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Re: this depression is killing me

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I have been helped emotionally VERY much. Gettting your T3 levels

optimal is the key to this but you can;t do that without enough

cortiosl. Frim my late teens ot my 40's I was VERY depressed, suicidal

even. My Mother did commit suicode form this depression at35 years old,

and was my main reason for deciding ot do all I can to cahnge this

situaiton for others. Hypothyroid depression cannto be fixed with pills

except thyroid pills! All the depression meds in the world do not

releive low T3 depression. I am now on eof the most cpontent people I

know. I haven;t cried in months and then it was for a real reason to cry

not an emotionla outburst form sick hormones . I go to my job every day

and come home ot my pets at night and am content for probably the first

time in my life, so YES there is hope for this in treating thyroid and



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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yes thank you val and everyone for sharing your similar trials and

help. i want so much to feel alive again and reach out to others to

help too...i have my master's in psych and was a counselor until hypo

and adrenal fatigue put me at a point i couldn't help anyone anymore

bc of all the suffering i was trying to conquer myself. i hope and

pray someday i'll be able to have the 'real me' back again and

encourage others just like you are all encouraging me now.


> Thank you Val for sharing that. Thank you again for doing what

you do.

> Re: this depression is killing me



> I have been helped emotionally VERY much. Gettting your T3


> optimal is the key to this but you can;t do that without enough

> cortiosl. Frim my late teens ot my 40's I was VERY depressed,


> even. My Mother did commit suicode form this depression at35

years old,

> and was my main reason for deciding ot do all I can to cahnge


> situaiton for others. Hypothyroid depression cannto be fixed

with pills

> except thyroid pills! All the depression meds in the world do


> releive low T3 depression. I am now on eof the most cpontent

people I

> know. I haven;t cried in months and then it was for a real

reason to cry

> not an emotionla outburst form sick hormones . I go to my job

every day

> and come home ot my pets at night and am content for probably

the first

> time in my life, so YES there is hope for this in treating

thyroid and

> adrenals.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/










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Don't give up. Someone I am close to, had all of these issues. She

started on Armour and HC, and also used St. 's Wort and 5HTP to get

her through the rough times until she was optimized with Armour. She is

now very close to being optimized and no longer uses them, just the

Armour and now has actually been able to go back down to using Isocort.

She is doing very well. It does take some time, but you can get better.


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I never had a depressed day in my life until I crashed with hypothyroid. Did I

experience appropriate sadness and grief? Sure, but overall joy and enthusiasm

were my trademarks!

The experience of total energy deprivation takes your heart and mind with it.

There is NOTHING in your body energetically to lift it up, to defend it, hold it

together. That physical lack permeates your emotional and mental states. When

I was " depressed " from the hypo I had nothing to be " depressed " about other than

that situation itself!

Since I had no prior history of depression and didn't buy into that " story " I

could clearly see that it was not " me " that was depressed, it was my " body "

which was taking the rest of me with it.

Had I not been anti-doctor/medication oriented I probably would have been put on

anti-depressants. It saddens me to think of all the women out there on

anti-depressants who are undiagnosed hypo!



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it makes me sick and angry too thinking about all of those on

antidepressants who are truly hypo/adrenal insufficient. for over

half of my life i have been on every imaginable antidepressant with

every imaginable diagnosis while i kept falling into darker

depression, gaining weight, having excruciating periods, losing my

hair with my mind and just handed more pills to an already horrible

cocktail of ad's told that combo would help.

the only one that seemed to help was and still has been ativan for

times of 'panic attacks' and i'm just realizing they likely helped

calm me down from surges of adrenaline rushes and low cortisol

symptoms that hopefully hc will help alleviate and i won't even need

the ativan anymore.

i knew this years ago, studied every day at u of i's med school when

attending pinpointing hypothyroidism, but of course my labs

were 'fine' so years of counseling and antidepressants led me down a

path which could and SHOULD have been prevented like far too many

others...JUST MAKES ME SICK...and one day i hope to have the energy

and spark of life in me back to fight again and help others like you

all are helping me now.


letting me!!! :)


> I never had a depressed day in my life until I crashed with

hypothyroid. Did I experience appropriate sadness and grief? Sure,

but overall joy and enthusiasm were my trademarks!


> The experience of total energy deprivation takes your heart and

mind with it. There is NOTHING in your body energetically to lift it

up, to defend it, hold it together. That physical lack permeates

your emotional and mental states. When I was " depressed " from the

hypo I had nothing to be " depressed " about other than that situation



> Since I had no prior history of depression and didn't buy into

that " story " I could clearly see that it was not " me " that was

depressed, it was my " body " which was taking the rest of me with it.


> Had I not been anti-doctor/medication oriented I probably would

have been put on anti-depressants. It saddens me to think of all the

women out there on anti-depressants who are undiagnosed hypo!


> Janet



> _________________________________________________________________

> Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.

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it makes me sick and angry too thinking about all of those on

antidepressants who are truly hypo/adrenal insufficient. for over

half of my life i have been on every imaginable antidepressant with

every imaginable diagnosis while i kept falling into darker

depression, gaining weight, having excruciating periods, losing my

hair with my mind and just handed more pills to an already horrible

cocktail of ad's told that combo would help.

the only one that seemed to help was and still has been ativan for

times of 'panic attacks' and i'm just realizing they likely helped

calm me down from surges of adrenaline rushes and low cortisol

symptoms that hopefully hc will help alleviate and i won't even need

the ativan anymore.

i knew this years ago, studied every day at u of i's med school when

attending pinpointing hypothyroidism, but of course my labs

were 'fine' so years of counseling and antidepressants led me down a

path which could and SHOULD have been prevented like far too many

others...JUST MAKES ME SICK...and one day i hope to have the energy

and spark of life in me back to fight again and help others like you

all are helping me now.


letting me!!! :)


> I never had a depressed day in my life until I crashed with

hypothyroid. Did I experience appropriate sadness and grief? Sure,

but overall joy and enthusiasm were my trademarks!


> The experience of total energy deprivation takes your heart and

mind with it. There is NOTHING in your body energetically to lift it

up, to defend it, hold it together. That physical lack permeates

your emotional and mental states. When I was " depressed " from the

hypo I had nothing to be " depressed " about other than that situation



> Since I had no prior history of depression and didn't buy into

that " story " I could clearly see that it was not " me " that was

depressed, it was my " body " which was taking the rest of me with it.


> Had I not been anti-doctor/medication oriented I probably would

have been put on anti-depressants. It saddens me to think of all the

women out there on anti-depressants who are undiagnosed hypo!


> Janet



> _________________________________________________________________

> Connect and share in new ways with Windows Live.

> http://www.windowslive.com/share.html?




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There is no doubt about getting help for my adrenals and thyroid has helped my

moods, but NOT to the point where I could quit antidepressants. I just was able

to cut down a bit. You may be the same, or in time you may be able to quit them,

but obviously not now. Depression is stressful BIG TIME. You are not helping

your adrenals or yourself by neglecting using ALL available methods to treat it

and if that includes drugs, thank God for them!

There is NO SHAME WHATSO EVER in having to take a medication to treat

depression. Now remember there are different kinds. For instance someone

mentioned they have had great success with tyrosine. Now that makes me worse but

L tryptophan helps me. Tyrosine helps dopamine and norapinephrine depression

but can make low serotonin depression, worse.

It is the same with Antidepressants. Ones that will make one kind of depression

better can make the other kinds worse. A good psychiatrist has to be able to

figure out what kind of depression his patients have, to know which drug to

prescribe. There are tests that can show which is which, but they are expensive

and many shrinks don't use them. They just go by trial and error, and maybe they

should not when the patient can afford the tests.

Hensley <>< 8-)

Shar said

i'm begging for any success stories of those of you who have had

depression and anxiety and feel better on hc and armour. i have been on

and off antidepressants and benzos since my teenage years just coming

to the realization i feel it's been due to hypo and adrenal fatigue.

it's only been a couple months that i've been on hc and armour and

seeing some effects but the depression is so severe sometimes and

especially around my period i am filled with excruciating emotional

pain. i have lived and survived depression for so long i can barely

remember what it feels like to truly be happy and live. no one should

feel this way...this isn't living!!!

i have said many times i don't know how much more i can take as i'm

sure many of you have but seriously the armour and hc i have to have

faith and believe in as i truly think this has been the cause of my

pain for so long. please anyone that can attest to being helped with

this treatment post. i need some encouragement that this can really

help with some time please!!!!

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Yes, there is hope. I needed to go on an antidepressant while I was first

getting my Armour dose regulated. St. 's Wort was not enough. I was able to

wean off of the AD last fall and have not needed it since. I used ADs every

winter for 12 years. You may need them for awhile until you get optimized and

wean very slowly when you do.

42 years syncrap, 7mos Armour

>>>anyone that can attest to being helped with this treatment post. i need some

encouragement that this can really

help with some time please!!!!

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Hang in there. I felt worse when taking adrenal supplements that the doctor

gave me. It made me more depressed. I suffere from bad anxiety/depression

symptoms also. Since taking the Cortisol I think I have had only one sad day.

It has been about 2 months now. Hang in there. Maybe once your HC gets working

your Armour can do its work....

this depression is killing me

i'm begging for any success stories of those of you who have had

depression and anxiety and feel better on hc and armour. i have been on

and off antidepressants and benzos since my teenage years just coming

to the realization i feel it's been due to hypo and adrenal fatigue.

it's only been a couple months that i've been on hc and armour and

seeing some effects but the depression is so severe sometimes and

especially around my period i am filled with excruciating emotional

pain. i have lived and survived depression for so long i can barely

remember what it feels like to truly be happy and live. no one should

feel this way...this isn't living!!!

i have said many times i don't know how much more i can take as i'm

sure many of you have but seriously the armour and hc i have to have

faith and believe in as i truly think this has been the cause of my

pain for so long. please anyone that can attest to being helped with

this treatment post. i need some encouragement that this can really

help with some time please!!!!

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Guest guest

Thank you Val for sharing that. Thank you again for doing what you do.

Re: this depression is killing me

I have been helped emotionally VERY much. Gettting your T3 levels

optimal is the key to this but you can;t do that without enough

cortiosl. Frim my late teens ot my 40's I was VERY depressed, suicidal

even. My Mother did commit suicode form this depression at35 years old,

and was my main reason for deciding ot do all I can to cahnge this

situaiton for others. Hypothyroid depression cannto be fixed with pills

except thyroid pills! All the depression meds in the world do not

releive low T3 depression. I am now on eof the most cpontent people I

know. I haven;t cried in months and then it was for a real reason to cry

not an emotionla outburst form sick hormones . I go to my job every day

and come home ot my pets at night and am content for probably the first

time in my life, so YES there is hope for this in treating thyroid and



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Hang in there Shar. Another thing that helped me with depression was

tyrosine. I could only take 1 tablet as I am so sensitive to everything, but it

seemed to boost my mood some. Progesterone has also helped me but I know you

can't take that. My doctor prescribed DHEA/Pronegalone, but the DHEA was at 25

mg and the Pregnaolone was at 100 so it made me feel out of it for most of the

day and then I felt really calm and my mood was up. I am not sure which one

works for me and which doesn't though, so I haven't tried to split the dose to

see. That is my next adventure when things settle down a bit. I am going to

try going off the birth control first.

Re: this depression is killing me



> I have been helped emotionally VERY much. Gettting your T3


> optimal is the key to this but you can;t do that without enough

> cortiosl. Frim my late teens ot my 40's I was VERY depressed,


> even. My Mother did commit suicode form this depression at35

years old,

> and was my main reason for deciding ot do all I can to cahnge


> situaiton for others. Hypothyroid depression cannto be fixed

with pills

> except thyroid pills! All the depression meds in the world do


> releive low T3 depression. I am now on eof the most cpontent

people I

> know. I haven;t cried in months and then it was for a real

reason to cry

> not an emotionla outburst form sick hormones . I go to my job

every day

> and come home ot my pets at night and am content for probably

the first

> time in my life, so YES there is hope for this in treating

thyroid and

> adrenals.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/










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