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Negative effects of steroids only occur at doses higher than the

ones used here, which are below the amount of cortisol put out by the

adrenals themselves. We use relatively SMALL amounts of bio-

identical cortisol as essential hormone replace that is ONLY enough

to replace what the adrenals cannot produce. Used this way, the

body's cortisol amount is returned to what it normally is, which has

a number of POSITIVE benefits. The drug inserts don't mention this

because no-one does studies on low doses of cortisol..

The adrenals MUST be supported before starting Armour. Cortisol

is also required for the thyroid hormones in Armour to even work as


Cotef is different than Medrol, Prednisone, etc. Cotef is

indentical to what your own adrenals produce, Prednisone and other

drugs are not. These drugs last longer in the system, and probably

are more likely to cause adrenal suppression because of this. Cotef

is optimally dosed every 3-4 hours, and the dose is decreased

throughout the day. This helps to keep the natural adrenal output

" alive " .

I *highly* recommend the book " Safe Uses Of Cortisol " by Dr.

Jeffries. (if you get if from the publisher directly it is

cheaper than from Amazon) This explains the same uses of small doses

of cortisol, and a number of the benefits of such therapy.

Morning cortisol should be at least 20 in women. The rest of

the numbers are low, except for midnight, which is high. This is

probably becase the body isn't producing enough coritsol early, and

so by midnight it manages to create enough to make that number high.

Herbs can only work with what cortisol you already have. Glandulars

might be able to help a bit, but probably not enough to allow the

adrenals to heal.


> Please help me - I'm freaking out.

> I have Hashi's and pretty severe adrenal exhaustion:

> My Saliva Test Results:


> Cortisol:

> Morning 13 (13-24)

> Noon 1 (5-10)

> Afternoon <1 (3-8)

> Midnight 7 (1-4)


> Cortisol burden = 22

> DHEA = 3


> I'm s'posed to start HC this week, and now I'm freaking

> out about it!


> I've always treated everything herbally and now I feel

> like I'm about to embark upon a really heavy duty

> RX treatment!

> All this was compounded by reading this this morning:



> http://fourfoldhealing.com/2007/11/08/getting-off-steroids/>


> " The side effects of cortisone, prednisone, and similar drugs are

> legendary. They include diabetes, osteoporosis, edema of the face,

> mood

> swings, stomach ulcers and, very importantly, adrenal suppression. In

> other words, your own adrenal glands shut off their production of

> these

> valuable hormones. Why not, since they essentially have been

> " told " by the prednisone that the adrenals are no longer needed.

> This bargain, then, becomes a nightmare as the effectiveness of the

> drugs wears off, side effects become more serious and the patient is

> unable to stop taking the medication.Of all the tragic situations I

> have

> dealt with in my practice, this all-too-common occurrence stands at

> the

> top of the list. "


> I guess I'm looking for someone to talk me down!


> Are Cortef and Medrol different than Prednisone?

> Do those of you on them regret it?


> I am really wanting to start Armour, and I guess I need to support

> adrenals w. HC first????


> Are my adrenals too tired to use herbs or glandulars?


> Is HC going to put my adrenals asleep forever and cause all those side

> effects???


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Negative effects of steroids only occur at doses higher than the

ones used here, which are below the amount of cortisol put out by the

adrenals themselves. We use relatively SMALL amounts of bio-

identical cortisol as essential hormone replace that is ONLY enough

to replace what the adrenals cannot produce. Used this way, the

body's cortisol amount is returned to what it normally is, which has

a number of POSITIVE benefits. The drug inserts don't mention this

because no-one does studies on low doses of cortisol..

The adrenals MUST be supported before starting Armour. Cortisol

is also required for the thyroid hormones in Armour to even work as


Cotef is different than Medrol, Prednisone, etc. Cotef is

indentical to what your own adrenals produce, Prednisone and other

drugs are not. These drugs last longer in the system, and probably

are more likely to cause adrenal suppression because of this. Cotef

is optimally dosed every 3-4 hours, and the dose is decreased

throughout the day. This helps to keep the natural adrenal output

" alive " .

I *highly* recommend the book " Safe Uses Of Cortisol " by Dr.

Jeffries. (if you get if from the publisher directly it is

cheaper than from Amazon) This explains the same uses of small doses

of cortisol, and a number of the benefits of such therapy.

Morning cortisol should be at least 20 in women. The rest of

the numbers are low, except for midnight, which is high. This is

probably becase the body isn't producing enough coritsol early, and

so by midnight it manages to create enough to make that number high.

Herbs can only work with what cortisol you already have. Glandulars

might be able to help a bit, but probably not enough to allow the

adrenals to heal.


> Please help me - I'm freaking out.

> I have Hashi's and pretty severe adrenal exhaustion:

> My Saliva Test Results:


> Cortisol:

> Morning 13 (13-24)

> Noon 1 (5-10)

> Afternoon <1 (3-8)

> Midnight 7 (1-4)


> Cortisol burden = 22

> DHEA = 3


> I'm s'posed to start HC this week, and now I'm freaking

> out about it!


> I've always treated everything herbally and now I feel

> like I'm about to embark upon a really heavy duty

> RX treatment!

> All this was compounded by reading this this morning:



> http://fourfoldhealing.com/2007/11/08/getting-off-steroids/>


> " The side effects of cortisone, prednisone, and similar drugs are

> legendary. They include diabetes, osteoporosis, edema of the face,

> mood

> swings, stomach ulcers and, very importantly, adrenal suppression. In

> other words, your own adrenal glands shut off their production of

> these

> valuable hormones. Why not, since they essentially have been

> " told " by the prednisone that the adrenals are no longer needed.

> This bargain, then, becomes a nightmare as the effectiveness of the

> drugs wears off, side effects become more serious and the patient is

> unable to stop taking the medication.Of all the tragic situations I

> have

> dealt with in my practice, this all-too-common occurrence stands at

> the

> top of the list. "


> I guess I'm looking for someone to talk me down!


> Are Cortef and Medrol different than Prednisone?

> Do those of you on them regret it?


> I am really wanting to start Armour, and I guess I need to support

> adrenals w. HC first????


> Are my adrenals too tired to use herbs or glandulars?


> Is HC going to put my adrenals asleep forever and cause all those side

> effects???


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HC is much different than prednisone and how the body reacts to it. I

took prednisone a couple of years ago with terrible consequences. My

body completely freaked out on it. I am also severely adrenal

fatigued. I have been taking HC from my local compounding pharmacy for

about 3 months now and it is wonderful. My latest saliva test showed

improvement in my adrenals and I feel it also. Much improved. I have

a ways to go, but I'm on the right track.


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HC is much different than prednisone and how the body reacts to it. I

took prednisone a couple of years ago with terrible consequences. My

body completely freaked out on it. I am also severely adrenal

fatigued. I have been taking HC from my local compounding pharmacy for

about 3 months now and it is wonderful. My latest saliva test showed

improvement in my adrenals and I feel it also. Much improved. I have

a ways to go, but I'm on the right track.


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Thank you so much Jim & Deborah for your explanations! They really

shed a lot of light on the issue for me.

I think I feel better about starting Cortef this week now.

There's so much conflicting info out there it's hard to know what to

believe. But using physiological doses of bioidentical substances that

my body isn't able to produce right now does make sense.

I'm so eager to get on Armour and give my body the much needed thyroid

hormones it's been lacking for so long now.

Thank you very much for talking me out of my tree!!!




> HC is much different than prednisone and how the body reacts to it. I

> took prednisone a couple of years ago with terrible consequences. My

> body completely freaked out on it. I am also severely adrenal

> fatigued. I have been taking HC from my local compounding pharmacy for

> about 3 months now and it is wonderful. My latest saliva test showed

> improvement in my adrenals and I feel it also. Much improved. I have

> a ways to go, but I'm on the right track.


> Deborah


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Just don't be too eager to get started on Armour thyroid. I did this

without knowing the terrible consequences. Forgot to mention that in

my last post. I went to a dr. that had no clue that I needed to get my

adrenals strengthened first before starting Armour. I felt worse than

I have ever felt after taking Armour while having severe adrenal

fatigue. It lasted for several weeks and it's a lesson I'll never

forget. I am totally focused on taking the hydrocortisone and getting

my adrenals in a better place. I used to barely be able to get out of

bed in the morning, I felt so much fatigue. I can really tell an

improvement since taking the HC. Hang in there. You will feel better,

just be patient.


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Thanks Deborah!

And I'm glad you're feeling better. Hope you can get optimized on

Armour soon :)


> Just don't be too eager to get started on Armour thyroid. I did this

> without knowing the terrible consequences. Forgot to mention that in

> my last post. I went to a dr. that had no clue that I needed to get my

> adrenals strengthened first before starting Armour. I felt worse than

> I have ever felt after taking Armour while having severe adrenal

> fatigue. It lasted for several weeks and it's a lesson I'll never

> forget. I am totally focused on taking the hydrocortisone and getting

> my adrenals in a better place. I used to barely be able to get out of

> bed in the morning, I felt so much fatigue. I can really tell an

> improvement since taking the HC. Hang in there. You will feel better,

> just be patient.


> Deborah


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Thing is, to continue working your job or supporting your family in

some way, you have to keep on trucking.

If you take a break, go live in a mountain with good air and water

from there, along with no responsibilities, the adrenals will heal I

can guarantee it.

There are some underlying causes of course, perhaps such as sex

hormones being off and of course your hashi's stressed you out.

It will be safe and you will be ok if you keep the dosage low. What

is " low " is different for everyone. Personally I stayed around 10mg

cortef and felt good there. For my body size I don't think I should

ever go past 20mg for example. Just move up slowly as Val mentions

and you will find a sweet spot that lets your adrenals calm down.

You also have to make a change in your lifestyle and personality when

it's regarding stressful situations.

Every time you hit the " fight or flight " button in your body, or ask

for more energy, you are damaging the adrenals. Take a break from

workouts, quit a few clubs/hobbies, as soon as possible.

It's possible to heal it naturally, but unless you quit and take a 2

year vacation from life's responsibilities it may not work and not

many of us have this priviledge to take a break.

Cortisol supplementation let me continue working full time as I found

out about my crash. In fact, I'm very doing very well now at work

and can play sports when before I couldn't.


> Please help me - I'm freaking out.

> I have Hashi's and pretty severe adrenal exhaustion:

> My Saliva Test Results:


> Cortisol:

> Morning 13 (13-24)

> Noon 1 (5-10)

> Afternoon <1 (3-8)

> Midnight 7 (1-4)


> Cortisol burden = 22

> DHEA = 3


> I'm s'posed to start HC this week, and now I'm freaking

> out about it!


> I've always treated everything herbally and now I feel

> like I'm about to embark upon a really heavy duty

> RX treatment!

> All this was compounded by reading this this morning:



> http://fourfoldhealing.com/2007/11/08/getting-off-steroids/>


> " The side effects of cortisone, prednisone, and similar drugs are

> legendary. They include diabetes, osteoporosis, edema of the face,


> swings, stomach ulcers and, very importantly, adrenal suppression.


> other words, your own adrenal glands shut off their production of


> valuable hormones. Why not, since they essentially have been

> " told " by the prednisone that the adrenals are no longer needed.

> This bargain, then, becomes a nightmare as the effectiveness of the

> drugs wears off, side effects become more serious and the patient is

> unable to stop taking the medication.Of all the tragic situations I


> dealt with in my practice, this all-too-common occurrence stands at


> top of the list. "


> I guess I'm looking for someone to talk me down!


> Are Cortef and Medrol different than Prednisone?

> Do those of you on them regret it?


> I am really wanting to start Armour, and I guess I need to support

> adrenals w. HC first????


> Are my adrenals too tired to use herbs or glandulars?


> Is HC going to put my adrenals asleep forever and cause all those


> effects???


> :o







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researchinmachine wrote:

> It's possible to heal it naturally, but unless you quit and take a 2

> year vacation from life's responsibilities it may not work and not

> many of us have this priviledge to take a break.


It seems to me that once such a healing break was over, going back to a

regular daily life would just trash them all over again, no?


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If they behave and are treated similarily once returning, yes.

Theoretically though, once you get out of the cycle you should be good

to go and not fall back again. The hormones in the body all play a

very fine line in balancing each other. Adrenal fatigue disrupts all

of this and actually makes itself worse and worse.

What I'm surprised is that the body has no natural healing mechanism

for this as it does for cases of disease and failure. I guess we

haven't figured it out yet other than sleeping on some mountain. Or,

we plain weren't designed to live in a " civilized " country with toxins.

> > It's possible to heal it naturally, but unless you quit and take a


> > year vacation from life's responsibilities it may not work and not

> > many of us have this priviledge to take a break.

> >

> It seems to me that once such a healing break was over, going back to


> regular daily life would just trash them all over again, no?

> sol


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Thank you so much for the replies.

Greatly appreciated!

I'm calmer now and have taken my first 2 doses of cortef

2.5 /day for 2 days now and it felt wondrful!

It really calmed me down a lot when I read the Peatfield book

cover to cover in the bath tub the other night!

I had let myself get spooked by the idea of being on a steroid - and

one that I could die if I just stopped taking it. " Life alert

bracelets " and " impaired immune function " and " adrenals put to sleep "

kept creeping thru my foggy brain!

Once I understood the dif between using physiological doses of

bioidentical vs using therapeutic doses of prednisone etc I felt much


I will take it super slow and be on the lookout for that sweet spot.

I am convinced that along w the stresses of modern living, being

perimenopausal (erratic hormones) and hypo/hashi's being under/wrongly

treated for so long by T4 only meds really did in the adrenals. My

labs show that my poor bod has been trying to convert all that storage

hormone to something usable, and my tired adrenals probably ran out of

steam, and cortisol, and progesterone, etc...

Thanks again very much for your information, experience, and words of

support. they really mean the world to someone up a tree!


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