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There ARE real doctors out there!

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I had an appointment with my DO yesterday to discuss my bloodwork as

well as my son's test results.

I am ever so impressed at how easily he can read and intrepret test

results and symptoms to determine a treatment protocol! There are

REAL doctors out there! Do not hesitate to fire ones who do not work

with you or whom are not knowledgable in treating your illnesses. It

is akin to finding a specialist in whatever field you need....ie

heart specialist if you have a heart attack. Even then, you have to

sift through the " speicalists " to find one. But, I am joyful that I

have found one to help me and my son. It was worth the wait and the

long journey. Keep looking until you find " the one " . They are out


I will be continuing Isocort for a while to boost the adrenals,

continuing on Armour for next 3 months. I will be tweaking the

progesterone cream a bit (adding a small (1/4) dose on days 3-10 of

my period) and that should help general overall wellness as well.

My son's results and summarized treatment protocol:

1)MRI showed no abnormalities of the pituitary! YEAH! From

bloodwork, it appears the pituitary is not stimulating the testes to

produce enough testosterone.

2)Low testosterone: Take a multi-glandular supplement with pituitary

(1/day or ½ adult dose). Also take ½ adult dose of Tribulus

Terrestis per day. Doc wants to try and naturally stimulate the

pituatary to produce enough to stimulate the testes.

3)Adrenals: Continue to use adrenal glandular (Isocort), as well as

iodine, celtic sea salt, selenium, and ashwagahanda.

4) To help with blood sugan/glucose issues: chromium picolonate 200

micrograms with breakfast, lunch (or meals with highest starch


5) Higher protein at meals, protein snacks to help support growth,

hormone production, adrenals, etc. – ie. more fish, more lean meats,

protein shakes, protein bars (NO SOY).

6) No soy (ie Cliff Bars) – this will only be interpreted by the body

as estrogen and will likely reduce the testosterone further.

7)No diet soda, Very little sugar (some fruit and juices are ok), no

caffiene, no sweets – no nutrasweet especially as it is a

neurotoxin. He's worried about possible Insulin resistance.

8) To support his growth hormone factor: 1000 mg Argenine and 1000 mg

of ornathine at bedtime. NO SUGAR before bed (no deserts-even fruit)

as it blocks the ability for the body to use growth hormone.

9) Continue Armour Thyroid at 30 mg = 1/2 grain.

10)Retest in 3 months.

Hopefully, this protocol will stimulate his endocrine system to re-

balance itself without the use of growth hormone or added

testosterone. We'll know more in 3 months.

Thank you for all of your help, advice and support here4. It has

been invaluable! It is wonderful to know you are out there as a

support and knowledge base.

Thank you again!


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