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Good news re ZRT labs and HC question

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Hurray! My doc...FNP actually, not only ordered the ferritin (which she

didn't understand re connection with adrenals or thyroid, except that it's

an adrenal hormone, I think she said), aldesterone, vit D, ACTH (and

prelactin ?) that Val recommended... she ordered EVERYTHING else...

electrolytes, as my potassium was so high and sodium low... (Val, you said

that's probably why I was feeling so much better on 1/4t sea salt 2-4 x a

day). She's also doing an immune panel...that's not the right name, but I

think you know what I mean...and many other things.

I took in some of the posts from the site, talked about the HC dosing, and

Safe Uses of Cortisol...and she has that book, uses it often. So... she's

even better than I thought, and willing to learn. Of course, she's in a

DOC's office, and is regarded as one of the best in Women's Health and

Adrenal/Thyroid issues in the area. However, she didn't know about the

healing pattern for adrenals re " supporting with cortisol replacement and

the 2 year healing avg. But she got up to speed quickly. So they took 4

tubes of blood for tests. AND here's even better news. ZRT labs in Oregon

who do the saliva tests, took 4-8 weeks to report results last January. I

talked with them today as I'm anxious to get the results I UPS'd 2/18. They

are using a NEW web based interface. The provider or user creates an

account and you cna log on and see your results in process. My doc was able

to log on during my appt and see that my tests had been recieved and were in

process, so we scheduled and appt for next tues, as her labs and the ZRT

labs should all be back. They are now guaranteeing a 5 day turnaround.

Isn't that wonderful!

She is also open to the hc cream dosing. I called my neighborhood

pharmacist and explained to him what I'm doing.. he knew nothing about it,

but was very helpful and showed me several dosing syringes. I took the

small one that is marked in .10 ml increments up to 3.0 as that's probably

the largest 1% HC cream dose I've seen referenced here.

I also created an excel spreadsheet to convert the ramp up dosing from

Isocort to 1% HC cream. Val, please check it.

Also, you told me earlier that it would be ok to start DHEA, progesterone

and estrogen. I had only been using the progesterone, so I started back on

that. I'll wait for the saliva tests to see DHEA and the other things.

BUT... can I start on the HC cream at 2.5 mg for days 1,2,3? take my temps

and see what happens? I'm on 112mg Armour in 3 increasing doses

sublingually. Should I back off any?

I can't wait to feel better! Hope this info helps someone else. I continue

to learn so much here...

Val.. is this correct? It may lose it's formatting. If so, i can send you

the excel spreadsheet...

*Cortisol Dosing* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *First Thing* *in 4 hrs.* *in

4 hrs* *bedtime* *Total Dose* *Day 1-3* * * *2.5* * * * * * * *2.5 mg*

Isocort 1 pellet = 2.5 mg 1 pellet 2.5 mg 1% HC Cream 1/4 t = 10mg .31 ML

or 1/16 t. *Day 4-6* * * *2.5* *2.5* * * * * *5 mg* Isocort 1 pellet =

2.5 mg 1 pellet 1 pellet 1% HC Cream 1/4 t = 10mg .31 ML or 1/16 t. .31 ML

or 1/16 t. *Day 7-9* * * *2.5* *2.5* *2.5* * * *7.5 mg* Isocort 1 pellet =

2.5 mg 1 pellet 1 pellet 1 pellet 1% HC Cream 1/4 t = 10mg .31 ML or 1/16

t. .31 ML or 1/16 t. .31 ML or 1/16 t. *Day 10-12* * * *5* *2.5* *2.5* * *

*10 mg* Isocort 1 pellet = 2.5 mg 2 pellets 1 pellet 1 pellet 1% HC Cream 1/4

t = 10mg .62 ML is 1/8 t .31 ML or 1/16 t. .31 ML or 1/16 t. *Day 13-16* *

* *5* *5* *2.5* *2.5* * 15 mg* Isocort 1 pellet = 2.5 mg 2 pellets 2

pellets 1 pellet 1 pellet 1% HC Cream 1/4 t = 10mg .62 ML is 1/8 t .62 ML

is 1/8 t .31 ML or 1/16 t. .31 ML or 1/16 t. *Day 17-20* * * *10* *5* *2.5*

*2.5* * 20 mg* Isocort 1 pellet = 2.5 mg 4 pellets 2 pellets 1 pellet 1

pellet 1% HC Cream 1/4 t = 10mg 1.25 ML is 1/4 t. .62 ML is 1/8 t .31 ML or

1/16 t. .31 ML or 1/16 t. If using Isocort, each pellet though it

is 5MG contains 2.5 MG Cortisol, so you count each pellet as a 2.5mg(HC)dose.

1 mg = .085 gram 5 mg = .425 gram 7 mg = .595 gram 10mg =

..85 gram 1.25ML of cream = 1/4 tsp = 10MG HC 0.3125 is 1/16t or 2.5 mg

HC 0.625 is 1/8t or 5 mg HC

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