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Article: Can Testosterone Be Good for You?

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Saw this on another group and felt it pertinent to recent discussions!


Can Testosterone Be Good for You?



Bio-Identical Testosterone Treatment for Both Men and Women

Dear Readers,

Many anti-aging specialists are finding that natural bio-identical testosterone

creams (not to be confused with high dose synthetics injected illegally by some

athletes) keep those over 50 years old younger and healthier—and this is for

both men and women! A rapidly expanding collection of research is showing that

optimizing testosterone in men:

1. Decreases the risk of heart disease, including angina, and helps

reverse heart disease when present—while lowering cholesterol levels .

2. Improves insulin sensitivity, thus improving blood sugar control in

diabetics as well as decreasing a major cause of heart disease and diabetes

called " metabolic syndrome. "

3. Improves muscle mass.

4. Improves libido and sexual function.

5. Decreases depression.

In women, optimizing testosterone along with using safe BIO-IDENTICAL estrogen


dentical_hormones.html and progesterone seems to work the best, helping energy,

libido and overall well being. As is usually the case, be sure to use

bio-identical hormones. When looking at the overall safety and effectiveness

data, one finds that treating testosterone deficiency in men (called

" Andropause " ) as well as in women can help you feel young and vital late into


Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers also specialize in bio-identical

hormone replacement as do many Holistic physicians. Optimizing a low or low

normal testosterone level can also have marked benefits for those with CFS and

Fibromyalgia. For those of you who would like more details, let's look at the

issue more closely.

The Reproductive Glands

Many people going through midlife develop fatigue, poor libido or depression.74

This includes men and women alike. Researchers have found that if the estrogen

and testosterone levels in females or the testosterone level in males is low, a

trial replacement of these hormones can bring about dramatic improvement and is

therefore worth considering. An under active adrenal gland can aggravate this


Low Testosterone—Not Only a Male Problem!

Low testosterone is associated with many problems, including fatigue,

depression, poor stamina, osteoporosis, muscle wasting, diabetes, high

cholesterol, weight gain and poor libido. Low testosterone, classified as being

in the lowest 20 percent of the normal range, is a major problem in 70 percent

of my male patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia. The severity of the problem has

worsened, as men's average testosterone levels have dropped by 16 percent over

the last 15 years.75 Although testosterone levels are normally much lower in

females, deficiencies in women cause similar problems. Testosterone is critical

in females as well as males, and I find low free testosterone levels in most

female CFS/FMS patients as well. It is important, then, to check the free, or

unbound, blood testosterone level in both men and women. This measures the

active form of the hormone. A serum (or total) testosterone level measures

mostly the inactive storage form of the hormone. Inactive (total) testosterone

levels are often normal despite an inadequate level of the critical active

(free) testosterone.

Optimizing testosterone levels can result in many benefits in people with CFS

and Fibromyalgia. After six to eight weeks, the effect of treatment is often

marked. Benefits include:

1. In women with Fibromyalgia, a study done by Professor Hilary White of

Dartmouth University showed that giving natural testosterone decreased fatigue

and pain.76

2. Fibromyalgia and CFS are associated with decreased red blood cell

levels. Testosterone supplementation is a highly effective way of increasing the

blood cell levels.

3. Testosterone can improve libido which is low in 73% of CFS and

Fibromyalgia patients.77-79

4. Testosterone increases bone density, therefore decreasing the risk of


5. Testosterone improves mood and decreases depression.81

6. Testosterone increases muscle strength and decreases fat levels.

7. Research has shown that men who have low testosterone are at greater

risk of premature death. For example, one study which followed men over 40 years

old for five years found that the men with low testosterone levels were 88

percent more likely to die during that period.82, 83

8. Low testosterone is associated with an increased risk of high

cholesterol, angina84, 85 and diabetes.86

9. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been associated with a possible decrease

in the heart's ability to pump blood, and testosterone improves heart


As is the case with most hormones, keeping testosterone levels optimal using

bio-identical hormones seems to be very helpful in CFS and Fibromyalgia and also

appears to be associated with increased health and longevity. However, it is

important that we not confuse giving safe levels of bio-identical natural

testosterone with the high dose, synthetic, and toxic testosterone that

bodybuilders sometimes use.

Testing for Low Testosterone

Again, it is important to check the free (not just total) testosterone. Most

laboratories can test free testosterone only if they also measure the total

testosterone—this is a normal procedure. Be sure that the normal ranges for

the lab results are broken down by ten-year age groups: thirty-one to forty

years old, forty-one to fifty years old, and so on. It is meaningless to have a

normal range that includes eighty year-olds if you're twenty-eight. Bizarrely,

some labs even have a normal range for women's testosterone levels that begins

at zero. This would be like having a normal range for women's heights that go

from 0-72 inches! If your result is below normal, or even in the lowest 25

percent of the normal range, I would consider a trial of natural, bio-identical

testosterone therapy. Some researchers find that checking the levels of proteins

that " bind or carry " testosterone (SHBG—Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) and a

total testosterone level and then calculating the free testosterone level is

more reliable. For now, keeping the " free testosterone " in the upper one third

of the normal range should suffice.

Treating Low Testosterone

For men under 50, it is often best to simply stimulate your body's own

production of testosterone using a low dose of a medication called clomiphene (a

" Clomiphene Stimulation Test " will tell you if this will work for you). In men

over 50, I recommend using topical testosterone creams or gels, applying 25-100

mg to the skin each morning. This is available from regular pharmacies (Androgel

or Testim 1 percent gel), but the form made by compounding pharmacies is much

less expensive if you do not have prescription insurance. Be aware that if the

skin where it is applied comes in contact with a woman's skin (e.g. after a hug

or if you do not wash your hands after applying the cream), this can result in

very high, undesirable and unsafe levels in that woman's body. Always be sure to

wash your hands after applying the cream.

I do not recommend taking testosterone by mouth in males as it can dramatically

worsen cholesterol levels since testosterone goes to the liver first when taken

by mouth, which is where cholesterol is made. I also do not recommend injections

because this results in very high levels for the first few days after the

injection and in very low levels a week later. Testosterone pellets that are

injected under the abdominal fat each 4-6 months may well be the best approach,

but it is difficult to find physicians trained in this technique. There are

newer injections that can slow release testosterone over several months that

also hold promise.

For women, testosterone treatment is easier. I recommended the natural

testosterone creams made by compounding pharmacies. The usual dose is 1-5

milligrams a day (1-2 mg is optimal for most women). If you also need estrogen

or progesterone, all three of the hormones can be combined in the same cream,

resulting in increased simplicity and a lower cost. With this dosing, most women

feel more energy and have thicker hair, younger skin and improved libido.

Adjust the testosterone level to the dose that feels best, checking blood levels

to make sure they do not go above the upper limit of normal. Most people feel

best with a blood level around the 70th percentile of the normal range. Although

testosterone treatment helps male diabetics, if the dose goes too high in women

it can promote diabetes. So keep the testosterone blood level in the normal


Potential Side Effects

In men, acne suggests the dose is too high. It is important to monitor levels

because, as in body builders who abuse testosterone by taking many times the

recommended dose, elevated levels can cause elevated blood counts, liver

inflammation, a decreased sperm count with resulting infertility (usually

reversible), and elevated cholesterols with increased risk of heart disease.

Because of this, in men, a testosterone level, PSA, complete blood count (CBC),

cholesterol test, and liver enzymes test should be done occasionally.

Testosterone supplementation can also cause elevated thyroid hormone levels in

men taking thyroid supplements. In men who are on thyroid supplements, consider

rechecking thyroid hormone levels after six weeks if you get a racing heart or

anxious/hyper feelings.

It is important to note that testosterone can be converted to two other

hormones—estrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone). If the estrogen level rises

too high in males, breast size may increase and erections may decrease. Because

of this, it may be reasonable to also check total estrogen levels while on

testosterone and, if they are elevated, to add a medication called Arimidex (1/2

mg every other day), which blocks the conversion to estrogen. DHT level can also

become elevated, resulting in a higher risk of prostate enlargement.88

As noted above, in men, most studies show that bringing low testosterone up to

the normal level is very healthy. Testosterone decreases angina and leg artery

blockages, improves cholesterol, and helps improve insulin function in

diabetics. In a small percent of men, problems with slowing urination and a

worsening of male pattern baldness is seen. If this occurs, these side effects

can usually be blocked by taking the herb saw Palmetto (160 mg twice daily)

along with the testosterone. Fortunately, both of these problems have been

fairly uncommon.

Treatment with testosterone in men has NOT been shown to increase prostate size

or the blood test marker for prostate cancer (PSA).89 In addition, a review of

18 studies


ed_with_prostate_cancer.html showed that testosterone treatment does not

increase the risk of prostate cancer.

In women, if acne, intense dreams, or darkening of facial hair occurs, the dose

is too high and should be decreased. These effects, which can also occur with

DHEA supplementation, are usually reversible. These side effects can also be

caused by an estrogen level that is too low relative to testosterone, and may be

avoided by supplementing both together. If you choose to take testosterone and

estrogen separately, it may be best to use estrogen for four to eight weeks

before starting testosterone. This often decreases side effects.

For many patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia, improvements in stamina, energy,

and overall sense of wellness have been dramatic, and treating low testosterone

levels has been an important part of treatment. For healthy men and women

entering Andropause and Menopause that have suboptimal testosterone levels,

bio-identical, natural testosterone can help keep you very young, very late into

your life!


1. Finding a physician: Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers also

specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement (www.FibroandFatigue.com) as do

many Holistic physicians (see www.HolisticBoard.org).

2. Finding a compounding pharmacy. Quality control is critical, so find a

compounding pharmacy that pays attention to detail. Two of my favorites are ITC

Pharmacy ( ) and Cape Apothecary (). The pharmacists at

both of these are superb, and will be happy to guide your physician on the best

dose and form to prescribe for you (they can mail it to you after your physician

calls in the prescription).

3. For more information on bio-identical hormone replacement, or the research

studies referenced in the footnotes, see my book “From Fatigued to


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Guest guest

Liz thanks! I had read that article too. Does seem we still need it

post meno. But my main concern is supplementing it while having

current hairloss.



> Hi,


> Saw this on another group and felt it pertinent to recent



> Liz




> Can Testosterone Be Good for You?

> http://www.endfatigue-dev.com/health_articles_f-n/Hormones-


> Bio-Identical Testosterone Treatment for Both Men and Women


> Dear Readers,


> Many anti-aging specialists are finding that natural bio-identical

testosterone creams (not to be confused with high dose synthetics

injected illegally by some athletes) keep those over 50 years old

younger and healthier†" and this is for both men and women! A

rapidly expanding collection of research is showing that optimizing

testosterone in men:


> 1. Decreases the risk of heart disease, including angina,

and helps reverse heart disease when present†" while lowering

cholesterol levels .


> 2. Improves insulin sensitivity, thus improving blood sugar

control in diabetics as well as decreasing a major cause of heart

disease and diabetes called " metabolic syndrome. "


> 3. Improves muscle mass.


> 4. Improves libido and sexual function.


> 5. Decreases depression.



> In women, optimizing testosterone along with using safe BIO-

IDENTICAL estrogen http://www.endfatigue.com/health_articles_f-

n/Hormones-safety_effectiveness_bioidentical_hormones.html and

progesterone seems to work the best, helping energy, libido and

overall well being. As is usually the case, be sure to use bio-

identical hormones. When looking at the overall safety and

effectiveness data, one finds that treating testosterone deficiency

in men (called " Andropause " ) as well as in women can help you feel

young and vital late into life!


> Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers also specialize in

bio-identical hormone replacement as do many Holistic physicians.

Optimizing a low or low normal testosterone level can also have

marked benefits for those with CFS and Fibromyalgia. For those of

you who would like more details, let's look at the issue more



> The Reproductive Glands

> Many people going through midlife develop fatigue, poor libido or

depression.74 This includes men and women alike. Researchers have

found that if the estrogen and testosterone levels in females or the

testosterone level in males is low, a trial replacement of these

hormones can bring about dramatic improvement and is therefore worth

considering. An under active adrenal gland can aggravate this



> Low Testosterone†" Not Only a Male Problem!

> Low testosterone is associated with many problems, including

fatigue, depression, poor stamina, osteoporosis, muscle wasting,

diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain and poor libido. Low

testosterone, classified as being in the lowest 20 percent of the

normal range, is a major problem in 70 percent of my male patients

with CFS and Fibromyalgia. The severity of the problem has worsened,

as men's average testosterone levels have dropped by 16 percent over

the last 15 years.75 Although testosterone levels are normally much

lower in females, deficiencies in women cause similar problems.

Testosterone is critical in females as well as males, and I find low

free testosterone levels in most female CFS/FMS patients as well. It

is important, then, to check the free, or unbound, blood

testosterone level in both men and women. This measures the active

form of the hormone. A serum (or total) testosterone level measures

mostly the inactive storage form of the hormone. Inactive (total)

testosterone levels are often normal despite an inadequate level of

the critical active (free) testosterone.


> Optimizing testosterone levels can result in many benefits in

people with CFS and Fibromyalgia. After six to eight weeks, the

effect of treatment is often marked. Benefits include:


> 1. In women with Fibromyalgia, a study done by Professor

Hilary White of Dartmouth University showed that giving natural

testosterone decreased fatigue and pain.76


> 2. Fibromyalgia and CFS are associated with decreased red

blood cell levels. Testosterone supplementation is a highly

effective way of increasing the blood cell levels.


> 3. Testosterone can improve libido which is low in 73% of

CFS and Fibromyalgia patients.77-79


> 4. Testosterone increases bone density, therefore decreasing

the risk of osteoporosis.80


> 5. Testosterone improves mood and decreases depression.81


> 6. Testosterone increases muscle strength and decreases fat



> 7. Research has shown that men who have low testosterone are

at greater risk of premature death. For example, one study which

followed men over 40 years old for five years found that the men

with low testosterone levels were 88 percent more likely to die

during that period.82, 83


> 8. Low testosterone is associated with an increased risk of

high cholesterol, angina84, 85 and diabetes.86


> 9. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been associated with a

possible decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood, and

testosterone improves heart function.87



> As is the case with most hormones, keeping testosterone levels

optimal using bio-identical hormones seems to be very helpful in CFS

and Fibromyalgia and also appears to be associated with increased

health and longevity. However, it is important that we not confuse

giving safe levels of bio-identical natural testosterone with the

high dose, synthetic, and toxic testosterone that bodybuilders

sometimes use.


> Testing for Low Testosterone

> Again, it is important to check the free (not just total)

testosterone. Most laboratories can test free testosterone only if

they also measure the total testosterone†" this is a normal

procedure. Be sure that the normal ranges for the lab results are

broken down by ten-year age groups: thirty-one to forty years old,

forty-one to fifty years old, and so on. It is meaningless to have a

normal range that includes eighty year-olds if you're twenty-eight.

Bizarrely, some labs even have a normal range for women's

testosterone levels that begins at zero. This would be like having a

normal range for women's heights that go from 0-72 inches! If your

result is below normal, or even in the lowest 25 percent of the

normal range, I would consider a trial of natural, bio-identical

testosterone therapy. Some researchers find that checking the levels

of proteins that " bind or carry " testosterone (SHBG†" Sex Hormone

Binding Globulin) and a total testosterone level and then

calculating the free testosterone level is more reliable. For now,

keeping the " free testosterone " in the upper one third of the normal

range should suffice.


> Treating Low Testosterone

> For men under 50, it is often best to simply stimulate your body's

own production of testosterone using a low dose of a medication

called clomiphene (a " Clomiphene Stimulation Test " will tell you if

this will work for you). In men over 50, I recommend using topical

testosterone creams or gels, applying 25-100 mg to the skin each

morning. This is available from regular pharmacies (Androgel or

Testim 1 percent gel), but the form made by compounding pharmacies

is much less expensive if you do not have prescription insurance. Be

aware that if the skin where it is applied comes in contact with a

woman's skin (e.g. after a hug or if you do not wash your hands

after applying the cream), this can result in very high, undesirable

and unsafe levels in that woman's body. Always be sure to wash your

hands after applying the cream.


> I do not recommend taking testosterone by mouth in males as it can

dramatically worsen cholesterol levels since testosterone goes to

the liver first when taken by mouth, which is where cholesterol is

made. I also do not recommend injections because this results in

very high levels for the first few days after the injection and in

very low levels a week later. Testosterone pellets that are injected

under the abdominal fat each 4-6 months may well be the best

approach, but it is difficult to find physicians trained in this

technique. There are newer injections that can slow release

testosterone over several months that also hold promise.


> For women, testosterone treatment is easier. I recommended the

natural testosterone creams made by compounding pharmacies. The

usual dose is 1-5 milligrams a day (1-2 mg is optimal for most

women). If you also need estrogen or progesterone, all three of the

hormones can be combined in the same cream, resulting in increased

simplicity and a lower cost. With this dosing, most women feel more

energy and have thicker hair, younger skin and improved libido.


> Adjust the testosterone level to the dose that feels best,

checking blood levels to make sure they do not go above the upper

limit of normal. Most people feel best with a blood level around the

70th percentile of the normal range. Although testosterone treatment

helps male diabetics, if the dose goes too high in women it can

promote diabetes. So keep the testosterone blood level in the normal



> Potential Side Effects

> In men, acne suggests the dose is too high. It is important to

monitor levels because, as in body builders who abuse testosterone

by taking many times the recommended dose, elevated levels can cause

elevated blood counts, liver inflammation, a decreased sperm count

with resulting infertility (usually reversible), and elevated

cholesterols with increased risk of heart disease. Because of this,

in men, a testosterone level, PSA, complete blood count (CBC),

cholesterol test, and liver enzymes test should be done

occasionally. Testosterone supplementation can also cause elevated

thyroid hormone levels in men taking thyroid supplements. In men who

are on thyroid supplements, consider rechecking thyroid hormone

levels after six weeks if you get a racing heart or anxious/hyper



> It is important to note that testosterone can be converted to two

other hormones†" estrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone). If the

estrogen level rises too high in males, breast size may increase and

erections may decrease. Because of this, it may be reasonable to

also check total estrogen levels while on testosterone and, if they

are elevated, to add a medication called Arimidex (1/2 mg every

other day), which blocks the conversion to estrogen. DHT level can

also become elevated, resulting in a higher risk of prostate



> As noted above, in men, most studies show that bringing low

testosterone up to the normal level is very healthy. Testosterone

decreases angina and leg artery blockages, improves cholesterol, and

helps improve insulin function in diabetics. In a small percent of

men, problems with slowing urination and a worsening of male pattern

baldness is seen. If this occurs, these side effects can usually be

blocked by taking the herb saw Palmetto (160 mg twice daily) along

with the testosterone. Fortunately, both of these problems have been

fairly uncommon.


> Treatment with testosterone in men has NOT been shown to increase

prostate size or the blood test marker for prostate cancer (PSA).89

In addition, a review of 18 studies


testosterone_not_associated_with_prostate_cancer.html showed that

testosterone treatment does not increase the risk of prostate cancer.


> In women, if acne, intense dreams, or darkening of facial hair

occurs, the dose is too high and should be decreased. These effects,

which can also occur with DHEA supplementation, are usually

reversible. These side effects can also be caused by an estrogen

level that is too low relative to testosterone, and may be avoided

by supplementing both together. If you choose to take testosterone

and estrogen separately, it may be best to use estrogen for four to

eight weeks before starting testosterone. This often decreases side



> For many patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia, improvements in

stamina, energy, and overall sense of wellness have been dramatic,

and treating low testosterone levels has been an important part of

treatment. For healthy men and women entering Andropause and

Menopause that have suboptimal testosterone levels, bio-identical,

natural testosterone can help keep you very young, very late into

your life!


> Resources:


> 1. Finding a physician: Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue

Centers also specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement

(www.FibroandFatigue.com) as do many Holistic physicians (see



> 2. Finding a compounding pharmacy. Quality control is critical, so

find a compounding pharmacy that pays attention to detail. Two of my

favorites are ITC Pharmacy ( ) and Cape Apothecary (410-

757-3522). The pharmacists at both of these are superb, and will be

happy to guide your physician on the best dose and form to prescribe

for you (they can mail it to you after your physician calls in the



> 3. For more information on bio-identical hormone replacement, or

the research studies referenced in the footnotes, see my book

“From Fatigued to Fantastic!â€








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Guest guest

> >

> > Hi,

> >

> > Saw this on another group and felt it pertinent to recent

> discussions!

> >

> > Liz

> >

> >

> >

> > Can Testosterone Be Good for You?

> > http://www.endfatigue-dev.com/health_articles_f-n/Hormones-

> can_testosterone_be_good_for_you.html

> > Bio-Identical Testosterone Treatment for Both Men and Women

> >

> > Dear Readers,

> >

> > Many anti-aging specialists are finding that natural bio-


> testosterone creams (not to be confused with high dose synthetics

> injected illegally by some athletes) keep those over 50 years old

> younger and healthier†" and this is for both men and women! A

> rapidly expanding collection of research is showing that optimizing

> testosterone in men:

> >

> > 1. Decreases the risk of heart disease, including angina,

> and helps reverse heart disease when present†" while lowering

> cholesterol levels .

> >

> > 2. Improves insulin sensitivity, thus improving blood sugar

> control in diabetics as well as decreasing a major cause of heart

> disease and diabetes called " metabolic syndrome. "

> >

> > 3. Improves muscle mass.

> >

> > 4. Improves libido and sexual function.

> >

> > 5. Decreases depression.

> >

> >

> > In women, optimizing testosterone along with using safe BIO-

> IDENTICAL estrogen http://www.endfatigue.com/health_articles_f-

> n/Hormones-safety_effectiveness_bioidentical_hormones.html and

> progesterone seems to work the best, helping energy, libido and

> overall well being. As is usually the case, be sure to use bio-

> identical hormones. When looking at the overall safety and

> effectiveness data, one finds that treating testosterone deficiency

> in men (called " Andropause " ) as well as in women can help you feel

> young and vital late into life!

> >

> > Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers also specialize


> bio-identical hormone replacement as do many Holistic physicians.

> Optimizing a low or low normal testosterone level can also have

> marked benefits for those with CFS and Fibromyalgia. For those of

> you who would like more details, let's look at the issue more

> closely.

> >

> > The Reproductive Glands

> > Many people going through midlife develop fatigue, poor libido or

> depression.74 This includes men and women alike. Researchers have

> found that if the estrogen and testosterone levels in females or


> testosterone level in males is low, a trial replacement of these

> hormones can bring about dramatic improvement and is therefore


> considering. An under active adrenal gland can aggravate this

> problem.

> >

> > Low Testosterone†" Not Only a Male Problem!

> > Low testosterone is associated with many problems, including

> fatigue, depression, poor stamina, osteoporosis, muscle wasting,

> diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain and poor libido. Low

> testosterone, classified as being in the lowest 20 percent of the

> normal range, is a major problem in 70 percent of my male patients

> with CFS and Fibromyalgia. The severity of the problem has


> as men's average testosterone levels have dropped by 16 percent


> the last 15 years.75 Although testosterone levels are normally much

> lower in females, deficiencies in women cause similar problems.

> Testosterone is critical in females as well as males, and I find


> free testosterone levels in most female CFS/FMS patients as well.


> is important, then, to check the free, or unbound, blood

> testosterone level in both men and women. This measures the active

> form of the hormone. A serum (or total) testosterone level measures

> mostly the inactive storage form of the hormone. Inactive (total)

> testosterone levels are often normal despite an inadequate level of

> the critical active (free) testosterone.

> >

> > Optimizing testosterone levels can result in many benefits in

> people with CFS and Fibromyalgia. After six to eight weeks, the

> effect of treatment is often marked. Benefits include:

> >

> > 1. In women with Fibromyalgia, a study done by Professor

> Hilary White of Dartmouth University showed that giving natural

> testosterone decreased fatigue and pain.76

> >

> > 2. Fibromyalgia and CFS are associated with decreased red

> blood cell levels. Testosterone supplementation is a highly

> effective way of increasing the blood cell levels.

> >

> > 3. Testosterone can improve libido which is low in 73% of

> CFS and Fibromyalgia patients.77-79

> >

> > 4. Testosterone increases bone density, therefore


> the risk of osteoporosis.80

> >

> > 5. Testosterone improves mood and decreases depression.81

> >

> > 6. Testosterone increases muscle strength and decreases fat

> levels.

> >

> > 7. Research has shown that men who have low testosterone


> at greater risk of premature death. For example, one study which

> followed men over 40 years old for five years found that the men

> with low testosterone levels were 88 percent more likely to die

> during that period.82, 83

> >

> > 8. Low testosterone is associated with an increased risk of

> high cholesterol, angina84, 85 and diabetes.86

> >

> > 9. Chronic fatigue syndrome has been associated with a

> possible decrease in the heart's ability to pump blood, and

> testosterone improves heart function.87

> >

> >

> > As is the case with most hormones, keeping testosterone levels

> optimal using bio-identical hormones seems to be very helpful in


> and Fibromyalgia and also appears to be associated with increased

> health and longevity. However, it is important that we not confuse

> giving safe levels of bio-identical natural testosterone with the

> high dose, synthetic, and toxic testosterone that bodybuilders

> sometimes use.

> >

> > Testing for Low Testosterone

> > Again, it is important to check the free (not just total)

> testosterone. Most laboratories can test free testosterone only if

> they also measure the total testosterone†" this is a normal

> procedure. Be sure that the normal ranges for the lab results are

> broken down by ten-year age groups: thirty-one to forty years old,

> forty-one to fifty years old, and so on. It is meaningless to have


> normal range that includes eighty year-olds if you're twenty-eight.

> Bizarrely, some labs even have a normal range for women's

> testosterone levels that begins at zero. This would be like having


> normal range for women's heights that go from 0-72 inches! If your

> result is below normal, or even in the lowest 25 percent of the

> normal range, I would consider a trial of natural, bio-identical

> testosterone therapy. Some researchers find that checking the


> of proteins that " bind or carry " testosterone (SHBG†" Sex Hormone

> Binding Globulin) and a total testosterone level and then

> calculating the free testosterone level is more reliable. For now,

> keeping the " free testosterone " in the upper one third of the


> range should suffice.

> >

> > Treating Low Testosterone

> > For men under 50, it is often best to simply stimulate your


> own production of testosterone using a low dose of a medication

> called clomiphene (a " Clomiphene Stimulation Test " will tell you if

> this will work for you). In men over 50, I recommend using topical

> testosterone creams or gels, applying 25-100 mg to the skin each

> morning. This is available from regular pharmacies (Androgel or

> Testim 1 percent gel), but the form made by compounding pharmacies

> is much less expensive if you do not have prescription insurance.


> aware that if the skin where it is applied comes in contact with a

> woman's skin (e.g. after a hug or if you do not wash your hands

> after applying the cream), this can result in very high,


> and unsafe levels in that woman's body. Always be sure to wash your

> hands after applying the cream.

> >

> > I do not recommend taking testosterone by mouth in males as it


> dramatically worsen cholesterol levels since testosterone goes to

> the liver first when taken by mouth, which is where cholesterol is

> made. I also do not recommend injections because this results in

> very high levels for the first few days after the injection and in

> very low levels a week later. Testosterone pellets that are


> under the abdominal fat each 4-6 months may well be the best

> approach, but it is difficult to find physicians trained in this

> technique. There are newer injections that can slow release

> testosterone over several months that also hold promise.

> >

> > For women, testosterone treatment is easier. I recommended the

> natural testosterone creams made by compounding pharmacies. The

> usual dose is 1-5 milligrams a day (1-2 mg is optimal for most

> women). If you also need estrogen or progesterone, all three of the

> hormones can be combined in the same cream, resulting in increased

> simplicity and a lower cost. With this dosing, most women feel more

> energy and have thicker hair, younger skin and improved libido.

> >

> > Adjust the testosterone level to the dose that feels best,

> checking blood levels to make sure they do not go above the upper

> limit of normal. Most people feel best with a blood level around


> 70th percentile of the normal range. Although testosterone


> helps male diabetics, if the dose goes too high in women it can

> promote diabetes. So keep the testosterone blood level in the


> range.

> >

> > Potential Side Effects

> > In men, acne suggests the dose is too high. It is important to

> monitor levels because, as in body builders who abuse testosterone

> by taking many times the recommended dose, elevated levels can


> elevated blood counts, liver inflammation, a decreased sperm count

> with resulting infertility (usually reversible), and elevated

> cholesterols with increased risk of heart disease. Because of this,

> in men, a testosterone level, PSA, complete blood count (CBC),

> cholesterol test, and liver enzymes test should be done

> occasionally. Testosterone supplementation can also cause elevated

> thyroid hormone levels in men taking thyroid supplements. In men


> are on thyroid supplements, consider rechecking thyroid hormone

> levels after six weeks if you get a racing heart or anxious/hyper

> feelings.

> >

> > It is important to note that testosterone can be converted to two

> other hormones†" estrogen and DHT (dihydrotestosterone). If the

> estrogen level rises too high in males, breast size may increase


> erections may decrease. Because of this, it may be reasonable to

> also check total estrogen levels while on testosterone and, if they

> are elevated, to add a medication called Arimidex (1/2 mg every

> other day), which blocks the conversion to estrogen. DHT level can

> also become elevated, resulting in a higher risk of prostate

> enlargement.88

> >

> > As noted above, in men, most studies show that bringing low

> testosterone up to the normal level is very healthy. Testosterone

> decreases angina and leg artery blockages, improves cholesterol,


> helps improve insulin function in diabetics. In a small percent of

> men, problems with slowing urination and a worsening of male


> baldness is seen. If this occurs, these side effects can usually be

> blocked by taking the herb saw Palmetto (160 mg twice daily) along

> with the testosterone. Fortunately, both of these problems have


> fairly uncommon.

> >

> > Treatment with testosterone in men has NOT been shown to increase

> prostate size or the blood test marker for prostate cancer (PSA).89

> In addition, a review of 18 studies

> http://www.endfatigue.com/health_articles_f-n/Hormones-

> testosterone_not_associated_with_prostate_cancer.html showed that

> testosterone treatment does not increase the risk of prostate


> >

> > In women, if acne, intense dreams, or darkening of facial hair

> occurs, the dose is too high and should be decreased. These


> which can also occur with DHEA supplementation, are usually

> reversible. These side effects can also be caused by an estrogen

> level that is too low relative to testosterone, and may be avoided

> by supplementing both together. If you choose to take testosterone

> and estrogen separately, it may be best to use estrogen for four to

> eight weeks before starting testosterone. This often decreases side

> effects.

> >

> > For many patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia, improvements in

> stamina, energy, and overall sense of wellness have been dramatic,

> and treating low testosterone levels has been an important part of

> treatment. For healthy men and women entering Andropause and

> Menopause that have suboptimal testosterone levels, bio-identical,

> natural testosterone can help keep you very young, very late into

> your life!

> >

> > Resources:

> >

> > 1. Finding a physician: Doctors at the Fibromyalgia and Fatigue

> Centers also specialize in bio-identical hormone replacement

> (www.FibroandFatigue.com) as do many Holistic physicians (see

> www.HolisticBoard.org).

> >

> > 2. Finding a compounding pharmacy. Quality control is critical,


> find a compounding pharmacy that pays attention to detail. Two of


> favorites are ITC Pharmacy ( ) and Cape Apothecary (410-

> 757-3522). The pharmacists at both of these are superb, and will be

> happy to guide your physician on the best dose and form to


> for you (they can mail it to you after your physician calls in the

> prescription).

> >

> > 3. For more information on bio-identical hormone replacement, or

> the research studies referenced in the footnotes, see my book

> “From Fatigued to Fantastic!â€

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Hi Iamc,

Androgenic or Androgenetic?


Re: Article: " Can Testosterone Be Good for You? "

>I second that. I think this is great and I too have low testosterone

and could probably really benefit from supplementation.

Unfortunately, I have androgenic hair loss so I don't think that will

be possible.

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Guest guest

Hi Naffy,

I'm no expert on Testosterone, but the only caution I've seen regarding it and

" hairloss " is that it shouldn't be used by men with male pattern baldness or

those with adrogenetic alolpecia ...

You're certain your hair loss is not thyroid related?


Re: Article: " Can Testosterone Be Good for You? "

Liz thanks! I had read that article too. Does seem we still need it

post meno. But my main concern is supplementing it while having

current hairloss.



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Thanks Liz.

Mine in generalized shedding but is looking pretty thin on top of

crown (like my grandmother!!)LOL.

I'm ALMOST sure its hypo. I tried to wean off HC a few months back

and went super hypo and ramped back up on the HC. I'm feeling great

now, temps are solid 98.6-98.7 again, but the shedding has not

slowed down. I'm at my wits end....I'm as vain as the next woman,

and DO NOT want to have a measly thin head of hair!

Of course I AM GRATEFUL my other hypo symptoms are gone, mainly the

anxiety/mild depression that low t3 brings.

Will keep hoping in the meantime. I have read that hair follicles

can take MONTHS to respond, so I'll have to play the waiting game.

Patience is NOT one of my better virtues.!LOL

I'm on testosterone now....sure hope it's not making it worse.




> Hi Naffy,


> I'm no expert on Testosterone, but the only caution I've seen

regarding it and " hairloss " is that it shouldn't be used by men with

male pattern baldness or those with adrogenetic alolpecia ...


> You're certain your hair loss is not thyroid related?


> Liz



> Re: Article: " Can Testosterone Be Good

for You? "



> Liz thanks! I had read that article too. Does seem we still need


> post meno. But my main concern is supplementing it while having

> current hairloss.


> Naffy

















> .




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