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Hand Joints Swelling/Deforming Overnight

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Is there any relationship to my topical, bio-identical hormone changes

in the last two days to awaking with my finger joints swelling and


According to Val and the compounding pharmacist I expected to possibly

be more tired or irritable for a week as I adjust to 8 times LESS

Biest (bio-identical estrogens) and the same amount of progesterone,

with the exception of taking it 7 days instead of six days a week.

But, awaking with swollen hands and especially tender joints and some

lack of function in them is a bit scary and unexpected.


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That's happened to me a couple of times. Most recently last month. I had

been having inflammation and soreness in my shoulders and elbow - felt like

tendonitis or bursitis kind of thing. About two weeks into that, pain in my

right shoulder woke me up in the middle of the night, and in the morning my

entire right hand, wrist and forearm were swollen. No one knew what that

could have been from. I am on bioidentical triest cream and a progesterone

cream as well.

My pcp did a food panel allergy test - and it turns out I have multiple food

allergies - which may have contributed to the swelling in my hand. I have

had to revamp my entire diet as I have either an allergy or sensitivity to

practically everything I was eating - wheat, including rye and oats, yeast,

gluten, dairy, sugar, eggs and a multitude of other things. All of this I'm

sure was a huge contributing factor to my crash last winter, along with a

lot of other things, of course. Since I have changed my diet, I feel so much

better. I have more energy, I am regaining clarity in my thinking - coming

out of the fog - and the big bonus - I've lost six pounds without even

trying - in just a couple weeks.

I reread 's chapter on food allergies, and what a body burden they

are. I had previously not really considered this because I didn't think I

had any. I would strongly suggest to anyone suffering any degree of adrenal

fatigue to get one.

My insurance appears to have covered it, but I gladly would have paid, even

if it hadn't. I have read, and I don't now how true this is, that it is

mostly the integrated/alternative practitioners who are ordering these

tests. No surprise there. So you may have to fight for it from a traditional

MD. The company that processed mine is called Alletess Medical Laboratory.

Their website is www.foodallergy.com http://www.foodallergy.com/> . They

may be able to tell you where you can have this test done if your doctor

won't order it for you.

The test is called the IGG Elisa Food Panel. Mine also came with a

candidiasis evaluation. You get an approximately 16 page report that

outlines in detail all your allergens, what foods may contain these

allergens and a list of what foods you must avoid and/or eliminate

completely, and a rotation diet designed just for you. There are also

various reference sources for further research and for food sources, if you

aren't able to get them in your area.


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