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Re: Val... you are on Premarin??

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Yes you heard right. I take that because it works for me. Whnen I had my

hysterectomy 27 years ago, I tried EVERY bioidentical estrogenm on the

market. NONE of then worked to releive my low estrogen symptoms. NONE. I

stil had crying jags, sweat all night and hot flashes and irritable and

memory loss. Premarin and fairly high doses of it was ll that worked to

make me feel normal. I lok at it this way, Synthetic T4/T3 are

BIOIDENTICAL, why do we need Armour which is NOT bioid4entical, to feel

right? I believe there are some intrinsic factors in animal hormones

that cannot be duplicate in a lab. Thyroid and estrogen are two that I

simply do not belive synthesize well. Talkk to a long term Diabetic that

has used Pork insulin. It was not bioidentical but it worked MUCH better

for them than the bioidentical ones we have to day as our only choice in

the USA.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Okay, I understand what you are saying about the Premarin (estrogens)

coming from an animal source and that we can not (in lab) reproduce

that as well as nature (God) can. I had a hysterectomy 5 years ago

(at age 39) and tried all the estrogens out there (Premarin included)

and also bioidentical creams. The Premarin gave me high BP, so I had

to stop all estrogens for a little while. I think that the Premarin

(the horse being a different, larger animal than we are) was much

stronger an estrogen than I needed. You may need it that strong. I'm

glad it is working for you.

It took me 4.5 years to find an estrogen that keeps me stable and it is

bioidentical and in an olive oil base. If you ever have trouble with

Premarin and what to try this stuff, send me an email.


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I get my bioidentical estrogen from Womens' International Pharmacy

(they have locations in Arizona and Wisconson) and are on the web. I

called my local compounding pharmacy and he told me that WIP is

cheaper than him because they do it in bulk. And he gave me his

prices AND they are cheaper.

I use 70% estriol and 30% estradiol in an olive oil base capsule

(your probably know already that the usual dose is 80% estriol/20%

estradiol), so mine is stronger in the estradiol. I was told by my

dr. that the olive oil base eliminates first pass and goes into the

lymph and released from there.

I also use estriol - 1 gram (1 mg per gram) (vaginal) every night.

If I don't use the vaginal estriol, I start to get mild, low estrogen


My dose is 2.5 mg. per day, which I take 1.5 first thing in the a.m.,

then .5 6 hrs. later and .5 6 hours after that. This keeps me

stable in the estrogen dept. I also take 100 mg. progesterone at


After trying estradiol pills, Premarin pills and then switched to

bioidentical estrogen creams for 4 years and was always having low

estrogen problems, this stuff was the best for me. I'm hoping it

might help others.


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>>I get my bioidentical estrogen from Womens' International Pharmacy ...>>

I can personally approve of them, as I get my hormones (estrogen, progesterone,

HC and testosterone) from them, and have for several years. They are great, and

the hormones work perfectly (proven by lab results and symptoms).

Dove Rose


My Beloved is mine and I am His. (SS. 2:16)

~ Jesus, My Eternal Passion! ~

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Dove Rose,

What form do you get from them? I know they make olive oil based and

they have other bases, too.




> >>I get my bioidentical estrogen from Womens' International

Pharmacy ...>>


> I can personally approve of them, as I get my hormones (estrogen,

progesterone, HC and testosterone) from them, and have for several

years. They are great, and the hormones work perfectly (proven by lab

results and symptoms).


> Dove Rose

> ----------

> My Beloved is mine and I am His. (SS. 2:16)

> ~ Jesus, My Eternal Passion! ~



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