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i'm about ready to give up! Lab results, help ...

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ok i officially give up - i hate these meds. my test results are

WORSE now then BEFORE i started. My thyroid levels are getting worse

and worse - i just had a blood test on friday because i am gaining an

unbelievable amount of weight/fat and feeling worse than I have ever

felt. I took the test in the afternoon about 8hrs after taking the

thyroid pills this time, day 20 of my cycle. Progesterone is also

really high for the second month in a row. Platelets very low.

TSH 2.33

FT4 12 (12 - 20)

FT3 2.9 (4 - 6.8)

Ferritin 26 (18 - 40 - possibly iron deficient)

progesterone 56.3 (4 - 50)

platelets 142 (145 - 400)

anti thyroid antibodies -negative

anti thyroroglobulin - negative




> TSH 2.01 (0.3 - 5)

> FT4 16 (12 - 20)

> FT3 4.0 (4 - 6.8)

> cortisol 430 (270 - 560) >

> Ferritin 42 (18-40 possibly iron def.)

> sodium 147 (135-145)

> potassium 4.3 (3.5 - 4.5)

> chloride 108 (98 - 106)




8AM 7.23 (3.5 - 6.3)

NOON 1.83 (1.4 - 2.8)

4PM 1.87 (0.8 -2.4)

8PM 1.50 (0.6 - 1.6)

MIDNIGHT 0.90 (0.3 - 1.2)

4AM 1.62 ( 0.3 - 1.7)


8AM 6.1 (2.8-12.7)

8PM 3.0 (2.7 - 9.0)

MIDNIGHT 5.1 (1.8 - 8.1)

SODIUM (SALIVA 4PM) 10 (5.2 - 30.8)

POTASSIUM 26.7 (3.7 - 31)

CHLORIDE 25 (16 - 35)


Phase 2 adrenal maladaption. Her 8am cortisol is elevated adn drops

75% at 12pm and remains relatively flat throughout the remainder of

the 24hr period. This drop may indicate parasitic infection and may

also be due to glycemic control issues and/or supplementation. Lacl

of dynami pattern from 12pm - 4pm is in respond to her adrenal

distress adn also may be due to glycemic control issues. Furthermore

it may also be due to medications/supplements she is on.

Her DHEA is within normal range but inverted at 12AM which is

consistent with her adrenal distress and may also indicate an immune

response - the feedback mechanism affecting interluekin 6 receptors,

lowers cortisol and therefore DHEA increases to affect the immune


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