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Re: Armour and poor adrenals...does this make sense?

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First can you repost your saliva adrenal results? VERY hard to guess

what is going on without seeing them again. Also it is VERY normal for

not all the hypo sympotms to go away until you are optimal. It can takes

months after even reaching an optimal dose to fully feel well agian as

there is alot of damage to be undone from being hyo beofre. How long

have you been on Armour?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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>>First can you repost your saliva adrenal results? VERY hard to

guess what is going on without seeing them again.<<

Jan 15, 2008

Free Cortisol Rhythm

7:00-8:00am 26 Elevated 13-24nM

11:00-Noon 6 Normal 5-10nM

4:00-5:00pm 4 Normal 3-8nM

11:00-Midnight 2 Normal 1-4nM

Cortisol Burden 38 23-42

DHEA 7 Normal Adults (M/F):3-10ng/ml

fTSH 60 Normal (26-85nIU/ml)

fT4 0.17 Normal (0.17-0.42ng/dl)

fT3 0.49 Normal (0.28-1.10pg/ml)

TPO Neg Normal:Negative **

**I checked with my nurse practitioner and I have had at least one

antibody test come back positive for antibodies, so I guess that puts

me in the Hashi's category, for what it's worth.

Estradiol 10 HRT Target Range:5-13 (I use the Vivelle dot)

Progesterone 77 HRT Target Range:100-300 **

Free Testosterone 7 Borderline Low Normal:8-20 **

**I use OTC progesterone cream and Rx testosterone cream.

>>Also it is VERY normal for not all the hypo sympotms to go away

until you are optimal. It can takes months after even reaching an

optimal dose to fully feel well agian as there is alot of damage to

be undone from being hyo beofre. How long have you been on Armour?<<

I started switching from 200mcg levo to Armour on Jan 25. I am now on

2.75 grains. I had a very bad dizziness(vertigo)/nausea/diarrhea for

5 days (starting last Wed)...am just now feeling better, although the

dizziness isn't completely gone (and was not alleviated by taking

meclizine HCl) and I still feel weak-ish.

I know that 3 gr is the rough equivalent of the 200mcg of levo that I

was feeling crappy on and that 3 gr or over may well be where I am

optimal. I just keep gaining weight and feeling crappy. Even with the

Ashwaganda and Rhodiola...


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Free Cortisol Rhythm

7:00-8:00am 26 Elevated 13-24nM

11:00-Noon 6 Normal 5-10nM

4:00-5:00pm 4 Normal 3-8nM

11:00-Midnight 2 Normal 1-4nM

I am still not seeing but a TINY deviation from normal cortisll levels here. The

highish Am is lowering your noon a bit much but then it comes back fine in the

PM. Of course, these things CAN change, and sometimes rather rapidly. But what I

am seeing is VERY low Testosterone which does seem to go wiht adrenal fatigue in

women as the adrenals make most our testosterone. Have you had serum testing for

sex hormones since being on replacement? Were oyu on replacement when the labs

were done? You r thyroid is in the DIRT. BTW I haveonoly seen maybe ONE of these

saliva levels where thyroid was actually below range...


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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You treat what is low. Good testosterone levels will help your cortils

work better for you. Testosteone is the ONE hormone that supports good

cortisol function.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thanks, Val! So, just stay with the Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, sea salt and

testosteron then?

Not to be a pest, but I am still curious about this:

>>You r thyroid is in the DIRT. BTW I haveonoly seen maybe ONE of these

saliva levels where thyroid was actually below range...<<

I am confused by this. Were my levels below range? (Sorry if I am

dense.) Also, with my thyroid being in the dirt, could that be the

cause of the continued weight gain? Like, even though I am on Armour, I

am still WAY hypoT?

Thanks again!

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fT4 0.17 Normal (0.17-0.42ng/dl)

fT3 0.49 Normal (0.28-1.10pg/ml)

With T4 at the VERY bottom of it's range and T3 no where near the top you ar

showing VERY hyopthyroid. I like to see T4 midrange and T3 at least .85 on these

tests to be gettign unhypo, so yes your labs are showimg severe hypothyroid

though not below range. As I said I ahve only seen ONE person;s labs (saliva)

that actually showed below range, this tells me that a [person would have to be

near dead from hypo to actually be below range. You r low .lleveks can certainly

be the cause of weight problems as those are oftne th last to leave when you get

thyroid high enough.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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