realized that when

> I really started going downhill was after a root canal I had 5 years

> ago.


> Kim


I had all my amalgams removed in one sitting after getting so sick

from toxic exposure I almost died. The exposure itself damaged my bone

marrow and almost completely wiped out my neutrophils, from normal

10-11 down to around 1.9 overnight. I was sleeping about 18-20 hours

per day for a few months, could barely get out of bed most days, had

lost a lot of weight from damage to the fat cells that were then

flushed out of my body.

Then I had the mercury removed by a dentist who knew what he was doing

- no dams which can make the exposure worse, just carbocaine, no epi,

a vacuum to suck out all the toxic mercury air to the outside, and

generous doses of vitamin C afterward.

36 hours later, I was back to almost normal energy, sleeping 8 hours

again on a normal schedule, head cleared out amazingly, white count

went from 1.9 to 5.3 overnight, and as a bonus, all my allergies were

completely gone. I finished my graduate work, did a sauna for 6 hours

a day for a few weeks, building up from half an hour a day, and felt

almost better than I ever had in my life.

DMPS is pure insanity, I would never recommend anyone go anywhere near

that. It can backfire in your system and totally ruin your life, like

the damage I got from the sulfur gas exposure, and like has happened

to many others who have had DPMS. It's like playing russian roulette,

and you're never going to know if you're one of the ones who it will

backfire in until it's too late. Then once that happens, there is no

going back because the mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA get damaged

and can't be repaired, and then put very simply, you are f-cked. You

will have multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue,

immunological damage and dysfunction, neurotoxicity, hepatic damage,

possibly kidney damage, cellular energy metabolism damage, etc. for

the rest of your life. You might recover somewhat to live relatively

normally, but you will never be 100%, and who knows how long your life

will have been shortened.

You can read more about DMPS backfire here:


DMSA/ALA, etc. are a little safer, but not much. As my mercury doctor

told me: " you're trying to get toxins out of your body, why would you

want to put more in? Eat oatmeal. " The only safe procedure for

detoxing mercury in my opinion is sauna done correctly + time. If you

obsess about getting out the mercury and take some bad chelation that

is bad for you, you are going to pay a major price. Most of the

neurological mercury cannot be gotten out by any of the known

chelators anyway, only by some super heavy duty german chelation drug,

the name of which escapes me right now, but it is so super amazingly

toxic and risky that there is no way that any sane person would try

it. If the risk of backfire with DMPS is maybe like I said like

russian roulette: 1 in 6, then this german stuff is like 50/50 at

best. And other than sauna that is the only way to remove it from the

neurology, where ordinarily it has like a 17-18 year half life. The

others aren't going to get it deep out of your nervous system, they

only remove a little of the extra-cellular mercury, so maybe you feel

better for a little while, but then pretty soon you are not really

that much better again.

In my opinion most people are better off just having their amalgams

removed, and then doing normal, sane, health things like sane

vitamins, most nutrients from food, plenty of clean water, moderate

exercise if no CFS, then graduated exercise, etc. stay away from the

sulfur chelators. Even nutri-clear (cysteine sulfurs) backfired on me,

gave me two " black eyes " for a few years (ie., dark circles under

eyes), and made me allergic to all glutinous grain. " Stay away from

the sulfurs. "


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Yeah, my regular dentist offered to do it. LOL NO, thank you! I am

going to a holistic dentist. He gives you all kinds of supplements

for detoxing. He is my only hope, so I guess I have to take what I

can get. The only other one in town who does it is supposedly not

that good.



> I have only started to improve after having mine done and starting

chelating using Andy Cutler method - every 3 hours ALA day & night.

I suggest you look at the frequent-dose-chelation yahoo group. For

me this was the turning point.

> Val


> >>A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she


> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get


> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?<<




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I've just finished extensive dental work, which involved weekly

appointments for over 6 months. It all started with my suspicion

that I might be hypothyroid, and I wanted my silver fillings out. My

dentist refused - said they were perfectly safe .... and if I wanted

them out, I should find somebody who would do the work - so I did. I

researched and found a holistic dentist near me who has worked with

the late Dr. Jack Levenson (founder of the British Society for

Mercury Free Dentists), and he agreed to take out the fillings. He

found 6, and I had 5 of them removed by him in 2 sittings with

precautions (rubber damn, extra suction and activated charcoal drink

before removal) - no problems for me thereafter in spite of local


The 6th silver filling was in a tooth that had an infection. So I

needed to see a specialist and have a re-root filling. She removed

the amalgam for me - also with rubber dam and extra suction - I

provided the activated charcoal myself on that occasion.... - then it

came to light that I needed more re-root fillings by this specialist,

which I had done, and whilst she was drilling down into my roots, she

came across more amalgam. This was when I decided to have ALL of my

old (30+ years) crowns replaced with all ceramic ones. The crowns

needed replacing anyway, and I could not live with the thought that

crimes might be hiding underneath all those (metal-based) crowns (and

there were plenty). My original dentist had by then come round to my

way of thinking, when he realized that I was not messing about, and

that he had come within a whisker of losing me as a (well paying)

patient. So he agreed to replace all my crowns under my dental plan

(which meant I only had to pay a proportion of the cost). By then he

agreed to anything I wanted... I just had to say the word.

He did everything I asked of him - rubber dam, extra suction and

charcoal.... still - something happened every time he had to use a

local anaesthetic (my gums flared up, I got mouth ulcers and was in

agony for about a week after). I wonder if it was either the local or

if some mercury or vapours had somehow got into my body and did

this ... When the specialist had drilled around in my roots -

whenever possible - I asked for no anaesthetic ... not because I am a

heroin, but because those teeth were dead as a dodo. I reasoned - no

nerve - no pain.... and there was none. But some of the crowns that

needed replacing still had a live nerve and I needed an injection -

and every time I had one, I was in trouble afterwards. - I am

mentioning this because Jeff posted...

*****Then I had the mercury removed by a dentist who knew what he was

doing - no dams which can make the exposure worse, just carbocaine,

no epi, a vacuum to suck out all the toxic mercury air to the

outside, and generous doses of vitamin C afterward.*****

.... and I am now confused - why would a dam make the exposure worse?

I thought this was put in place to isolate the mercury from

accidentally touching the gums and tissues... and what does " just

carbocaine, no epi " mean, please? Is this something that my dentist

did wrong when he gave me the injections?

About this chelating business I have to agree with Jeff. I read about

chemical chelating, and it frightened the living daylight out of me.

I mentioned chelating to this 'mercury free' holistic dentist who

took out the first 5 amalgams, and he said he chelates with only

holistic remedies ... he mentioned 'seagrass' ?????? I haven't

gone back to him yet, as I have just finished with my original

dentist replacing all those crowns, so I don't know what is next in

store for me, but I would be very interested to hear more about the

whole subject. Incidentally, underneath my old crowns there were 4

more large amalgam " cores " hiding..... its all out now, and I am

relieved - but not sure if my feeling better is solely due to the

removal of the mercury. There are so many factors that may have

played a role.

One other thing though.... Three years ago my thyroid blood results

were " normal " - well at least in the eyes of my GP (TSH 2.7) . One

year ago a urinary 24 hour thyroid test showed " subclinical

Hypothyroidism " ..... - but a recent blood test NOW (which time-wise

coincided with the last removal of my amalgam fillings) showed a

sudden rise of TSH to 7.3 and positive Peroxidase Autoantibodies and

led to me finally being " officially " diagnosed with Hashimoto's. - I

wonder if the removal of all this mercury and the stress of 6 months

of dental sessions has activated the autoantibodies.... is that

likely ???

Sorry about the length of this mail,

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> and every time I had one, I was in trouble afterwards. - I am

> mentioning this because Jeff posted...


> *****Then I had the mercury removed by a dentist who knew what he was

> doing - no dams which can make the exposure worse, just carbocaine,

> no epi, a vacuum to suck out all the toxic mercury air to the

> outside, and generous doses of vitamin C afterward.*****


> ... and I am now confused - why would a dam make the exposure worse?

> I thought this was put in place to isolate the mercury from

> accidentally touching the gums and tissues... and what does " just

> carbocaine, no epi " mean, please? Is this something that my dentist

> did wrong when he gave me the injections?


I think the dam can provide a " false sense of security, " since vapors

are not reduced with a dam, so could actually lead to increased

exposure. I also think they are latex which could cause a bad

reaction. If the dentist is using the proper equipment, high volume

evacuator, etc. a dam shouldn't be necessary. But it's up to the

person and the individual dentist, it's a slightly controversial point.

" carbocaine no epi " is the kind of anasthetic: carbocaine with no

epinephrine. I'm not an expert in anaesthetics by any means, but that

is what my mercury doctor and the dentist both recommended, so that is

what I went with. Apparently in their knowledge there are fewer

reactions with that (since they deal with highly sensitive MCS

patients). I've never heard of anyone having a problem with it, but

everyone is different and reacts differently.

If you're reacting to what your dentist is giving, ask him what kind

he's using and if you can try something else. I think they add the epi

to these anaesthetics to reduce bleeding and make it easier on the

doctor/dentist instead of making it easier on the patient, but it's

basically like getting shot up with adrenaline, and who needs that.


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I am new to this list, but have been on several autism sites. I have

also been considering removal of my amalgam fillings and through my

search I recently found this site: www.iaomt.org

From what I can gather, the IAOMT certifies those dentists who have

gone through the training to learn how to safely remove amalgam

fillings. There are 3 levels of training. They list dentists who are

members of the IAOMT and behind their name they list the certification,

if any, that the dentist has. There is also a page on the website that

tells the procedure to use for removing amalgam fillings.

BTW, Andy Cutler is not a dentist, but rather a health care consultant

with a PhD in Chemistry and a BS in Physics. He presents at autism

conferences also since mercury is thought to be a part of the cause of

autism. From what I remember of his presentation, he got into the

amalgam area due to personal illness due to amalgams.


Re: Anyone had mercury fillings removed?




Posted by: " jasrich " jasrich@...



jasrich http://profiles.yahoo.com/jasrich>

Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:05 am (PST)

Hi Kim, I know that if Cheri were around (not Cherie, our other mod),

she would be cautioning you to make sure to try to find a dentist who

follows the proper safety protocols for removing mercury fillings.

There is another Yahoo group - frequent-dose-

chelation · Rational

Mercury Detoxification Support - the Cherie belongs to and that I

subscribed to but don't follow yet for people to talk about issues

related to mercury detox. There is a dentist, Cutler who

participates who Cherie says really knows his stuff.

Anyway, your regular dentist would probably be happy to drill those

amalgams out of your head, as mine said he would be when I asked him

about it, but there are safety issues to be aware of and with whacked

out adrenals and thyroid we have to be extra careful.


> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?


> I just read the book, " It's All In Your Head " and I realized that when

> I really started going downhill was after a root canal I had 5 years

> ago.


> Kim

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I had all my amalgam fillings removed about 33 years ago. Then about

25 years ago, a dentist put one in, but I could not tolerate it and it

was replaced with composite.

I don't eat ocean fish, seafood, or any seaweeds so don't think I have

a source of mercury in my diet.

Looking back, I can trace symptoms that could have been hypoT or

adrenal fatigue for nearly all my life, but I only got really bad these

past 10-15 years.

So I have to say, removing my amalgams did nothing positive for me.

But I also have to say, in those days, they just drilled them out, no

precautions taken whatsoever. If I had become very mercury toxic from

that I'd have thought I'd have been having serious problems rather

suddenly, and I don't remember anything like that. From what people

describe, it seems unlikely I would not have noticed some sudden problems.


heluvsmenu wrote:

> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered.

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Thanks for not mincing words, Jeff:

" DMPS is pure insanity, I would never recommend anyone go anywhere

near that. It can backfire in your system and totally ruin your life,

like the damage I got from the sulfur gas exposure, and like has

happened to many others who have had DPMS. It's like playing russian

roulette, and you're never going to know if you're one of the ones who

it will backfire in until it's too late. "

I had one DMPS push a year after my fillings were replaced. The object

was to do a challenge test and see how much mercury came out in my

urine. I'll never go near it again! Eight hours after the DMPS was

administered (middle of the night) I had acute visceral pain, couldn't

even move.

The next day, I found the DMPS backfire website, and discovered that

my reaction was probably porphyrinopathy. It is a nervous system

reaction, and it can leave you with permanent nerve damage, up to and

including paralysis. Those who still have their amalgams are at the

greatest risk.

There must have been an angel watching over me when I had my first

toxic metals urinalysis done (while I still had amalgams). My ND said

she usually uses a DMPS push as the challenge agent, but she didn't

have any on hand, so we would use oral DMSA instead. That may have

been the luckiest day of my life!

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Laurel - First, thanks for the web site info. I did want to ask, I

seem to be noticing chelation to be of big interest with the autism

groups. Have you gotten any feedback on the chelating agent called

liquid zeolites? I've done some searching and have found three schools

of thought on it: 1) people telling how wonderful it is AND also

willing to sell you some - this group is PLENTIFUL, 2) a few

testimonials that are positive and 3) one health consultant who is

opposed to it until the organization selling it can provide additional

info. I've just started to become familiar with Andy Cutler, but he

seems knowledgable. I didn't notice anything about it in his book.

(His book may be older than zeolite.)

I was just wondering if you may know of any studies done. According to

the marketing and testimonials, it's supposed to be great - then

again, cigarettes were too when they first came out.


> I am new to this list, but have been on several autism sites. I have

> also been considering removal of my amalgam fillings and through my

> search I recently found this site: www.iaomt.org


> BTW, Andy Cutler is not a dentist, but rather a health care consultant

> with a PhD in Chemistry and a BS in Physics. He presents at autism

> conferences also since mercury is thought to be a part of the cause of

> autism. From what I remember of his presentation, he got into the

> amalgam area due to personal illness due to amalgams.


> Laurel


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> A friend of mine who had severe adrenal fatigue said that was the

> turning point for her, when she had her amalgams replaced she finally

> got better and recovered. I am going to have this done when we get our

> income tax money. I was hoping someone else had tried it and could

> share?


I had most of mine done recently by dentist, who's a holistic dentist.

He didn't use a damn, just a high powered vacum. He told me to eat 4

bunches of organic celandro (sp?) per day. He found several cavaties

beneath the fillings. He told me that mercury fillings allow leakage.

I didn't have any bad effects that I know of.

Good luck.

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I have seen some discussion about zeolite on the autism biomedical

discussion list, but nothing definitive. We were done chelating my son

by the time it was discussed so I didn't pay a lot of attention. We used

DMSA and DMPS. I don't believe our DAN doctor uses it. I just went back

to the archives and looked for info on zeolites. Some have used it and

think it was successful, others said it had no effect. I found one

comment interesting, it said that zeolites are minerals which trap

metals heavier than themselves and are used industrially to clean

polluted water, etc and that a study of zeolites inside the human body

was in preparation, but never seems to arrive.

Some people swear by Andy Cutler and others swear about him. I never

formed an opinion either way. His lecture seemed to make sense, but we

were done chelating by the time I heard him speak. When I get to the

point of having my fillings removed, I will probably revisit the

information I got from his lecture.


Re: Anyone had mercury fillings removed?




Posted by: " smylze111 " smylze111@...



smylze111 http://profiles.yahoo.com/smylze111>

Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:03 pm (PST)

Laurel - First, thanks for the web site info. I did want to ask, I

seem to be noticing chelation to be of big interest with the autism

groups. Have you gotten any feedback on the chelating agent called

liquid zeolites? I've done some searching and have found three schools

of thought on it: 1) people telling how wonderful it is AND also

willing to sell you some - this group is PLENTIFUL, 2) a few

testimonials that are positive and 3) one health consultant who is

opposed to it until the organization selling it can provide additional

info. I've just started to become familiar with Andy Cutler, but he

seems knowledgable. I didn't notice anything about it in his book.

(His book may be older than zeolite.)

I was just wondering if you may know of any studies done. According to

the marketing and testimonials, it's supposed to be great - then

again, cigarettes were too when they first came out.


> I am new to this list, but have been on several autism sites. I have

> also been considering removal of my amalgam fillings and through my

> search I recently found this site: www.iaomt.org


> BTW, Andy Cutler is not a dentist, but rather a health care consultant

> with a PhD in Chemistry and a BS in Physics. He presents at autism

> conferences also since mercury is thought to be a part of the cause of

> autism. From what I remember of his presentation, he got into the

> amalgam area due to personal illness due to amalgams.


> Laurel

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smylze111 wrote:

According to

> the marketing and testimonials, it's supposed to be great - then

> again, cigarettes were too when they first came out.


Too true, I remember my mother tellling me in her childhood cigarrettes

were Rx'd for asthma.




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