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Help with latest blood work

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Here is my latest blood test.

Prior to this I placed myself on 20mg of Cortef for 1 yr and 4month

(stage 7). I weaned off in October and I have been feeling crappy since.

Sodium 140......135-146

Potassium 4.2.........3.5-5.3

TSH <.0 1 ....4-4.5

T3, free 429H......230-420

Ferritin 56.........10-232

Estradiol 41 postmenopausal < 32

I am now getting night sweats that

are keeping me awake

Progestrone 0.6....postmenopausal < 0.7

Cortisol 8.6 ...... 4-22

DHEA Sulfate 19 L ... 25-220

Testrosterone, Total <20 L .....20-76

Aldosterone 5 .....

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  • 2 years later...

I can't tolerate more than 2,000 IU of vitamin D3. I don't supplement iron, so

if its too high, what should I do? Do the other tests in the iron panel look


I'm supplementing B12 & got a shot from the doc recently.

If my T3 is too low, what should I do about ?

Increase my dosage?

As for my A1c, I asked for Metformin, but the doc thinks that treating the

leptin will impact that. He's prescribed Actos, but I haven't filled the script

until I do a little research.

As for my carbs, I do'nt eat many carbs at all. Very little starches or fruit.

My doc has put me on a reduced Amylose diet - no grains, no bananas, no sugar &

no vegetables grown underground, except for onions & garlic.

Is there anything else I should be doing?



> >

> >

> > I've been on T3 only since Oct 2009. I feel alot better & some of my

> > longtime symptoms have gone away. This is my first labwork since

> > clearance. I'm currently on 150 mcg, dosed 4x/day.

> >

> > I understand, from other posts, that I have to get feed back about

> > aldosterone & some of the other labs from the adrenal group, so I'll

> > post this there. But I'm hoping to get some feedback about my thyroid

> > labs here. The Doc's office omitted some of the tests I requested, so

> > I know that I'm missing Renin & Potassium RBC.

> >

> > Thanks!

> > C.

> >

> >

> > Item tested 8/6/2010 12/4/2009 8/13/2009

> > Albumin 3.9 (3.5 - 5.5) 4.0 (3.6 - 5.1) 4.1 (3.6 - 5.1)

> > Aldosterone Serum 22.8 (1 - 16)

> > (4 - 31 upright) 0.3 (0.2 - 1.2)

> > Alkaline Phosphate 89 (25 150) 82 (40 - 115) 80 (33 - 130)

> > ALT 27 (0 - 40) 26 (6 - 40)

> > AST (SGOT) 27 (0 - 40) 24 (10 - 35)

> > Antithyroglobuline Ab serum 43 ((0 - 40)

> > Bilirubin Serum Total 0.4 (0.0 - 1.1.2)

> > BUN 17 (5 - 26)

> > Calcium Serum 9.5 (8.7 - 10.2) 9.7 (8.6 - 10.2) 9.6 (8.6 - 10.2)

> > Carbon Dioxide 22 (20 - 32) 18 (21 - 33) 26 (21 - 33)

> > Chloride Serum 105 (97 - 108) 108 (98 - 110) 105 (98 - 110)

> >

> > Creatinine, Urine 21 (7 - 25)

> > Creatinine, Serum 0.60 (0.57 - 1.0) 0.62 0.76-1.46 0.90 (0.60 - 1.10)

> > Bun / Creatinine Ratio 28 ( 8 - 27) 34 (6 - 22)

> >

> > eGFR nonAfrican >59 ( >59 )

> >

> > Estradiol 16 13-54

> > Ferritin Serum 156 (13 - 150) 109 (10 - 232)

> > Folate serum 8.8 (> 5.4)

> > Globulin Serum (Total) 2.9 (1.5 - 4.5) 3.0 (2.2 - 3.9)

> > Globulin / Albimum Ratio 1.3 (1.3 - 2.5) 1.4 (1.0 - 21)

> > Glucose, Fasting 101 (65 - 99)

> > Glucose, nonFasting 105 65-99 100 (65-99)

> > Hemoglobin A1c 5.7 (4.8 - 5.6)

> > Iron Serum

> > Iron Bind Cap (TIBC) 206 (250 - 450)

> > UIBC 131 (150 - 375)

> > Iron Saturation 36 (15 - 55)

> >

> > Leptin 88 (1.1 - 27.5)

> >

> > Magnesium RBC 5.3 (4.2 - 6.8)

> > Potassium Serum 4.1 (3.5 - 5.2) 4.9 (3.5 - 5.3) 4.3 (3.5 - 5.3)

> >

> > Protein Serum (Total) 6.8 (6.0 - 8.5) 7.3 (6.2 - 8.3) 7.1 (6.2 - 8.3)

> > Sodium serum 141 (135 - 145) 147 (135 - 146) 140 (135 - 146)

> >

> > TIBC Serum 206 (250 - 450)

> > T3 Total 110 (97 - 219)

> > T3 Free Serum 3.9 (2.0 - 4.4) 809 (230 - 420) 338 (230 - 420)

> > T3 Reverse <17 (90 - 350) 29 (11 - 32)

> > T4

> > T4 Free Serum <0.03 (0.82 - 1.77) 0.2 (0.8-1.8) 1.2 (0.8 - 1.8)

> > TSH <0.006 (0.450 - 4.5) <0.01 (0.40-4.50) < 0.01 (0.04-4.5)

> > Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 181 (0 - 34)

> >

> > Testosterone Total 32 5-42

> > Testosterone Free 1.8 (0.2 - 6.4)

> >

> > UIBC 131 (150 - 375)

> > Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 22 7-25 22 (7-25)

> >

> > Vitamin B12 s/b 550 434 (200 - 1100)

> > Vitamin D 25-OH total 37.1 (32 - 100) 34 (20 - 100)

> > Vitamin D 25-OH D2 <4

> > Vitamin D 25-OH D3 34

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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