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Re: Re: sweating! sweating when asleep, even during naps during the day!

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Sweatign at night is either high night time coritosl, low cortisol

causing hypoglycemi a or lwo estrgen, I would opt fo rlow estrgen firts.





>> http://faqhelp.webs.com/


>> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

>> http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/


> I only sweat during the day if I'm in the heat... I cannot tolerate heat! But

I sweat during sleep even if my air conditioner is set to 69 degrees and it's



> also, I have never been able to tolerate heat, even before all of these health

problems started. The sweating during sleep is driving me insane. Also not

sleeping is driving me insane.






>> Do you sweat during the day too? I cant go out into the heat or I almost

pass out and I live in Florida. I have to say the sweating while I sleep is

much worse than during the daytime.






> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences.

Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor. Yahoo! Groups







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Sweatign at night is either high night time coritosl, low cortisol

causing hypoglycemi a or lwo estrgen, I would opt fo rlow estrgen firts.





>> http://faqhelp.webs.com/


>> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

>> http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/


> I only sweat during the day if I'm in the heat... I cannot tolerate heat! But

I sweat during sleep even if my air conditioner is set to 69 degrees and it's



> also, I have never been able to tolerate heat, even before all of these health

problems started. The sweating during sleep is driving me insane. Also not

sleeping is driving me insane.






>> Do you sweat during the day too? I cant go out into the heat or I almost

pass out and I live in Florida. I have to say the sweating while I sleep is

much worse than during the daytime.






> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences.

Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor. Yahoo! Groups







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Sweatign at night is either high night time coritosl, low cortisol

causing hypoglycemi a or lwo estrgen, I would opt fo rlow estrgen firts.





>> http://faqhelp.webs.com/


>> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

>> http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/


> I only sweat during the day if I'm in the heat... I cannot tolerate heat! But

I sweat during sleep even if my air conditioner is set to 69 degrees and it's



> also, I have never been able to tolerate heat, even before all of these health

problems started. The sweating during sleep is driving me insane. Also not

sleeping is driving me insane.






>> Do you sweat during the day too? I cant go out into the heat or I almost

pass out and I live in Florida. I have to say the sweating while I sleep is

much worse than during the daytime.






> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences.

Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor. Yahoo! Groups







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my reply is to : " :sweating! sweating when asleep,

even during naps during the day! "

In MY case...that is directly attributed to lack of

sufficient Hydrocortisone...which apparently for

example....I use up during my sleep and I wake up

drenched with sweat...but...when i use sufficient HC

during the days I manage to avoid daytime episodes

while awake.

I USED to have CONSTANT REPETATIVE freezing cold....

then about 10 minutes later .....drenching sweats

.......about every 30 minutes or so .......throughout

the entire day. sweating .....I always thought they

were hot flashes for 17 YEARS. and took all kinds of

hot flash remedies which didnt work.

Then, some on these groups suggested it may be

adrenal surges of adrenalin, when the adrenals were

OUT of cortisonee, trying to use whatever they did

have left to help me " stay alive " .

I experimented with larger and more frequent doses of

HC, and THAT helped me to almost obliterate those sweats.

But, I still have them during the night ....when

apparently, I run out of cortisone ....before

arising. I plan to try medrol as a bedtime dose

......to see if it might last the entire night?

------- Original Message -------

From : Margery__W

Sent : 7/15/2010 8:17:10 AM

To : RT3_T3

Cc :

Subject : RE: Re: sweating! sweating when

asleep, even during naps during the day!

Hi : I'm sorry but I don't know about MSM

or it's relation to salt. I have " salt wasting " , no

matter how much salt I take, it's not enough, I pee

it right out.

I have to pay for most of my own tests, too. Since I

can't get all the tests I need, it's hard to pick

which ones I do get. I don't know which ones are

going going to show results I can take action on, vs.

useless results. Do shop around, prepaidlab.com

sometimes has sales, also look at lef.org and


> > >

> > >


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I wa thinking the same as Kem. I remember when I started to go through the change I was getting the same symptoms. I finally had to go on hormones to get some releif. It had gotten to every 20 minutes 24/7. I was not a happy camper.


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Subject: Re: sweating! sweating when asleep, even during naps during the day!To: "RT3" <RT3_T3 >Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010, 1:42 PM

It might be your estrogen levels depending on how old you are. My friend woke up sweating a lot, drenching the bed and clothes, she was menopausal. Doc got her estrogen and progesterone balanced out and now she sleeps through the night. Since starting on T3 there's been 2 times I've got overly warm but I was taking too much T3, when I backed down a hair on the dose it went away. That's all I can add to the conversation;-)

<<Posted by: "" roth.39@... lroth39

Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:09 pm (PDT)

hi,I am not on hc. I can't get a prescription for it, and i'm taking drenotrophin prg by standard process for adrenals.I wake up 7 times minimum per night, and i'm always COVERED in sweat. it is really uncomfortable. also, if i nap during the day, same thing happens! i sweat up through my neck and the back of my neck, and my chest, and back and my sheets and shirt are literally wet.WHAT DO I DO????/thank you!>>

Kem in Eugene


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I'd have your estrogen, etc. tests done anyway. My friend went through it at 39, and was telling her doctor for a year that she thought she was menopausal and the doctor didn't believe it. Finally she went to an endo who tested her and sure enough she was.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: Re: sweating! sweating when asleep, even during naps during the day!To: RT3_T3 Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010, 2:24 PM

I'm 38 :(>> It might be your estrogen levels depending on how old you are. My > friend woke up sweating a lot, drenching the bed and clothes, she was > menopausal. Doc got her estrogen and progesterone balanced out and > now she sleeps through the night. Since starting on T3 there's been 2 > times I've got overly warm but I was taking too much T3, when I backed > down a hair on the dose it went away. That's all I can add to the > conversation;-)> > <<Posted by: "" roth.39@... lroth39> Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:09 pm (PDT)> > > >

hi,> > I am not on hc. I can't get a prescription for it, and i'm taking > drenotrophin prg by standard process for adrenals.> > I wake up 7 times minimum per night, and i'm always COVERED in sweat. > it is really uncomfortable. also, if i nap during the day, same thing > happens! i sweat up through my neck and the back of my neck, and my > chest, and back and my sheets and shirt are literally wet.> > WHAT DO I DO????/> > thank you!> > >>> > > Kem in Eugene> <º)))><>------------------------------------We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor.

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I think Val has said that blood work for sex hormones is better than saliva if you are using any replacement meds. --Steph


Thanks. I'm so sad... I don't have health insurance, so I'm planning on ordering the tests myself and hopefully having people here or appropriate forum help look at the results, I think I'm going to get the hormones tested through the saliva test w/ the canary club.

I have progest cream, I'm wondering if that would help? I have not taken it for a week because I stopped after 21 days, and waited to get my period. Which i still get without any issues, every 28 days.Thanks :( >

> Yeah I was about 35 when I got into perimenopause and started having > night sweats. I don't know your history but I'd see the gyn and have > him run some hormone tests to see where your at, somethings off

> balance for sure.> >

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most counties in various states used to have free

BASIC medical care for indigent adults..(those who do

not have money)

perhaps you could qualify for that.... JUST TO get

your hormones levels checked?

------- Original Message -------

From : Kem


Sent : 7/15/2010 9:42:30 PM

To : RT3_T3

Cc :

Subject : RE: Re: sweating! sweating when

asleep, even during naps during the day!

Since I'm not a doctor I can't really advise

you but I sure do suggest getting some hormonal

tests done before dinking with estrogen or

progesterone replacement. My doc put me on

progesterone cream years ago but I was having PMS so

bad I was about to kill something, hot flashes, crazy

periods. Some people need more estrogen but I'm so

estrogen dominant I didn't need any. We're all so

individual, I'm sure canary club can help you with

the tests though, they're pretty reasonably priced.

Gentle Pharmacy Clear Patch makes an inexpensive but

quality progesterone and estrogen lotion, my local

health store has it but they have a website

http://gentlepharmacy.com they also have dhea lotion

as well.

<roth.39@... lroth39Thu

Jul 15, 2010 7:40 pm (PDT)

Thanks. I'm so sad... I don't have health insurance,

so I'm planning on ordering the tests myself and

hopefully having people here or appropriate forum

help look at the results, I think I'm going to get

the hormones tested through the saliva test w/ the

canary club.

I have progest cream, I'm wondering if that would

help? I have not taken it for a week because I

stopped after 21 days, and waited to get my period.

Which i still get without any issues, every 28 days.

Thanks :(


> Yeah I was about 35 when I got into perimenopause

and started having

> night sweats. I don't know your history but I'd see

the gyn and have

> him run some hormone tests to see where your at,

somethings off

> balance for sure.

> >>

Kem in Eugene <º)))><

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someone in this thread said:

" I still have my periods, but the sweating is killing

me. plus the constant waking up... and then the night

hunger/ starvation in the middle of the night, which

goes in and out.'

I mentioned it before, but will repeat....if the sex

hormones, etc do not help you,.... perhaps you may

need more frequent dose of HC?

------- Original Message -------

From :

Sent : 7/16/2010 9:02:00 PM

To : RT3_T3

Cc :

Subject : RE: Re: sweating! sweating when

asleep, even during naps during the day!


Thankyou so much for your message. No, I have not

tried evening primrose oil.

I have had a similar experience, when I 'crashed' it

was due to severe stress , although the details are

different, it sounds like the stress was the same

level. (my dad is a sociopath and narcissist and i

was kidnapped and brainwashed by him... blah blah

blah, up until my 'crash' every dr. i had ever seen

said my body was in the state of a vietnam vet! i was

also 35 at the time the 'crash' happened... crazy

neighbors helped push the 'crash'. crazy neighbors!)

i ended up doing a ton of body work also! with a

chiropractor who does something called network spinal

analysis/ network chiropractic. we worked a lot on

trauma stored in the spine / central nervous system.

When I look back at my journal, I see that some of

them are things we take for Adrenal Insufficiency now.

ha! yes, same here... which supplements are theY????

I still have my periods, but the sweating is killing

me. plus the constant waking up... and then the

night hunger/ starvation in the middle of the night,

which goes in and out.

thanks so much!


> I went into early menopause at 35 when my husband

almost died from spontaneous brain hemorrhages. He

had severe brain trauma and made a miraculous

recovery, but for a year, he didn't know me, couldn't

speak,etc. My doc, a wonderful Osteopath, put me on

several supplements and did a lot of body work. When

I look back at my journal, I see that some of them

are things we take for Adrenal Insufficiency now. Of

course, even though I'd had 6 miscarriages by then,

no one really knew about the HypoT and AI 'syndrome'.

Anyway, I got my regular period back after a year or



> Evening Primrose really helped the night sweats.

They were awful off and on for the past 20 years.

One of my friends who has none of the hypot/AI issues

swears by it.. maybe it would help you, if you're

not already taking it. If you've mentioned it, I've

missed it as I'm only skimming since we have out of

town company.





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> " I still have my periods, but the sweating is killing

>me. plus the constant waking up... and then the night

>hunger/ starvation in the middle of the night, which

>goes in and out.'


>I mentioned it before, but will repeat....if the sex

>hormones, etc do not help you,.... perhaps you may

>need more frequent dose of HC?

Yes, I agree, night hunger can be adrenal



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, I have low aldosterone with low sod, high pot. How do you know that salt is wasting. Are there signs of this?

Hi : I'm sorry but I don't know about MSM or it's relation to salt. I have "salt wasting", no matter how much salt I take, it's not enough, I pee it right out.

I have to pay for most of my own tests, too. Since I can't get all the tests I need, it's hard to pick which ones I do get. I don't know which ones are going going to show results I can take action on, vs. useless results. Do shop around, prepaidlab.com sometimes has sales, also look at lef.org and directlabs.com

> > >

> > >


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, I have low aldosterone with low sod, high pot. How do you know that salt is wasting. Are there signs of this?

Hi : I'm sorry but I don't know about MSM or it's relation to salt. I have "salt wasting", no matter how much salt I take, it's not enough, I pee it right out.

I have to pay for most of my own tests, too. Since I can't get all the tests I need, it's hard to pick which ones I do get. I don't know which ones are going going to show results I can take action on, vs. useless results. Do shop around, prepaidlab.com sometimes has sales, also look at lef.org and directlabs.com

> > >

> > >


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