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glutamine, why it is dangerous. The article.

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I put the whole thing here to avoid folks having to give mercola their email

address. He is right about this, but he isn't right about a lot of things. My

mental health is dependant upon antidepressants and he pooh pooh's those, which

is a tragedy because it can keep folks from getting help. Similar bad advice

kept me from getting help for decades and it put myself and everyone who had to

be around me through HELL.

But in this instance he is not only telling the truth, he is one of the rare few

that do. I have actually read articles about autism that recommend glutamine!

But it really damaged me. That just goes to show you you CAN'T believe all

health advice you get on the net, or from other sources. It can be VERY wrong

and VERY dangerous sometimes.

Incidentally the few weeks I was on glutamine, my gut felt GREAT. It usually

hurts. It does help the gut. But it damaged my brain while it was helping my



Dr. Crayhon posted comments on this site indicating that I was terribly

mistaken in my caution concerning the use of glutamine and that he had consulted

several " cell biologists " who were also concerned with my statements on

glutamine safety. In fact it was stated that I apparently did not understand

that glutamine was not an excitotoxin and was not converted into an excitotoxin.

Of course, I never stated glutamine was an excitotoxin, but I do state that it

is converted into the excitotoxin glutamate within neurons. Numerous recent

studies as well as Siegel's Basic Neurochemistry textbook emphatically state

that the major source of glutamate is from glutamine in the brain. Normally,

when the brain finishes using glutamate for chemical communication between brain

cells at the synapse the glutamate is taken up by surrounding glial cells and

changed by the enzyme glutamine synthease into glutamine, where it is stored.

The Problem With Excitotoxins

The glutamine is then transported to the neuron and by the enzyme glutaminase,

it is converted to glutamate--the potential excitotoxin. I say potential because

unless it accumulates outside the brain cell it is harmless.

This is the major source of glutamate within the brain. Excitotoxins are usually

amino acids, such as glutamate and aspartate. These special amino acids cause

particular brain cells to become excessively excited, to the point they will

quickly die. Excitotoxins can also cause a loss of brain synapses and connecting

fibers. Food-borne excitotoxins include such additives as MSG, aspartame,

hydrolyzed protein and soy protein extract.

In two recent studies it was found that the amount of glutamine in the brain

could predict the brain damage seen both in pediatric brain injuries and brain

damage secondary to seizures. Adding large amounts of glutamine to the diet

increases significantly brain levels of glutamine and, hence, glutamate. Another

study found that by adding glutamine to the diet of animals exposed to another

powerful excitotoxin called quinolinic acid, brain cell damage was increased

significantly. Quinolinic acid is known to accumulate in the brain in most cases

of viral brain infection as seen with HIV dementia and viral encephalitis.

Glutamine and Liver Toxicity

Individuals with liver toxicity tend to accumulate ammonia in their blood and

brain. Until recently, it was assumed that it was the ammonia that caused liver

disease-associated brain injury and that glutamine was protective.

Newer studies indicate that actually it is the glutamine that is causing the

brain's injury. Increasing glutamine in the diet would significantly aggravate

this damage.

Free Radicals in the Brain

Glutamine accumulation has also been found in Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's

disease and high levels of brain glutamine have been associated with a worse

prognosis in Lou Gehrig's disease. Likewise, recent studies have shown that high

brain glutamine levels increase brain levels of free radicals and impair the

ability of brain mitochondria to produce energy. When the brain produces low

energy, excitotoxins, such as glutamate, become even more toxic. It has been

shown that the reason for glutamine toxicity under these conditions is because

it is converted to the excitotoxin--glutamate.

Glutamine and Multiple Sclerosis

Of particular concern is the finding that people with multiple sclerosis have

increased levels of the enzyme glutaminase (the enzyme that converts glutamine

into glutamate) in areas of nerve fiber damage. High levels of glutamine in the

diet would increase glutamate levels near these injured areas magnifying the

damage. It has been shown that excitotoxicity plays a major role in multiple

sclerosis by destroying the cells (oligodendrocytes) that produce myelin.

Glutamine and Pregnant Women

Another area of concern would be pregnant women. Glutamine passes through the

placenta and may actually be concentrated in the baby's blood, producing very

high levels. Glutamate plays a major role in the development of the baby's

brain. Excess glutamate has been shown to cause significant impairment of brain

development in babies and can lead to mental retardation.

When to Use Glutamine

The major use for high-dose glutamine would be to repair gastrointestinal

injury. In such cases, I would recommend short-term use only. Those with a

history of the following conditions should avoid glutamine, even for short-term


a.. Stroke

b.. Neurodegenerative disease

c.. Pregnancy

d.. Malignancy

e.. Recent vaccinations

f.. ADHD

g.. Hypoglycemia

h.. Autism

i.. Multiple sclerosis

j.. Other neurological disorders

Glutamine has recently been shown to produce extreme hypoglycemia, even more so

than leucine, which is known to produce fatal hypoglycemia in infants.

The reason Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is not seen with glutamine challenge is

that the glutamate receptors in the lungs and esophagus are stimulated by

glutamate, not glutamine. The glutamine must be converted first and this occurs

primarily in the brain.

The only safe situation for glutamine use is in the vigorous athlete. Glutamine

is used as a muscle fuel, so that vigorous exercise will consume most of the

glutamine before it can accumulate in the brain. I would still avoid long-term

use in high doses. I would caution readers to avoid excess glutamine, especially

in the above named conditions and situations.

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OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.

now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.

what specifically did you experience while taking this product?

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OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.

now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.

what specifically did you experience while taking this product?

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OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.

now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.

what specifically did you experience while taking this product?

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I can sure relate to what you just said. If I could have half the

money I spent on products that either didn't work or caused side

effects for me I'd have a good chunk of money!

I don't know anything about Glutanagenics though but I've learned to be

real leary of most supplements.



> OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

> Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.


> now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.


> what specifically did you experience while taking this product?


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I can sure relate to what you just said. If I could have half the

money I spent on products that either didn't work or caused side

effects for me I'd have a good chunk of money!

I don't know anything about Glutanagenics though but I've learned to be

real leary of most supplements.



> OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

> Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.


> now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.


> what specifically did you experience while taking this product?


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I can sure relate to what you just said. If I could have half the

money I spent on products that either didn't work or caused side

effects for me I'd have a good chunk of money!

I don't know anything about Glutanagenics though but I've learned to be

real leary of most supplements.



> OMG I just purchased a $55 product called

> Glutanagenics which my doctor said will detox my gut.


> now I am thinking it may cause more harm than good.


> what specifically did you experience while taking this product?


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Some people would say as a general rule if it's a whole food source, as in not

stripped of

whatever other nutrients & molecules etc. it was originally 'packaged' with it

may be a

completely different thing than once it's become an isolated substance. True of


from vit C on up. Seems to be an idea expressed in that article from Mercola,


I personally seem to feel reel good after a mix of goat's milk protien & rice

protien, but

that's just me. I'm also using a product called SeaCure which is white fish

protien. Pill not

snack, unfortunately.

I love Pitchford's book! Though I'm not sure anymore about the bent towards

vegetarianism. Between that and Sally Fallon's I did everything diet wise a

person could do

and I now believe (statement of personal opinion) that if you really need

hormone support,

diet alone is probably too little too late, and in the absense of any really


herbalist I feel safer with hormones.


> Please help me understand... is it the individual supplement that is

> dangerous, or is it all powdered proteins that are dangerous, simply from

> processing.


> I have to FORCE myself to eat many times and am quite discouraged in finding

> protein sources, especially for on the go. One can eat so many nuts,

> avacado's and eggs.


> I noticed that there is a product for sale on mercola's site, but can't

> find the breakdown of amino's. I JUST ordered some goats milk protein and

> I'm wondering if I threw away yet more money. My accupunct says I test

> okay on Jarrow's protein, but test even better on a rice protein.


> I'm with you Mark, this supplement thing is getting iffy. Accupunt also

> had me buy a book on whole foods healing.


> Healing with Whole Foods Pitchford. Asian Traditions and modern

> nutrition.


> kc in AZ


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Some people would say as a general rule if it's a whole food source, as in not

stripped of

whatever other nutrients & molecules etc. it was originally 'packaged' with it

may be a

completely different thing than once it's become an isolated substance. True of


from vit C on up. Seems to be an idea expressed in that article from Mercola,


I personally seem to feel reel good after a mix of goat's milk protien & rice

protien, but

that's just me. I'm also using a product called SeaCure which is white fish

protien. Pill not

snack, unfortunately.

I love Pitchford's book! Though I'm not sure anymore about the bent towards

vegetarianism. Between that and Sally Fallon's I did everything diet wise a

person could do

and I now believe (statement of personal opinion) that if you really need

hormone support,

diet alone is probably too little too late, and in the absense of any really


herbalist I feel safer with hormones.


> Please help me understand... is it the individual supplement that is

> dangerous, or is it all powdered proteins that are dangerous, simply from

> processing.


> I have to FORCE myself to eat many times and am quite discouraged in finding

> protein sources, especially for on the go. One can eat so many nuts,

> avacado's and eggs.


> I noticed that there is a product for sale on mercola's site, but can't

> find the breakdown of amino's. I JUST ordered some goats milk protein and

> I'm wondering if I threw away yet more money. My accupunct says I test

> okay on Jarrow's protein, but test even better on a rice protein.


> I'm with you Mark, this supplement thing is getting iffy. Accupunt also

> had me buy a book on whole foods healing.


> Healing with Whole Foods Pitchford. Asian Traditions and modern

> nutrition.


> kc in AZ


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