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As mentioned above, there have been a number of posts and discussions about

Holtorf on the forums and most feedback has not been positive about thyroid

treatment. I have been seeing a Holtorf doc in SoCal (LA, Torancce) and am not

planning to go back. If you'd like more information about my experiances and why

I am " firing " them, please feel free to email me privately.

in LA


> Hi, has anyone heard of dr holrorf in LA, or had an experience with him?

> good or bad please let me know!

> thanks :)


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Ditto to what Shelby said. Luckily I went there first before I knew anything

was even wrong with me because a friend reccommended it after seeing how yellow

I looked and gaining 60 lbs!!! Everything they said, is said here. They

charged me maybe 4 x what is normal for supplements? And I was TERRIFIED. I'd

just gotten diagnosed with 10 THINGS and the dr. told me I was in such bad shape

he'd not seen anyone in as bad shape as me :(

They rushed me out of the office.. They do know what they are doing in

comparison to many dr.'s out there, but they are a factory really.

I saw Dr. Wightman, and he would not return my phone calls. They gave me a

bunch of fliers about my conditions, and sent me on my way.

I would find a naturopath or someone else who knows all about this stuff, many

do, you just have to look around!

They are ridiculously overpriced and ... just not worth it, even though they

know about these conditions. The experience isn't worth the money. And Shelby,

i " fired " my Dr. too, over 2 years ago, and went out on my own :(


> Hi, has anyone heard of dr holrorf in LA, or had an experience with him?

> good or bad please let me know!

> thanks :)


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I concur, except I had a slightly better experience. I saw Dr Koftan. If you

search for posts from keickholt13 and Holtorf or Koftan, you will see what I


In a nutshell, if you have EBV or Lymes, I think they are good because many

doctors are clueless how to treat those and they are very agressive. (Although I

ended up treating that myself by reading their site and going to EBV forums,

lol.) And I had terrible insomnia and they gave me Xyrem, which most doctors

won't do or don't even know about. (No, it's not a benzo.)

They will give t3 and HC but they are really clueless compared to what you learn

here. They don't understand dosing, etc. I only started getting better after

working with Val on the phone in all honesty. And her rates are much cheaper

than Holtorf. :-)


> >

> > Hi, has anyone heard of dr holrorf in LA, or had an experience with him?

> > good or bad please let me know!

> > thanks :)

> >


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yeah kathleen, i thought i was crazy leaving, but something just seemed off...

They gave me compounded t3 and compounded cortisol, plus progesterone and

estradiol cream. none of this did ANYTHING. I'm not blaming them, i'm just not

a dr. and i didn't understand because i didn't feel better at all after taking

all this for 8 months.

i was diagnosed with ebv. what are you supposed to do for that??? dr. wightman

told me to get on valtrex, but it was ridiculously expensive and i didn't want

to be on something like that for a long time.

what's xyrem? I wake up 8 times a night it's a nightmare, literally .

and i also have terrible nightmares all night, with crazy sweating... ugh.

I do have to say that i feel very fortunate to have gone to holtorf because i

didn't know about ANY of this stuff, and they ordered all the right tests and if

i hadn't gone to them, i would have just continued to think i was lazy and

crazy, and wondered why i got fat out of nowhere after never having been fat



> I concur, except I had a slightly better experience. I saw Dr Koftan. If you

search for posts from keickholt13 and Holtorf or Koftan, you will see what I



> In a nutshell, if you have EBV or Lymes, I think they are good because many

doctors are clueless how to treat those and they are very agressive. (Although I

ended up treating that myself by reading their site and going to EBV forums,

lol.) And I had terrible insomnia and they gave me Xyrem, which most doctors

won't do or don't even know about. (No, it's not a benzo.)


> They will give t3 and HC but they are really clueless compared to what you

learn here. They don't understand dosing, etc. I only started getting better

after working with Val on the phone in all honesty. And her rates are much

cheaper than Holtorf. :-)


> Kathleen


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What is EBV and Lymes?

I am seeing Dr Koftan, my experience has been good, I do however end up not following directions as given because when I don't feel so good I follow my instincts and I need to learn to be patience.


To: RT3_T3 From: keickholt13@...Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 14:37:46 +0000Subject: Re: DR HOLTORF

I concur, except I had a slightly better experience. I saw Dr Koftan. If you search for posts from keickholt13 and Holtorf or Koftan, you will see what I wrote.In a nutshell, if you have EBV or Lymes, I think they are good because many doctors are clueless how to treat those and they are very agressive. (Although I ended up treating that myself by reading their site and going to EBV forums, lol.) And I had terrible insomnia and they gave me Xyrem, which most doctors won't do or don't even know about. (No, it's not a benzo.)They will give t3 and HC but they are really clueless compared to what you learn here. They don't understand dosing, etc. I only started getting better after working with Val on the phone in all honesty. And her rates are much cheaper than Holtorf. :-)Kathleen> >> > Hi, has anyone heard of dr holrorf in LA, or had an experience with him?> > good or bad please let me know!> > thanks :)> >>

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My doc said " you can't have too much progesterone. " !!! ER, yes, you can, as I

had it and it was NOT a fun experience.

Koftan is okay with me being on regular t3 and HC, actually. Of course, I lied

about how much HC I was taking.

Well, for EBV, I hit that thing hard as having that AND being hypo really did a

number on me. I was so bad off I could barely function. And I was in no shape to

even get the t3 because my adrenals were so stressed from the virus.

I did Vitamin C IVs twice a week for a month, then once a month after that for a

good 6 months, maybe longer. Luckily, my insurance paid for it. I also took Vit

C to bowel tolerance, took 3000 mg/day of Oive Leaf Extract, garlic, grape seed

extract, oreneno oil extract, basically every herbal I could find that is

supposed to be anti-viral. But I think what really took care of it was the

Transfer Factor. That is something they isolate from colustram which is specific

to a certain disease/virus/bacteria, so very interesting. I got mine from

prohealth.com and the one for EBV is Transfer Factor 200, I think. If you call,

they will tell you which one you want.

I have not tested antibodies in a long time, but I don't feel it is active

anymore because I don't feel sick all the time like I used to. Of course,

getting onto the t3 helped make me stronger, too, so I'm sure that helped lick


I was prepared to get onto Valtrex if need be. I found sources in Canada where

it is much cheaper. I have to tell you, though, that I know someone who had to

take Valtrex for 18 months to get rid of the EBV! It's not an easy process once

we are hypoT and hypo adrenals because our bodies are just not in good shape to

fight anything off.

Xyrem is rx GHB. I was told by Dr. Rind that it works by shutting down all your

dopamine. Then your dopamine kicks back in and you wake up wide awake, so people

have to take it twice a night. Since I usually sleep half through the night, I

would take it only when I woke up to get the rest of my sleep.

HOwever, I'm not so sure now that it's as benign as I thought. I was doing some

research on it the other day and it does do what I said with dopamine, but it

appears it may also work on GABA receptors, although not quite the same way as

benzos do. I read it can be addictive, but I'm not sure if they meant

psychologically as in small doses (the ones that don't put you to sleep) it

makes you feel euphoric and amorous. So I guess I would do more reading on it,

BUT I do know that GHB used to be OTC. So I can't believe it was some horrible,

addictive drug. Many people used it in small doses because it stimulates growth

hormone release, so it was very popular. The FDA then decided suddenly it was

dangerous because it had been used as a date rape drug. Of course, a few months

later, they made it a rx and gave ALL rights to it to ONE pharmacy. Yes, that's

right, only one pharmacy in the entire US can sell the stuff. And they want $900

a bottle, although they have a $100 copay program if your insurance won't pay

for it. So I suspect GHB probalby is very safe when used appropriately (just

like alcohol is legal) and Big Pharma once again just wanted to make some bucks.




> yeah kathleen, i thought i was crazy leaving, but something just seemed off...

They gave me compounded t3 and compounded cortisol, plus progesterone and

estradiol cream. none of this did ANYTHING. I'm not blaming them, i'm just not

a dr. and i didn't understand because i didn't feel better at all after taking

all this for 8 months.


> i was diagnosed with ebv. what are you supposed to do for that??? dr.

wightman told me to get on valtrex, but it was ridiculously expensive and i

didn't want to be on something like that for a long time.


> what's xyrem? I wake up 8 times a night it's a nightmare, literally .

> and i also have terrible nightmares all night, with crazy sweating... ugh.

> I do have to say that i feel very fortunate to have gone to holtorf because i

didn't know about ANY of this stuff, and they ordered all the right tests and if

i hadn't gone to them, i would have just continued to think i was lazy and

crazy, and wondered why i got fat out of nowhere after never having been fat



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Lymes is caused by certan tick bites and can be quite devestating in symptoms

for some people.

I didn't do everything Koftan, said, either. In fact, now I do nothng he says.

;-) He wanted me to take 50 mg pregnenalone for my sleep and increase

prgoesterone even though I'm already a tad over range in the luteal phase. But

I did tell him I am taking Cytomel, not SR and he was okay with that.


> > >

> > > Hi, has anyone heard of dr holrorf in LA, or had an experience with him?

> > > good or bad please let me know!

> > > thanks :)

> > >

> >


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