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Re: OMG what is my doctor thinking? he cannot understand my tests?

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Your not alone in your frustration and ill feeling. Most of us are

seeing the same thing no matter where we go. Sometimes in my case even

with private out of pocket medicine. You can if need be treat

yourself. Which is where I may end up as well. It is not our fault

that we can understand the disorder and the simple treatment for it,

but someone with years of school cannot. and since our pockets are not

lined with money from drug companies and organizations who support

them..we are able to easily see what's wrong..Not to mention the one

thing these doctors forget..That we LIVE in our bodies everyday. They

don't run around feeling like half a human..so why would they care? It

is more profitable to keep you sick that give you a cheap drug like

cortisone and have you get better.

I put myself on progesterone cream because no doc cared that I bled

half to death every month to the point I was anemic..or that I had

horrible crippling cramps to boot.

I also put myself on adrenal cortex rather than continue to use

antidepressant drugs to control anxiety. I also put myself on NutriMed

thyroid support and will probably end up on Armour because I am sick

of being sick..and not going to give any more money to someone who

doesn't care. Someone who gets paid more if he bills my insurance with

a dx of " depressed " rather than " adrenal fatigue " . Apparently

companies are not dolling out as much money if you prescribe things

that actually make someone better rather than giving them a ton of

side effects that require yet more drugs.

So tons of college your doc had..and he can't understand a simple

saliva test?! A wise man I know told me this:

When it comes to physicians, there are A doctors and D doctors. You

can still get a D in medical school and pass, and get a license. Some

doctors got A's and some did not. You may have gotten a D doctor.

I think the reasonable doctors were the old timers who have since left

us. They used to diagnose based upon symptoms and how a person

felt..Now that was real doctoring! They did not have labs to rely on

so they had to know how a body works and what symptoms meant.

Can you get your hands on some hydrocortisone cream? This can be

helpful until you can get some HC or Isocort or something for your



> I am really really angry.


> I am sat here, in pain, breathless, weak, rusty voice, no money as I

> paid for my own adrenal test info I sent it by email to the doctors

> surgery. WELL I just spoke to him and he said he had got it but...wait



> I am going to see him tomorrow, I asked since I was skint and I was

> having odd menstrual symptoms could I have a sex hormone test on the

> NHS. He said not to make an appointment for it doing as he only does

> tests if he thinks some productive treatment would come out of it.

> I need to know if I should supplement with a cream or not whilst doing

> my adrenals for goodness sakes, and I TOLD him I was getting

> hypoglycaemic he said how do you know? I said well I get breathless,

> weak and wierd and when I eat something it gradually eases off. OMG he

> said it could be any one of your 'problems' (Most of which I believe

> are hypothyroid and adrenal as I just put up my Levo and I am worse).

> I really don't know where to turn, we only have one doctors practice

> of loads of doctors, all buddies. I cannot afford private medicine. I

> stupidly thought that if he saw I had low cortisol he would meet me

> half way. Not so it appears.

> He seems to think I am clutching at straws and wanting loads of tests

> to no avail.


> Oh how I would like to pull a reasonable doctor out of the sky, God

> help me... please

> I feel so weak, depressed and life seems so futile, I seriously

> believe if something is not done within a few months I will die, or

> keep on wanting to :(.


> Sorry for venting on here.


> luv Dawn x


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Hi Jada

and thanks for your wonderful answer.

You are suffering too because of this horrible doctor phemomena and

the big pharmaceutical companies. I grieve I really do for everyone in

a similar situation.

Yes he probably was a D doctor lol, that made me laugh. He seemed to

be trying to be reasonable now he is digging his heels in.

I could get hold of some cream yes, that is a good idea, and then I am

going to order some NAE tomorrow when we get a little money.

I don't blame you for going it alone, I think I shall end up that way too.

Last shot at an endo and then I give up on docs all together if they

don't get it right.

Hope you get healthy and vital,

lotsa luv

Dawn x

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Hi Jada

and thanks for your wonderful answer.

You are suffering too because of this horrible doctor phemomena and

the big pharmaceutical companies. I grieve I really do for everyone in

a similar situation.

Yes he probably was a D doctor lol, that made me laugh. He seemed to

be trying to be reasonable now he is digging his heels in.

I could get hold of some cream yes, that is a good idea, and then I am

going to order some NAE tomorrow when we get a little money.

I don't blame you for going it alone, I think I shall end up that way too.

Last shot at an endo and then I give up on docs all together if they

don't get it right.

Hope you get healthy and vital,

lotsa luv

Dawn x

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hi Dawn - sorry for the late response (I am always behind in reading

emails)- just wanted to offer some support, even if I don't have a

solution. I find it OBSCENE how completely useless our GPs can be...I

encounter the same resistance and condescension from mine. The NHS

must train them to just cut costs no matter what. I am so sorry you

are in this situation and I really hope you can find some education

and support here. From what people on this group have said, there is

hope, even if it takes a lot of trial and error and DIY medical care.

Best wishes to you - I hope you are feeling a little more hopeful.

- (in UK) x

> Oh how I would like to pull a reasonable doctor out of the sky, God

> help me... please

> I feel so weak, depressed and life seems so futile, I seriously

> believe if something is not done within a few months I will die, or

> keep on wanting to :(.


> Sorry for venting on here.


> luv Dawn x


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