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Taking Armour Sublingually

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I started taking my Armour sublingually this past week because I know

that I have low stomache acid. It seems like I am starting to

experience having too much T3 in my system? Is this normal? My temps

have been going up and down again. I would really like to get off the

IsoCort but am still not sure when to do it? I had begun to decrease

it to 15.0 then 10.0 and now I am feeling hyper?

This is so frusterating I just don't know which way to go!



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Thanks for the response. I do think I have much more energy and my

vision (I have Grave's) is improving. I am just seeing my pulse

start to rise and I feel a little more on edge. Possibly I should

cut back a quarter grain and see how I feel? Are you taking any HC

or IsoCort?



> this is the other val....so you dont think she is giving


> opinions.....l find taking orally too weak....and sublingual too

strong and takes

> too long for me...l dont wanna spend an hour and a half a day

waiting for a

> pill to dissolve in my mouth.....l have been chewing my armour till

its pretty

> much dissolved and then just swallowing it....l am having the best

results ever

> this way.....l have been doing this for about 6 months.....lm

warm...l have

> energy....l had the drive to go get a new job and then when l

realized it

> wasnt for me l got another the same day l quit that one....lm

excited about my

> life and l can exercise.....l couldnt want any better results...oh


> lm able to take way less than l did when l was crushing and

swallowing with

> water.....l was taking upwards of 8 a day....now its about 4

l/2....l have also

> lost 8 lbs....so thats all the proof l need.....Valzy




> **************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL


> (http://living.aol.com/video/how-to-please-your-picky-eater/rachel-


> 2050827?NCID=aolcmp00300000002598)




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I've started taking Armour sublingually three days ago and it sure is more

convenient not having to juggle it

around food.

I called the Armour manufacturer to inquire. A staff person said that they do

not recommend taking it that way since they have no " studies " about it's

efficacy sublingually.

I feel that I may be absorbing a bit more since my temps the last 3 days have

gone up to higher 97s. I tried to raise my Armour 15mg two weeks ago and

couldn't tolerate it so going sublingual may be a way to get an increase in.

I don't find it difficult to dissolve, just takes a few minutes. I have a 120mg

pill that I cut in half. Cutting it probably allows quicker dissolving.

Perhaps I have acidic saliva! :)



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I am seeing my temps rise too though they do flucuate more during the

day right now. Apparently we are absorbing more by taking it this

way. I went back to taking 5 IsoCort pellets yesterday and it seemed

to help. I may need to add one more because I am finding I am

clenching my jaw more while I sleep...I wear a night guard for teeth


You are taking 2.0 grains a day? Do you have a thyroid and what are

your labs? I take 2.25 grains and my labs are right in the middle of

the range. Hopefully this will bring me over the middle enough that

I can stabilize my dose of Armour. My doctor claims I am on one of

the highest doses she has any patient on and she thinks I need to

lower it. I am not in complete agreement. I am a small frame, 127

lb female and should really be around 120 lbs but haven't been able

to drop the extra weight. I am hoping this will help.



> I've started taking Armour sublingually three days ago and it sure

is more convenient not having to juggle it

> around food.


> I called the Armour manufacturer to inquire. A staff person said

that they do not recommend taking it that way since they have

no " studies " about it's efficacy sublingually.


> I feel that I may be absorbing a bit more since my temps the last 3

days have gone up to higher 97s. I tried to raise my Armour 15mg two

weeks ago and couldn't tolerate it so going sublingual may be a way

to get an increase in.


> I don't find it difficult to dissolve, just takes a few minutes. I

have a 120mg pill that I cut in half. Cutting it probably allows

quicker dissolving. Perhaps I have acidic saliva! :)


> Janet


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