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Hey Val - Some more questions regarding my Adrenal Fatigue

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Hi Val,

Please take the time to read this, i would really appreciate it if

you have the time. I know its long but you really know your stuff

and its hard to find abybody with your level of knowledge and

experience. So thanks a TON in advance.

Okay i dont know if you remember my story, i posted my adrenals

problems and test results recently, but im a 23 year old male, i

have very low DHEA-S, very low morning Cortisol, and a high

afternoon Cortisol rebound. I beleive when i used stimulants i burnt

my adrenals out.

I also want to note that my Estradiol was borderline high, and my

Bioavailable Testosterone was high. I wonder if this has anything to

do with Insulin Resistance or my Adrenal Fatigue.

My thyroid levels were fine, but you said that low Cortisol can

cause thyroid hormones to look higher in the blood than they really

are. My case is confusing though since i have low morning, high

afternoon, and normal evening and night Cortisol levels.

At this time i got my adrenal saliva test i was using Finesteride (

for hairloss ), Letrozole to reduce Estrogen, and 25mcg of T3. My

face has been puffy and bloated since my adrenals problems started

last year, and my face has never been like this ever in my life.

A few weeks before i took my adrenal test i was using Avodart ( for

hairloss and is stronger than Finesteride ), 2.5mg of liquid

Letrozole for Estrogen control, and 50mcg of T3 all in one dose

before breakfast. After 3 days of this my puffy face went away and i

was peeing a lot. This was the only thing that made my puffy face go

away and i was so happy. My energy was also better, but i had

anxiety, i was jittery and jumpy, i had major brain fog and felt

like i was high on drugs or speed, but with a foggy brain. I wasnt

calm and cool at all i was in hyper mode. But this was the only

thing that worked to get rid of my puffy face. But after the 4th day

i tapered off of this regimen due to these side effects and after my

bloated/puffy face returned. My goal is to get my puffy face to go

away again and to feel/look good again, but to not be jumpy,

jittery, not have brain fog and anxiety,ect. I want to be calm and

cool, but use my energy at will when i feel like it. Mabye adding

Cortisol is the answer to this. Whatever happened to me it seems to

NOT be going away because this happened to me in May/07 and my face

just stayed bloated and puffy ever since.

But you recommended 4 pellets of Isocort in the monrning with some

DHEA. Well this either isnt working for me or i need thyroid aswell.

I tried a few times using some armour or T3, but the effects of

increased energy lasted for a coupole hours, then i felt like crap

after, and my face remained puffy.

So i ordered some Cortef and some Cytomel.

I plan on using Avodart again for hairloss, and Letrozole to lower

Estrogen, because Avodart reduces DHT, and DHT is a natural estrogen

antagonist, and using Avodart without an Anti-Estrogen may cause

high Estradiol.

I also want to try 50mcg of T3 again as it worked in combination

with the Avodart and Letrozole when i tried it before, but with the

addition of Adrenal Support.

1. I was wondering how much Cortef should i use, and how should i

dose it thoughout the day? Im going to work myself up to 50-60mcg of

T3, but i want to have consistant energy levels and effects of the

T3 without crashing or getting tired later in the day. I want to

fully heal my adrenals and support them so they can handle the T3,

and enough Cortisol to heal my adrenals. But i dont want my Cortisol

levels too high as it will make me gain fat and all kinds of other

problems. This seems VERY trickey to get the right dose,ect.

I can almost swear that when i take Isocort, that my muscles get

harder. Im naturally muscular and lean, but lately my muscles have

been really hard, i seem to get really vascular and muscle pumped

doing very small activities like shoveling the snow, and also it

seems like i have either dry joints or high lactic acid as when i do

something small like shover the snow or wash the dishes repeatedly,

my muscles or joints burn as if i was lifting weights or something.

I dont know what is the cause of this but this is absolutely not

normal for me. Ive put on 14 pounds since this adrenal issue

started, and i havent changed my lifestyle at all. Ive gained some

muscle and abdominal and facail fat, and water retention. Its like

my metabolism has slowed down but instead of just gaining fat im

gaining a good amount of muscle aswell and im holding water. My

blood pressure has also been high and borderline high.

2. In your experience, when a persons morning Cortisol is low, but

high in the afternoon, does this usually mean that thyroid hormones

appear higher in the blood than they actually are? The majority of

the time?

3. I was thinking about taking this topical transdermal product

called Dermacrine that contains DHEA and Pregnenolone.

How would this effect somebody in my case with Adrenal fatigue?

4.How do these hormones effect the Adrenals, Cortisol, T3 and T4,

and their availability to enter the cells?

5.What is DHEA's effect on Cortisol? Does it lower Cortisol?, raise

Cortisol? Does it block Cortisols effects?

6.What about Pregnenolone? Does it convert to Cortisol and


7.Does Progesterone effect Cortisol or Thyroid in any way?

8. Does lowering Estrogen effect Cortisol or Thyroid in any way? Or

the Adrenals?

If you could please find the time to help answer these questions for

me i would REALLY appreciate it. Im really trying to get a handle on


Thanks so much Val!

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