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RE: please help interpret labs for friend

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HIs Ferritin is very low as men need it even higher than women and women

need it ot be 70-90. HIs testosteroine is in the DIRT. For men this is

VERY important even more so than women and his htyroid is veyr low and

he has Hashi's. Possibluy should do the cortilsl saliva testing to find

out about adrenals.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Well, his B-12, Ferritin, FT4, and FT3 are all low. B-12 should optimally be

close to 1000, Ferritin (iron) should be at least 40-70. And the Free T4 and

T3 are both low, so he needs more thyroid. I don't know much about the sex

hormones yet. The cortisol level would depend on the time of day. It would

be very helpful if he got a 24 hour salvia cortisol test done to check for

adrenal fatiuge. He definately needs to get that B-12 and iron level up

though as low levels of these can interefere with thyroid dosing.


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy

enough people to make it worth the effort. Herm Albright

> Hi, a male acquaintance of mine just got the following blood test

> results back. He's just been diagnosed celiac, and he has been

> suffering from terrible fatigue for awhile. To me he has classic

> adrenal fatigue symptoms. Can anyone offer any more info based on

> these labs? ARe there other tests he should ask for?

> thanks,

> Liz


> * B12 - 266 (>110)

> * Ferritin - 27 (41-300)

> * TSH - 2.00 (0.35-5.00)

> * T4 Free - 12 (10-20)

> * Free T3 - 3.8 (2.6-5.70)

> * LH - 2 (1 - 9.00)

> * Cortisol 1600-2000h - 229 (65-340)

> * DHEAS - 10.3 (2.6-7.70)

> * Testosterone - 21.5 (8.0-38.0)

> * Progesterone - 0.8 (<1.99)

> * Estradiol - 74 (<160.99)

> * Hb - 159 (135-170)

> * Hct - 0.46 (0.38-0.490)

> * RBC - 5.14 (4.2-5.70)

> * MCV - 89.5 (80-97.0)

> * MCH - 30.9 (27-32.0)

> * MCHC - 345 (320-360)

> * Random Dist. Width - 12.8 (11.5-15.5)

> * WBC - 5.5 (4-11.0)

> * Platelets - 239 (145-400)

> * MPV - 7.7 (7.4-11.3)

> * Differential WBC's:


> --> Neutrophils (A) - 3.52 (1.80-7.00)

> --> Lymphocytes (A) - 1.32 (1.00-3.20)

> --> Monocytes (A) - 0.50 (0-0.80)

> --> Eosinophils (A) - 0.17 (0-0.40)

> --> Basophils (A) - 0 (0-0.20)


> * Free Testosterone - 43.2 (31.0-94.0)

> * Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase - POS (NEG)

> * Anty-Thyroglobulin - NEG (NEG)






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Can you explain what labs or why you say he has Hashi's so I can

explain it to him?




> HIs Ferritin is very low as men need it even higher than women and


> need it ot be 70-90. HIs testosteroine is in the DIRT. For men this


> VERY important even more so than women and his htyroid is veyr low


> he has Hashi's. Possibluy should do the cortilsl saliva testing to


> out about adrenals.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/

> http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets


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