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Need Help w/test results ... long, sorry

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I'm new to the list and really need some help with my test results. I was

FINALLY diagnosed hypothyroid last May, but have suspected that I was hypo all

my life. I had my first thyroid test at the age of 11 (I'm now 48), but they've

always been " normal " ... well, you know the drill.

Test Results:

May 29, 2007

TSH 26.76 H [.400-5.400]

Free Testosterone 5.0 [0.1-6.4]

Total Testosterone 22 [2-45]

% Free Testosterone 2.32 H [0.50-2.30]

%A1C 5.9 [4.8-6.0]

Glucose, fasting 116 H [65-115]

Glucose tolerance 1 hr 185 H [<180]

Glucose tolerance 2 hr 120 [<155]

Insulin 35.5 H [2.6-24.9]


Thyroglobulin Ab 1:160 AB [<1:10]

Microsomal Ab 1:400 AB [<1:100]

Are these the same as anti-TPO and TgAb?

After a thyroid ultrasound & nuclear medicine test I finally started meds the

beginning of August, 2007. NP wanted to start me on Synthroid, but I asked for

Armour and she agreed. Started 30 MG, retest in 6 weeks. I noticed some

immediate improvements, but after a while started to experience what I now

realize were probably adrenal fatigue problems with the Armour (sweating and

feeling hyper).


Insulin 23.2 [2.6-24.9]

Glucose, fasting 99 [65-115]

TSH 6.140 H [0.400-5.400]

T3, free 2.26 [1.70-4.20]

NP upped my dose to 60 MG Armour. I felt some increased improvement, but also

adrenal fatigue symptoms. After about 2 weeks at this dose, the NP called me.

She had attended a seminar given by B. LaValle. He stated that hypo's

w/antibodies should NOT take Armour, as the body would make more antibodies

against the protein in the Armour. She switched me to Synthroid 100 MCG. I

felt noticeably less energy and the brain fog that was starting to lift returned

with a vengeance.


TSH 5.090 [0.400-5.400]

T4, free 1.12 [0.70-2.00]

T3, free 1.99 [1.70-4.20]

Upped Synthroid to 112MCG. Feeling like crap...hair is falling out like crazy!

Still very hypo according to symptoms.


TSH 2.620 [0.400-5.400]

T4, free 1.34 [0.70-2.00]

T3, free 2.21 [1.70-4.20]

According to Dr. Rinds chart, I'm slightly over optimal in free T4, but

significantly below optimum in free T3. Upped Synthroid to 125 MCG. Still

feeling like crap...hair still falling out. Experiencing most of the hypo

symptoms. I'm freezing most of the time, with cold hands & feet. Started

taking daily basal temps, which ranged from 96.4-97.8, most of them on the lower



Genova Diagnostics Adrenocortex Stress Profile (Saliva)


7AM-9AM 0.39 [0.27-1.18]

11AM-1PM 0.26 [0.10-0.41]

3PM-5PM 0.08 [0.05-0.27]

10PM-12AM 0.03 L [0.03-0.14]

DHEA 7AM-9AM 91 [71-640]

DHEA Cortisol Ratio/10,000 233 [115-1,188]

Genova flagged the 10PM-12AM level as below the reference range. Commentary


" Late-night cortisol levels may be a good indication of baseline adrenal gland

function since they typically represent the lowest level during the day. Low

late-night cortisol levels suggest a degree of adrenal fatigue with regard to

baseline circadian activity. "

" A pattern showing one or more decreased cortisol levels, while the level of

DHEA is within reference range, is clinically significant. This pattern

suggests adrenal hypofunction of the zona fasciculata (the primary source of

cortisol). At this time there is no evidence of hyperfunction of the zona

reticularis (the primary source of DHEA). A degree of adrenal hypofunction is

suggested, which has been noted in fatigue disorders, physiological or

psychological stress, anxiety, hypotension, and/or hypoglycemia.

NP says of these results " doing well, keep it up " . Well guess what, I'm not

" doing well " according to how I feel.

I would really like to get back on Armour, if I can convince the NP, but need to

address the adrenals first. I'm not sure what to make of my adrenal test

results. What stage, if any, of adrenal fatigue am I in? I'm afraid to take

any cortisol because of my blood sugar issues, plus my blood pressure is normal

at the high end and I'm afraid that may go up. I'm also confused because

according to my last thyroid test results it looks like I'm not converting T4 to

T3 well. Isn't that a sign of high cortisol? Also doesn't my high % of free

testosterone indicate a higher DHEA level? I seem to have most of the symptoms

of low cortisol, except the high blood sugar & normal blood pressure. I crave

salt, startle extremely easily, have a hard time falling asleep at night, have a

hard time waking up in the am, bright lights bother me, and just generally feel

like I can't cope with life! Currently I'm not taking any supplements. I have

's book on adrenal fatigue and am inclined to try his supplement

protocol first. I'm due for a thyroid retest in about 10 days and I'm going to

request TSH, free T4, free T4, reverse T3, ferritin, Vit D, and B12. Should I

get the antibodies tests again? What would you suggest for me?

Thank you so much for your help!


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