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Re: Gaining weight on T3 only/me too

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>None of these adjustments has had any impact on the weight issue, however,

weight HAS stopped increasing. As of about late March, early April I think.


>It IS possible this is a T3 utilization issue, but it seems to me I've covered

all the bases that we've talked about here on the forum. My fasting blood sugar

and A1C are great, do I need to do further testing for insulin levels? If so


If it's stopped increasing then that's a good step, mine had an

irritating habit of plateauing or rising and rarely reducing. Having

said that I have nor dropped 17 pounds in the 15 months since the

Armour reformulation caused me to put 14 pounds on



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Sherri,Can you tell me more about glutathoine for liver support? I was taking ALA for high liver numbers but it has sulfur and because of sulfites sensitivity sulfur is a problem for me. Also, what is GLA?Thanks!VeniziaSubject: Gaining weight on T3 only/me tooTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, July 11, 2010, 12:28 AM

I'm processing all the ideas on this thread.

Yes, Kathleen, I've looked into the leptin issue and Holtorf's info. The thing is, this is considered only a slight elevation. So I've put it on the back burner thinking it might be secondary to other issues.

Nick, and others: I'm quite sure my T3 dose is right on, and I'm not feeling hypo. When the weight jumped up the 3rd week of T3 treatment (Nov), I was not on HC. I went on HC in February and it helped with symptoms but no improvement in weight. Iron turned out to be quite low, and I had iron IV's in March, overshot the mark and was too high on iron. The excess has naturally been dropping quite nicely and I am almost perfect now on iron levels. Ferritin still up just a bit. Once I had the iron IVs, I HAD to cut HC almost immediately as I had high cortisol symptoms. Too high HC caused low temps and instability for me that would improve with a drop in HC. I weaned gradually with a period of increasing again due to high work stress, and then completely off by 2 weeks ago. I've had no low cortisol symptoms with the weaning process, and feel fine off of it. However, temps have been unstable for 6 weeks, and low since I finished the weaning until

this week when I started higher doses of GLA. On the increased GLA, temps first stabilized--with 0.1 variation, and now are increasing and it looks like I might now restabilize at a perfect temp level.

I'm on good I.M. doses of B12, B vitamins, magnesium, and glutathione (liver support) I'm using sea salt, and taking slow release potassium and my RBC potassium levels are perfect, sodium is also just right.

None of these adjustments has had any impact on the weight issue, however, weight HAS stopped increasing. As of about late March, early April I think.

It IS possible this is a T3 utilization issue, but it seems to me I've covered all the bases that we've talked about here on the forum. My fasting blood sugar and A1C are great, do I need to do further testing for insulin levels? If so what?

The GLA has worked pretty dramatically to decrease inflammation from allergies, stabilize my temps, as well as increase the strength of my immune system. So maybe it will also help with the weight if I give it enough time. Its only been 7 days so far.


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Nick, I didn't realize you were also one of the multitude who had an adverse reaction to the armour reformulation. me, too.I got so sick last spring when they changed it. Then I was doing great on compounded all fall and this winter till feb when my RT3 issue developed. I am thinking now from all I have read on your site that my ferretin dropped and my D3 was probably low to begin with. It is good to hear you have finaly been able to re-lose some of what came on with the armour formula change. How long did it take before you started to see some progress with that?


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Subject: Re: Gaining weight on T3 only/me tooTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, July 11, 2010, 9:04 AM

>None of these adjustments has had any impact on the weight issue, however, weight HAS stopped increasing. As of about late March, early April I think.>>It IS possible this is a T3 utilization issue, but it seems to me I've covered all the bases that we've talked about here on the forum. My fasting blood sugar and A1C are great, do I need to do further testing for insulin levels? If so what?If it's stopped increasing then that's a good step, mine had anirritating habit of plateauing or rising and rarely reducing. Havingsaid that I have nor dropped 17 pounds in the 15 months since theArmour reformulation caused me to put 14 pounds onNick-- for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to www.thyroid-rt3.com

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>It is good to hear you have finaly been able to re-lose some of what came on

with the armour formula change. How long did it take before you started to see

some progress with that?

I piled on 10 pounds in a month and another 8 or so in the first 6

months on T3 before it stabilized and I got rid of 7 or so, I lost

another 7 in a week with a horrible stomach bug and have lost a few

pound since then

I hope there will be a downward trend now



for more information on RT3 and Thyroid Resistance go to


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Thanks for sharing your experiences, Val and Nick. I'm encouraged by your

eventual loss, Nick. Val do you think this is fluid retention you are


GLA is gamma linoleic acid. I'm trying the GLA as a result of finding a list of

things on the realthyroidhelp forum of things besides hypo that impact fluid

retention. Here's the list:

" Estrogen /Progesterone imbalances

poor diet - low potassium and sodium imbalances (electrolyte )

low b-6 - 200 mgs 2-3 times a day you will be peeing like a race horse for 2-3


insulin resistance and regulation - prediabetics

adrenal imbalances - stress

EFA imbalances - GLA will dump water

Lack of proper sleep.

Heart issues and cardiovascular disease

Toxic colon and liver

too much sugar intake

meds side effects such as SSRI, and betablockers "

Venezia, the liver makes glutathione, but I either don't make it well or use

inordinate amounts so need to take this. Its important for detox.


> I piled on 10 pounds in a month and another 8 or so in the first 6

> months on T3 before it stabilized and I got rid of 7 or so, I lost

> another 7 in a week with a horrible stomach bug and have lost a few

> pound since then


> I hope there will be a downward trend now


> Nick

> --


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Thank you Sherri for the list. It will be very helpful. I think I am going to go back to my gastroenterologist about my liver issues again.VeniziaSubject: Re: Gaining weight on T3 only/me tooTo: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, July 11, 2010, 8:26 PM

Thanks for sharing your experiences, Val and Nick. I'm encouraged by your eventual loss, Nick. Val do you think this is fluid retention you are experiencing?

GLA is gamma linoleic acid. I'm trying the GLA as a result of finding a list of things on the realthyroidhelp forum of things besides hypo that impact fluid retention. Here's the list:

"Estrogen /Progesterone imbalances

poor diet - low potassium and sodium imbalances (electrolyte )

low b-6 - 200 mgs 2-3 times a day you will be peeing like a race horse for 2-3 weeks

insulin resistance and regulation - prediabetics

adrenal imbalances - stress

EFA imbalances - GLA will dump water

Lack of proper sleep.

Heart issues and cardiovascular disease

Toxic colon and liver

too much sugar intake

meds side effects such as SSRI, and betablockers"

Venezia, the liver makes glutathione, but I either don't make it well or use inordinate amounts so need to take this. Its important for detox.


> I piled on 10 pounds in a month and another 8 or so in the first 6

> months on T3 before it stabilized and I got rid of 7 or so, I lost

> another 7 in a week with a horrible stomach bug and have lost a few

> pound since then


> I hope there will be a downward trend now


> Nick

> --


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Do you get insulin down with low carb diet? What about insulin resistence? Is

that the same scenario...low carb or no carb for a while?


> Gaining weight on T3 usually means the dose is incorrect or the

> utilization is incorrect or cortils is high or thye have glucose issues

> to beign wiht. High inuslin will cause weight gain!

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  • 1 month later...

I say yes, too much T3 causes insulin resistance. Others will shoot this theory

down again, but you, I, and others have reported weight gain from too much T3.

Every body is different. Just cause it didn't happen to them doesn't mean it

happens to some.


> >

> > Thanks for sharing your experiences, Val and Nick. I'm encouraged by your

eventual loss, Nick. Val do you think this is fluid retention you are


> >

> > GLA is gamma linoleic acid. I'm trying the GLA as a result of finding a list

of things on the realthyroidhelp forum of things besides hypo that impact fluid

retention. Here's the list:

> >

> > " Estrogen /Progesterone imbalances

> > poor diet - low potassium and sodium imbalances (electrolyte )

> > low b-6 - 200 mgs 2-3 times a day you will be peeing like a race horse for

2-3 weeks

> > insulin resistance and regulation - prediabetics

> > adrenal imbalances - stress

> > EFA imbalances - GLA will dump water

> > Lack of proper sleep.

> > Heart issues and cardiovascular disease

> > Toxic colon and liver

> > too much sugar intake

> > meds side effects such as SSRI, and betablockers "

> >

> > Venezia, the liver makes glutathione, but I either don't make it well or use

inordinate amounts so need to take this. Its important for detox.

> >

> > Sherry

> >

> > > I piled on 10 pounds in a month and another 8 or so in the first 6

> > > months on T3 before it stabilized and I got rid of 7 or so, I lost

> > > another 7 in a week with a horrible stomach bug and have lost a few

> > > pound since then

> > >

> > > I hope there will be a downward trend now

> > >

> > > Nick

> > > --

> > >

> >


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" Too much " T3 does have adverse health effects; in contrast, many who have

achieved their " correct dose " of T3 (neither hypo nor hyper, which is what we

are trying to achieve here), see their insulin resistance improve.

> > >

> > > Thanks for sharing your experiences, Val and Nick. I'm encouraged by your

eventual loss, Nick. Val do you think this is fluid retention you are


> > >

> > > GLA is gamma linoleic acid. I'm trying the GLA as a result of finding a

list of things on the realthyroidhelp forum of things besides hypo that impact

fluid retention. Here's the list:

> > >

> > > " Estrogen /Progesterone imbalances

> > > poor diet - low potassium and sodium imbalances (electrolyte )

> > > low b-6 - 200 mgs 2-3 times a day you will be peeing like a race horse for

2-3 weeks

> > > insulin resistance and regulation - prediabetics

> > > adrenal imbalances - stress

> > > EFA imbalances - GLA will dump water

> > > Lack of proper sleep.

> > > Heart issues and cardiovascular disease

> > > Toxic colon and liver

> > > too much sugar intake

> > > meds side effects such as SSRI, and betablockers "

> > >

> > > Venezia, the liver makes glutathione, but I either don't make it well or

use inordinate amounts so need to take this. Its important for detox.

> > >

> > > Sherry

> > >

> > > > I piled on 10 pounds in a month and another 8 or so in the first 6

> > > > months on T3 before it stabilized and I got rid of 7 or so, I lost

> > > > another 7 in a week with a horrible stomach bug and have lost a few

> > > > pound since then

> > > >

> > > > I hope there will be a downward trend now

> > > >

> > > > Nick

> > > > --

> > > >

> > >

> >


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