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hypopituituary / secondary AI / hypoT ?hypogonadism. Ive got it all. Please help

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Hi. Im new here. Im 34 female from Australia. I have spent every

available minute in the last few weeks absorbing all I can from this

site (thank you). I am largely self diagnosing from all my research

here and on other sites and seek input if what I think is right, and

what you think I need to get / do next. Word around says your pretty

good at this so i really appreciate it.

Right now I am DESPERATE. I seem to be getting worse, the condition

seems uncontrollable and I have gained 15kg in 6 months. Not what an

bride-to-be wants in the run up to her wedding. I am also wanting to

have a baby soon which seems impossible given my hormones.

Enough blabbing. Here's my numbers. I have written my conclusions in.

Synacthen Stim Test (at 09.10am)

ACTH Serum...3.0 (0-12) *25% of Ref


Baseline.......348 (138-650) *41% of Ref LOW

30 min........ 626 *increased 80% from base

60 min........ 836 *increased 140% from base

Conclusion: Low ACTH supportive

Cortisol more than doubled from a low baseline

BOTH supportive/suggestive DX of Hypopituitary/Secondary Adrenal


170H Progesterone

Baseline...... 1.6

30 min........ 4.9 *increased 206% from base

60 min........ 5.8 *increased 263% from base

Renin / Aldosterone (Day 1 of Cycle)

Aldosterone...<69 L(100-950) *Deficient-below range

Renin 6.3 (erect 3.3-41) *8% of Ref LOW

Ratio.......................less than 1 (less than 70)

Aldosterone (Day 15 of cycle)

260 (100-950) *low 19% of Ref


One deficient & one very low Aldosterone result indicating/suggestive

of HypoAldosteronism (may need Florinef?)

Low Renin

BOTH supportive/suggestive DX of Hypopituitary/Secondary AI



Cortisol Serum

(am fasting)....657 (138-640) *slightly elevated

Conclusion: Need to get Salivery Cortisol Profile done before

anything significant can be ascertained for Cortisol

Thyroid Function Tests

TSH................... 0.06 (0.3-4.00) *below range

Free T4 13.2 (range 8.0 - 24.0) *low

Free T3 4.6 (range 2.5 - 7.2) *low


Below range TSH

FT3 & FT4 both low

Combination of above is supportive/suggestive of Hypopituitary/

Secondary AI/ Secondary Hypothyroid

Reverse T3

RT3.................. 509 (range 140-540) *high

FT3/ RT3.........0.009 (less than 0.2) *low ratio

Conclusion: Low Ratio confirms Reverse T3 Dominance (may need T3)

Thyroid Antibodies

TGAbs................. 89 (range 0-40)

TPOAbs................75 (range (0-35)

Conclusion: Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Vitamin B12

454 (145-637) *low 63% of ref


Sodium...........142 (135-145) *bit low top of range is better

Potassium........4.5 (3.5-5.6) *mid range

Conclusion: Possible Salt wasting (due to low Aldo) need to start

Salt supping.

Hormones (Day 15 of cycle)

LH.................. 25.8 (Mid cycle peak range 14-95)

FSH..................6.9 (Mid cycle peak range 8-25)

Progesterone.....5.3 (Mid luteal phase 9.2-117) *low

Oestradiol ........367 (Luteal phase 150-1700) *low

Conclusions: Seems low for point in cycle. Possibly need HRT?

Androgens (Day 15 of cycle)

Testosterone......... 1.5 (0.2-3.0) *low

SHBG.................. 118 (30-110) *high

FAI.................... 1.3% (0.4-6.0) *low

Free Testosterone...3.5 (0.1 - 13.5) *low


Free Testosterone.................3.0 (0.1-13) *low

DHEA.................................. 3.0 (2-11) *VERY low



Low Testosterone & Free Testosterone

SHBG too high driving down your FAI

BOTH supportive/suggestive DX of Hypogonadism (low sex hormones)/

Hypopituitary/ Secondary AI

Strongly supect need DHEA supplementation & possibly Testosterone


IGF-1.................... 27 (15-64)

Prolactin.............. 217 (85-500)


I started taking hydrocortisone but broke out in severe acne

reaction. Same for when I started taking US equivalent of Armour

(started on 1/2 grain).

I am also taking an antidepresant which I am trying to wean as it is

impacting my adrenals.

Any input appreciated. Kind Regards

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