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Please I need help / was in hospital and I am at my witts end - thank you

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I have tried to post this severl times and i think my computer is not

right again.

Any how I was in the hospital 3/10-3/13 first went through ER. Reason

being is that I was beyond fatigued (which on regular day is alot) as

wel as when I stood up my hearing was going dim. I could hear but

everything was far away it seemed.

The ER doc, (thank goodness( had a brain and did not just chalk it up

to nothing. He decided after doing the routine blood work he then had

teh nurse check several times my standing, sitting and laying down

bp. So it was so off he had be admiited for quationable cortisol


I had the ACTH test and all it says is that my result was a 15 ref.

(6-48) I do know they took blood one hour prior then injected me with

the cortisone and then an hour after took the blood test again.

My cortisol was 1.7 3/10 and 3/11 both taken around 6 or 7am . ref

range (5.0-23.0).

I also had an MRI brain with and without contrast.It was to check the

pituitary and came back negative.

The doc who was seeing me in hospital felt I should be put on thyroid

medication , he had no issues with Armour and 20 mgs. of Cortef 10

mgs twice a day. The first day my TSH was 0.78 and next day was 1.45

and t4 was 4.7 I do not know why t3 was not taken.

Also my Iron was 41 which says low by it and TIBC low 192 ref. - 250-

450 Iron Sat. 21 ref . - 15-50 and Transferrin 137 low ref . - 190-

375and a t3 uptake 41.3 ref. 32.0 - 48.0

I am taking a stool test as the hosp. doc wants to see I am not sure

something with red blood cells.

This is were I need help. I put first what has been going so anyone

could help me.

I saw an Endo Thurs. over 6 people said he is great and he goes by

symptoms as well. Well lucky me lol he did not. He said he did not

know why the doc put me on Armour and Cortef to go off adn see hoim

in ten weeks. Two weeks prior at 7am having a fasting blood test(

around 20 tests no joke)I did ask some ?'s but I was livid. I waited

over a hour ot see him he had all my past labs plus recent hospiatl


I know alot of you are done with docs. I am not feeling well one bit

it is extremely difficult for me to get on the computer and try and

get all the info. and then I haev seen amny of docs and most say the

other is wrong. I do know I have to get on he proper Iron. The Enod

did not even bring up that I as low.

I am to see the doc that was seeing me in teh hosp. this week. He

told me I should see an endo but he would wacth me while I got into

one. Well I got in sooner than I thought and I am told so not take

anything for the adrenals or thyroid he is not think I have issues

with them. The salivia test he dismissed but patients are raving

about him. The gyno i saw told me that I must see an Endo as the

salviia tests she believes and my levels were off ont hem TSH high

and the frees low.

I have no strength to deal with this any longer. I have raead alot

here and on realthyroid.com and I am beside myself. i am lucky I am

not back in the ER I feel like crap.

Please can anyone help/give me feedback as to what I can do? Do I

need the thyroid , do I need cortef. The minute I told the ENdo

towards the end of the appt. I was on a Medrol pack in Jan he said

that is why your cortisol is so low and I will retest weeks from now.

My cortisol was at a stage 5 with the salivia that was before teh

Medrol. I do not have it in me anymore to go to docs and I need help

and will end up back in the ER if I am not getting better. I know

alot of docs do not want ot deal with these issues but this Endo has

helped many others. He ordered the same ACTH test as hosp/ etcc.

I am low in D as well. I wil get teh D3 and I did read ashile back

about what type of Iron but can someone please tel me as I lost the

post on it.

Thanks for reading. I know it is long but w/o the facts how could

anyone help.



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