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Huggins Re: Coarctation of Aorta (CoA), Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) and pulmonary stenosis

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Dear -

Thank you for chiming in. Every voice we add to our presence gives comfort and

assurance. At this point the physicians have decided to discharge the baby

home, awaiting the lungs to mature further prior to repairing the heart. So

exciting to go home - so much worry with the desaturation issues....

Thank you again-


W Re: Coarctation of Aorta (CoA), Ventricular Septal

Defect (VSD) and pulmonary stenosis

Our little Jillyan had her CoA repair at 20 days of age (was supposed

to have been at 3 mos -- but Jillyan had other plans to get out of

the hospital earlier). She was actually in congestive heart failure

when she was rushed into surgery and we got a different baby once

this was fixed - reflux stopped completely and she started drinking

from a bottle.

Her VSD is so small it is considered a non-issue. She did have

subaortic stenosis and we finally had to have surgery in 8/05.

Again -- after the second heart surgery we got a different child --

she tolerated longer therapy sessions and finally began to walk and

also this year went to school full time. Little did we know that the

stenosis was making her sicker than we thought. We had the surgery

done as the pressure of the blood flowing into the defective aortic

valve was increasing and they wanted to prevent valve replacement


My husband and I didn't want two heart surgeries, but both improved

her quality of life and she surprises us constantly.


Mom to Jillyan (now 6) and Hailey (10)

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