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Visit with CFS doc today

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Hi all, I went to the CFS specialist, Jeanne Hubbuch today. Gawd,

she is so incredibly knowledgable about SO many subjects, it's

mindboggling! She spent over an hour with me, and talked about what

my health and what I've been doing with Alica, my energy worker.

Several weeks ago, Alica did tuning fork acupuncture on me. It was a

DISASTER, left me with a headache for a week, and I just haven't felt

well since. Dr Hubbuch *had* wanted to do some sort of tuning device

on my adrenals, but she said that my system is just too senstive for

that... I also can't take reflexology-- just too much. BodyTalk and

acupuncture are really good though.

We went over my labs... she agrees that my sodium is out of whack--

even with the " normal " range. She said my level should be much

higher with all the extra sodium I've been taking each day.

She did... I guess what you'd call kinesiology tests on me, and she

feels that all the emotional traumas I've experienced are just

draining my adrenals. That was one of the BIG things that came out

of the kinesiology: emotional trauma was off the charts. She said

that the EMDR and counseling *should* be helping, not making my

adrenals worse. She wants to put me on Cortef, and on a low-dose

anti-depressant-- Lexapro. She said that the repetetive thoughts

just running constantly through my head are just poisonous to my

system, and my system needs to be calmed ASAP. My energy worker also

said that I absorb emotions from other people, and Helen Trimble has

said that I may be an empath. Dr H said my adrenals aren't

*crashing*, but the trauma is kicking the stuffing out of them. She

knew about wei qi, and flower essences, including Rescue Remedy.

We talked about getting my old amalgam fillings removed in the

future. She said chlorella would be good if I do that, as it binds to

the mercury.

She wants me on an alkaline diet, and gave me an antacid, with ph

testing strips. Avoid gluten, corn and oats; drink more V8 juice.

She wants me ON the salt for the aldosterone testing, so she can see

what I'm doing NOW. She want me OFF the pregnenolone, since she

feels that's not helping the way it should.

She took my BP about 5 times-- sitting, lying down, sitting up,

standing, sitting again. Pulse, too.

So, here's what she wants to do:


Cortef 10 mgs to start, divided dose (after the testing)- (she

referenced Dr Jefferies' book)

Lexapro (to start whenever)

A supplement called Alkala, which has sodium & potassium, twice a day



TSH, Free T3, Free T4

8 a.m. Cortisol

Hair tested for mercury

I'm so amazed that she:

1. Knew what Body Talk and EMDR are

2. Knew what tuning fork acupuncture is and reflexology

3. Knew about Dr Jefferies cortisol book

4. Knew about glandulars, herbals and nutrients

So. I go to my primary doc Friday, with the note from Dr H, asking

the primary to test the Aldosterone, cortisol and thyroids.

I feel really positive about the visit. The only bad thing to come

out of today was when I dropped off the scrips at the pharmacy, they

were out of the 10 mg cortef, and had to order more (not a problem,

since I can't start them until after the testing); and for the

Lexapro I have to have a pre-authorization from the doc for my

insurance company. Of course I learned this at 5.05 p.m. after the

doc closed up show, but all in all, it was a great day.

My mom went with me, and she was shocked at the LACK of people

waiting to see the doc. I said that Dr H doesn't overbook, and

spends more than 10 minutes with her patients-- usually at LEAST 1/2

hour, so that was why-- and my appointment was the last one of the

morning, and was an hour long.

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