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Re: Test results

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For these labs I owuld suggest Licorisce in the afternoons about 1-2 PM

and possibly Isocort in the AM. What stage of your menstrual cycle were

you on? Post meno? HRT?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I am post-men; no hrt; the only med I take is Armour (5 gr).


> For these labs I owuld suggest Licorisce in the afternoons about 1-

2 PM

> and possibly Isocort in the AM. What stage of your menstrual cycle


> you on? Post meno? HRT?


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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E2 Estradiol 11 Postmenopause-No HRT: 1-4 pg/ml

P1 Progesterone 19 Postmenopause-No HRT: 5-95 pg/ml

TTF Free Testosterone 20 Normal Borderline: 5-7 pg/ml

Normal: 8-20 pg/ml

OK wiht you being post meno and no HRT, this changes things a bit. Your estrogen

is higher thna i t should be which means you may need more than a little Isocort

in the AM. I would use the ramp up schedule and see whan your temps settle and

that with Licorice shiould be enough .


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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There was a note below the cortisol results:

Noon value is elevated indicating a stress response or rebound effect

often associated with glucose counter regulation process.

Anabolic enhancement suggested: DHEA or Pregnenolone augmentation.

Anabolic support suggested.

What is " glucose counter regulation process? " Will the licorice and

isocort help this?


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>>rebound effect often associated with glucose counter regulation process.<<

This means that the cortisol is high due to having it too low earlier in the day

which causes hypoglycemia which then causes a release of both adrenaline and

cortiosl if the adrenals can make them both. The way to correct this is to

ioncrease the AM cortils so there is nothign to rebound from. Glucose counter

regulation is just a fancy way to dsay that cortilsl is needed to regulate

glucose and stop hypogylcemia.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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  • 2 years later...

Hi Kris,

Sodium way too low. Are you supping unrefined Sea Salt?

Did you test early am fasting?

What's sitting & standing BP & HR like?

Potassium looks OK I like 4.5 minimum with range you have.

B12 definitely suboptimal. Are you supping ANY B12 at all (any in multi)?

Folate unfortunately that looks like a SERUM Folate level?

Sorry that means little at all. What you need is a RBC Folate test.

Irregardless strongly advise to also supp an ACTIVE form of Folate along with

B12. Active forms are Folinic Acid & 5-Mthf. please AVOID synthetic inactive

Folic acid. A good B Multi should provide enough Folate. However suggest also do

a good sublingual B12.

I use these

1 tab buccally every other day this is an active form called Adenylocobalmin



1 tab buccally every other day this is Methylcobalamin form


1-2 caps divided dose daily these are active forms


As for T3 dose was it 12 hours since last T3 dose?

I would adjust down ONLY if symptoms (frequent & loose bowels,tired & wired,

anxiety,etc) & vitals(HR, BP, temps) suggest overdose.

Lethal Lee


> Hi Val, Nick and Margery,


> I had blood drawn yesterday and my results are back today. First let me say

that this was Econolabs and the results were very prompt.


> My FT3 is 6.9 with a range of 2.0-4.4 and is flagged as high and dangerous to

my health


> Sodium is 139 in a range of 135-145>

> Potassium is 4.4 with a range of 3.5 -5.2>

> B12 is 650 with a range of 211-946>

> Folate is 16.9 and shown as >3


> I shouldn't even try to guess at this but I would say I need B12 and lots of

it and that is all I can guess at. Can anyone help me with these numbers?

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Hi LL, it had actually been more than 12 hours as the lab was really busy. I

took my last dose of T3 at 9:15 p.m. and my blood draw was at 10:45. I skipped

any vitamins and hadn't had Celtic Sea Salt for nearly 24 hours as I wasn't sure

if I should salt fast but normally I take at least 1/2 tsp of salt in water

every morning and then a lot of salt on food plus occasionally I just put a 1/4

tsp on my tongue and take with water.

The folate test was just part of the B12 that Econolabs offered but I will keep

in mind getting RBC next time.

My pulse has been running high especially the day before the test when it was

over 100 most of the day. My temps are another question. They have been running

at 98.6 or slightly less. Yesterday they were 98.4, 98.6 and 98.8 my basal was

off because I put the thermometer in the wrong place under my arm (I am going to

take oral only from now on). This morning my basal was about 98.2 and that was

an oral reading.

I do feel wired but tired which is really disconcerting when you think you will

just feel better. My standing at the moment: bp is 122/83 and pulse is 112.

Sitting is 120/76 pulse is 81 but a few minutes ago my sitting bp was 107/74 and

my pulse was 80.I have been a fit person prior to starting this process, so this

is all quite high for me and the thing that scares me is that any exertion (like

standing up)causes a big increase in bp and pulse.I am really not exercising at

the moment for fear of doing something bad to myself.My current temp at 7 a.m.is


The good news, and there is plenty, I used to have quite the irregular heartbeat

and that is nearly gone. On Monday I felt one blip and Sunday as I was waking up

I thought I felt a blip but it is so much better I cannot tell you what a relief

it is. I think my skin is improving but it is still dry and my achiness is much

less profound. My sleep since I started taking 25 mcg at bedtime is much more

restorative but I do still wake up once usually around 2:30 or 3:00. Once I have

my thyroid balanced I will work on my sex hormones as they have been quite low

as well.

I appreciate any advice and your time L.L.,


> >

> > Hi Val, Nick and Margery,

> >

> > I had blood drawn yesterday and my results are back today. First let me say

that this was Econolabs and the results were very prompt.

> >

> > My FT3 is 6.9 with a range of 2.0-4.4 and is flagged as high and dangerous

to my health

> >

> > Sodium is 139 in a range of 135-145>

> > Potassium is 4.4 with a range of 3.5 -5.2>

> > B12 is 650 with a range of 211-946>

> > Folate is 16.9 and shown as >3

> >

> > I shouldn't even try to guess at this but I would say I need B12 and lots of

it and that is all I can guess at. Can anyone help me with these numbers?


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