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HC making me worse? Terrible brain fog and dizziness

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Hello everyone, this is my first post here. Big thanks to Val for

putting the site together - the info here is great!

I have empty sella sydnrome (squashed pituitary) which basically means

I'm hypopituitary. I'm 25, male, healthy weight.

I'm currently on:

Testosterone Gel 5%

DHEA 50mg

Hydrocortisone 20mg (10-6-4)

Arimidex to control estrogen which is high

I was aiming to support my adrenals before starting Armour Thyroid, as

I tried to start armour on it's own but crashed after a few weeks and

stopped. I later did a saliva test which showed low cortisol and dhea.

However, HC seems to be making me worse and worse. I've been on a

couple of months now. I wake up around 2am every night, I also wake up

with asthma symptoms which I don't have when not on medication.

My biggest issue is BRAIN FOG. I am constantly dizzy, very hard to

concentrate, memory is terrible. I've had this for a long time but it

seems to be getting worse lately. It feels as if I was sitting on an

office chair and someone has spun me around as fast at they could -

that's how I feel permanently. Impossible to look around quickly or

look at moving objects. Just very spaced out. I'm also starting to

feel like there's some sort of pressure on my head.

This is becoming a HUGE problem for me as it's killing my productivity.

I had labs taken this week to measure all my hormones etc, results we

come next week. I was going to wait to post but I can't handle it.

So I'm unsure what to do.

1) Why does HC seem to make me worse? Flaring up my allergies and

asthma during the night. Should I switch to a slower acting form of

cortisol such as medrol, or reduce my dose?

2) Could being on HC make my hypothyroidism more pronounced which is

causing these problems?

Any help or suggestions appreciated. I should also note that I also

tried 15mg SR Cortisol and it was disastrous! My body was using it all

up too quickly. I actually felt good for half the day, but then during

the night I'd wake up with terrible asthma attacks which were quite

serious. I assume that taking the 15mg all at once in the morning shut

my adrenals down completely, and then they had absolutely nothing to

run on and last me through the night once the cortisol from the pill

ran out.

Before that when I was taking isocort, I found that I didn't actually

feel like I needed more than 6 pills (15mg). The only reason I've gone

up to 20mg HC is because all the info says you're meant to be on 20mg.

Please help.


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Oh I also take sea salt as I know that's supposed to be good for


I also did the iodoral loading test the other day, will get results

next week.

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Hydrocortisone 20mg (10-6-4)

Try changing dosing to 7.5 - 5 - 5 - BEDTIME 2.5

By taking 10MG in the AM you are top loading your day then taking nothing at

bedtime you have lowered ACTH enough to need some at bedtime so you run out of

cortiosl overnight,


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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