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Re: Bad adrenal electric shocks......I can't handle them

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I think the Florinef is an excellent thing to try, have you had sodium

and potassium tested? You may need potassium as well as sidium as this

can be out of balance very badly and might even worsen wiht Florinef

even if oyu need it. You also may need HC. Or at leats increasing Isocort.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Thanks Val,yes I had sodium and potassium done both were low.

SODIUM 135 *LOW RANGE136-146 *****LOW

POTASSIUM 3.8 RANGE 3.5 -5.1

I need to read up on high potassium foods I guess, do you know of a

good potassium supplement? and as for the HC I know I should not be

so scared of it but I am.

thank you, sherie

I think the Florinef is an excellent thing to try, have you had sodium

and potassium tested? You may need potassium as well as sidium as this

can be out of balance very badly and might even worsen wiht Florinef

even if oyu need it. You also may need HC. Or at leats increasing Isocort.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://www.seewell4 less.com/ Valspage. htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower. Bananas

adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Thank you Val.


I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower. Bananas

adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://www.seewell4 less.com/ Valspage. htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Thank you Val.


I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower. Bananas

adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://www.seewell4 less.com/ Valspage. htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Thank you Val.


I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower. Bananas

adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV

http://www.stopthet hyroidmadness. com/

http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ NaturalThyroidHo rmonesADRENALS/

http://www.seewell4 less.com/ Valspage. htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Potassium supplements are dangerous? First I've heard of

this....I've been supplementing for months now!

What do they do??? yikes....am off to google right now.



> I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

> suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

> Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower.


> adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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Too much or too little potassium can kill you. It can cause heart

irregularities adn evn a heart attack if the balance of sodium and

potassium is very bad. It can cause high BP too if it is too low.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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But if I have proven low potassium then there is no danger in

supplementing correct? And I have high BP and read where

supplementing could lower bp?

Is there any ONE area of medicine that is clear cut and direct.

This all gets sooooo old sometimes. Sorry to vent,



> Too much or too little potassium can kill you. It can cause heart

> irregularities adn evn a heart attack if the balance of sodium and

> potassium is very bad. It can cause high BP too if it is too low.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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Hi Val,

why do you say supplementing potassium is dangerous? I am taking

florinef and eat tons and tons of veggies and some fruit, but in the

past have tested very low on potassium despite my diet. My doc at

the time prescribed rx potassium chloride to bring the levels up.

When I started the florinef, I stopped the potassium chloride, but I

wonder if I really need it. Am having a chem panel next week, that

will tell me something.

But still....why do you think supplementing K is dangerous? What are

the dangers?



> I would not supplement potassium it is dangerous! That is why I

> suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

> Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower.


> adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are



> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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I have experienced what you seem to be describing several times over

the years. Each time it was related to my serotonin levels.

It's common to have these " shock/zap " feelings when there is a sudden

shift in seratonin levels. Many experience these shocks/zaps when

first discontinuing an anti-depressant. That is when I experienced

them first...coming off Paxil " cold turkey " rather than weaning off.

Since serotonin is associated with the adrenals it makes sense to me

that I have experienced the shocks/zaps when treating the adrenals.

When my adrenal labs came back and my serotonin levels were shown to

be low my doctor had me start taking serotonin supplements, along with

the L-Tryptophan I was already taking to help me sleep (which is

converted into serotonin).

At that point I had a few days of the shock/zaps but my body seems now

to have normalized.

Wikipedia says this (among other things) about Brain Zaps (see below).

While reading understand that they refer specifically to the

serotonin levels being affected by antidepressants, however I would

think that the levels can also fluctuate due to adrenal treatments I

enclosed a sentence in asterisks (**) for you to key in on especially.

From Wikipedia:

The " brain zap " effect appears to be nearly unique to serotonergic

drug formulations which have an extremely short elimination half-life;

that is, they are more quickly metabolized by the liver and leave the

general circulation faster than longer half-life antidepressants such

as fluoxetine (Prozac). **This attribute of abruptness leaves the

brain a relatively short time to adapt to a major neurochemical change

when the medication is stopped, and the symptoms may be caused by the

brain's attempt at readjustment.** There is no current evidence

that these " zaps " present any danger to the patient experiencing them

and have rarely been reported as painful however they can be very

disconcerting to those patients who have no prior warning or knowledge

of them.

I hope this helps. You can do a search about brain zaps or serotonin

shock/zap and see if you connect with the things you find.

I hope this helps. I know when I had the shock/zaps I was VERY

disconcerted. Knowing what they were caused by helped me a lot.

It's *definitely* worth mentioning to your doctor that you are

experiencing these symptoms. They should know what to make of what

you are experiencing.



> I have had these adrenaline/electric shock feelings for years ,I

> remember having them on occasion back in 1993. they really made them

> selves known when I stopped taking benzos in 2005.



> These electric shock feelings the last few weeks have got worse,

> much worse. I dont know if I can describe them good enough, ill try.


> Any noise or thought can bring them on, a very soft quite noise, to

> my dogs barking all of a sudden, someone walking in the room,a horn

> blaring far off, the phone ringing, a fly sneezes and to me it

> sounds like a bomb went off. and then the thoughts, this I dont

> understand because my adrenals will jump and hit me with these shocks

> whether I am actively thinking something or not.



> Last week for about 4 days they would start about the same time,

> about right before getting ready to relax and go to sleep, I will

> start to doze then,.. wham feels like electricity painfully

> shooting through my whole body.

> it hurts, its a strange type of hurt though, it starts in the area

> about where the kidneys are, but its also in the front of the body

> right about where the ribs start. and the shocks shoot through my

> legs , arms , through the jaw, top of the head.



> This morning is happening again,one of my dogs barked at something

> and I was hit by these damn shocks. and after this happens

> my body cant recover very well. then I get in a fight with my

> significant other, he really does not understand all this, I try to

> tell him things and get him to read up on it , but no he wont do it.

> all we do is argue. im about to say to hell with relationships.



> What is this ? I now its stress related, I have had NOTHING but non

> stop stress, since 2005. not to be dramatic but I am beginning to

> think that this is going to kill me . I think my flight or fight

> response is very messed up . I sometimes think about checking " out " .

> not a healthy thought but its one I have been having more of lately.



> I know I need to support my adrenals and thyroid, im trying. I take

> sea salt twice a day, im taking isocort 5 pellets a day, I take 2

> grains of armour a day, I take herbs, for adrenal support and for

> other things, I try to eat decent , but my diet could be better. I do

> stay away from sugar, white flour products, I dont drink milk or eat

> junk food that often, but I do eat some chips and salsa on occasion ,

> I love the salty. I also ordered some florinef its on its way.



> Anyone else have these adrenal electric shocks at all? how did you

> get them to stop? what more can I do? I don't know what more I can do.




> sherie


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The dangers are heart aqttack form high potassium. Supplementing it for

LOW K is not dangerous, knowing when to stop or lower it is the trick.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Any thoughts on amino acids like tyrosine,acetyl cartinine, taurine to

raise serotonin naturally? We supplement these to treat depression,

they raise the serotonin naturally because the body can use them and

make them into serotonin.

Also,is she on any of these medications that can cause this? She's

probably not, but have to ask.

> >

> > I have had these adrenaline/electric shock feelings for years ,I

> > remember having them on occasion back in 1993. they really made them

> > selves known when I stopped taking benzos in 2005.

> >

> >

> > These electric shock feelings the last few weeks have got worse,

> > much worse. I dont know if I can describe them good enough, ill try.

> >

> > Any noise or thought can bring them on, a very soft quite noise, to

> > my dogs barking all of a sudden, someone walking in the room,a horn

> > blaring far off, the phone ringing, a fly sneezes and to me it

> > sounds like a bomb went off. and then the thoughts, this I dont

> > understand because my adrenals will jump and hit me with these shocks

> > whether I am actively thinking something or not.

> >

> >

> > Last week for about 4 days they would start about the same time,

> > about right before getting ready to relax and go to sleep, I will

> > start to doze then,.. wham feels like electricity painfully

> > shooting through my whole body.

> > it hurts, its a strange type of hurt though, it starts in the area

> > about where the kidneys are, but its also in the front of the body

> > right about where the ribs start. and the shocks shoot through my

> > legs , arms , through the jaw, top of the head.

> >

> >

> > This morning is happening again,one of my dogs barked at something

> > and I was hit by these damn shocks. and after this happens

> > my body cant recover very well. then I get in a fight with my

> > significant other, he really does not understand all this, I try to

> > tell him things and get him to read up on it , but no he wont do it.

> > all we do is argue. im about to say to hell with relationships.

> >

> >

> > What is this ? I now its stress related, I have had NOTHING but non

> > stop stress, since 2005. not to be dramatic but I am beginning to

> > think that this is going to kill me . I think my flight or fight

> > response is very messed up . I sometimes think about checking " out " .

> > not a healthy thought but its one I have been having more of lately.

> >

> >

> > I know I need to support my adrenals and thyroid, im trying. I take

> > sea salt twice a day, im taking isocort 5 pellets a day, I take 2

> > grains of armour a day, I take herbs, for adrenal support and for

> > other things, I try to eat decent , but my diet could be better. I do

> > stay away from sugar, white flour products, I dont drink milk or eat

> > junk food that often, but I do eat some chips and salsa on occasion ,

> > I love the salty. I also ordered some florinef its on its way.

> >

> >

> > Anyone else have these adrenal electric shocks at all? how did you

> > get them to stop? what more can I do? I don't know what more I

can do.

> >

> >

> >

> > sherie

> >


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What about those of us who can't drink OJ or eat bananas? The juice is

just WAY too much sugar for me, and so would bananas be, but I couldn't

eat a banana if I was starving to death. Tomatoes, of course, but I have

to limit them rather strictly, and tomato/veg juices also. (Too much in

the tomato line and I get more joint pain. I have added a little (1/2

cup or less) potato once or twice a week, but I'm not sure that's enough

to do much good. Can't eat more than that, or I get cravings. I eat an

avocado here and there, but can't afford one a day, LOL.

In view of my restrictions, I've been using some " no salt " potassium

chloride, and mixing some into my salt. About 1/4 potassium chloride and

3/4 salt.




T wrote:

> I

> suggested high potassium foods but you must eat them daily taking

> Florinef as it can lower it and yours does not need ot go lower. Bananas

> adn orange juice are two good sources but I am sure there are others.



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nafoel wrote:

> Is there any ONE area of medicine that is clear cut and direct.



Yep, broken bones, compound fractures and the like. Doesn't seem to be

much disagreement about how to treat those.



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I've not had any experience with using amino acids to boost serotonin

levels. I get the concept and am now curious about it. Truth is that

there is only so much I have been able to research with all the

medical stuff I have going on at once. I've trusted my doc in taking

the L-tryptophan (is that an amino acid?) and serotonin supplements.

I'll look into the amino acids.

As for her being on medications to cause that...it's not that the

brain zaps ONLY happen with those meds. They can happen, from what I

understand, any time the brain's biochemistry levels are changed

suddenly and the brain has to adjust.

I just wanted to bring that up as an example and share that I had the

same symptom at various different times.

It can be a very very troubling and disconcerting symptom to have.

Really throws you for a loop. When it has happened to me I find that

I stop speaking mid-sentence because it distracts me from what I am

saying. Whoa.


> Any thoughts on amino acids like tyrosine,acetyl cartinine, taurine to

> raise serotonin naturally? We supplement these to treat depression,

> they raise the serotonin naturally because the body can use them and

> make them into serotonin.

> Also,is she on any of these medications that can cause this? She's

> probably not, but have to ask.

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I take L-Tryptophan an hour before bed. The dose is three capsules,

with each capsule being 500MG.

I just realized now when I grabbed the bottle to type the info for you

that I am not taking a serotonin replacement. I'm taking something

that is converted into serotonin. I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm

just now coming out of a hypothyroid haze where my brain is working

again (hallelujia!).

I take something called Serotonin Max (by Divine Health) three times a

day. Each capsule of this has the following in it:

Vitamin B6 - 30mg

Folic Acid - 300mcg

Calcium - 180mg

Magnesium - 150mg

Zinc - 15mg

5-HTP - 300mg

The 5-HTP is produced from the amino acid L-Tryptophan. It is said to

boost the body's serotonin levels. You can read about it here if you

wish: http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/herbsvitaminsad/a/5HTP.htm .

Does that help at all? Again...sorry for the confusion!



> ,


> I am curoious how much seratonin you are taking? My doctor had

prescribed it for me, but I wasn't able to sleep and quit taking them.

It was compouded and 5 mg. When did you take it? My doctor said it

was okay to take it in the evening as it is calming. Do you take it then?

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>>Yep, broken bones, compound fractures and the like. Doesn't seem to be

much disagreement about how to treat those.<<

Well there should be! I have only ever broken one bone in my life. the long bone

in my left forearm (motorcycle accident) I was taken to ER set adn put in a

cast. Pretty standard stuf, but then the arm was swalling so badly they had to

split the cast. Well abotu three days of this itching and I took it off for a

shower. and MIRACLE of miracle not only di it not hurt ot move, but it felt

GOOD! 2 weeks of that cast adn I took it off, another 2 weeks and the sling came

off & I returned to work. There is NO SIGN of a break in that arm and they

couldn;t see the break at 3 weeks after it happened. the bone doc said he never

saw ANYONE heal liek that. Well abotu a month later I saw a cat special that

said cats purring was done to heal themselves. When they are injured they purr

and the resonance of the purr heals them, they also will surround an injured cat

and all purr and lay besidfe and on the injured one.. I had 4 cats at the time..

and I swear to this day they healed my arm! I always had a cat on me for the

time I was in the sling!


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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We sell a safe potassium supplement, called Combination Potassium, this is the

info on the ingredients copied from my website:

Each capsule contains 40 mg of elemental potassium from dipotassium phosphate

in a base of:

Kelp stems and leaves

Dulse fronds

Alfalfa aerial parts

Horseradish root

White cabbage leaf

Horsetail stems and strobilus

If you cannot get the potassium from dietary sources, this herbal supplement

may be the route for you. I take it when I feel weak and low on potassium.


Terri Stovall, ND

Traditionl Naturopathic Doctor

Get Healthy, LLC


Nature's Sunshine Herbal Supplements


OMG, Sweet deal for Yahoo! users/friends: Get A Month of Blockbuster Total

Access, No Cost. W00t

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i read once that purring of cats was helping with osteoporosis of the owners.



Re: Bad adrenal electric shocks......I can't handle


>>Yep, broken bones, compound fractures and the like. Doesn't seem to be

much disagreement about how to treat those.<<

Well there should be! I have only ever broken one bone in my life. the long

bone in my left forearm (motorcycle accident) I was taken to ER set adn put in a

cast. Pretty standard stuf, but then the arm was swalling so badly they had to

split the cast. Well

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Thanks Terri. I'm assuming it's all natural and nothing synthetic?

What is in regular potassium capsules you buy in the drugstore...do

you know?

What's funny is that I eat A LOT of potassium rich foods..I LOVE

bananas in coconut oil as a daily snack, and eat oranges galore as

well as avocadoes and potatoes.

I think my chronic diarhea depletes me before my body can absorb any

of the good stuff in foods.




> We sell a safe potassium supplement, called Combination Potassium,

this is the info on the ingredients copied from my website:


> Each capsule contains 40 mg of elemental potassium from

dipotassium phosphate in a base of:

> Kelp stems and leaves

> Dulse fronds

> Alfalfa aerial parts

> Horseradish root

> White cabbage leaf

> Horsetail stems and strobilus

> If you cannot get the potassium from dietary sources, this

herbal supplement may be the route for you. I take it when I feel

weak and low on potassium.

> Terri




> Terri Stovall, ND

> Traditionl Naturopathic Doctor

> Get Healthy, LLC

> www.inhw.org

> Nature's Sunshine Herbal Supplements


> ---------------------------------

> OMG, Sweet deal for Yahoo! users/friends: Get A Month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. W00t



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I'm going to have to speak to my cats. They haven't been doing their jobs.

A small broken bone in my foot didn't heal that fast! And it was a tiny


LOL, amazing story!



> I have only ever broken one bone in my life. the long bone in my left forearm

(motorcycle accident) I was taken to ER set adn put in a cast. Pretty standard

stuf, but then the arm was swalling so badly they had to split the cast. Well

abotu three days of this itching and I took it off for a shower. and MIRACLE of

miracle not only di it not hurt ot move, but it felt GOOD! 2 weeks of that cast

adn I took it off, another 2 weeks and the sling came off & I returned to work.

There is NO SIGN of a break in that arm and they couldn;t see the break at 3

weeks after it happened. the bone doc said he never saw ANYONE heal liek that.

Well abotu a month later I saw a cat special that said cats purring was done to

heal themselves. When they are injured they purr and the resonance of the purr

heals them, they also will surround an injured cat and all purr and lay besidfe

and on the injured one.. I had 4 cats at the time.. and I swear to this day they

healed my arm! I always had a cat on me for the time I was in the sling!



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