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Re: BUMP: Questions about dosing T3

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Here's some information on T3 dosing. I'm on T3 too, and have read all the manufacturer's

information which you can get from the pharmacist if you ask for it. Tell them you want what the manufacturer supplies with the medication, not their printed sheet.

The dose you are taking is very high according to them. Please read the information for

your safety. This medication is not to be taken ligfhtly, it can cause a heart attack if you

are taking too much.



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Subject: BUMP: Questions about dosing T3To: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 3:40 PM

Val or Nick (or anyone else)--what do you recommend? HELP!> >> > I started T3 only on May 18 after my FT3/RT3 ratio came back 6.9. So> > this coming week will be 12 weeks since I started. I'm up to 137.5mcg> > T3 and 40 mg HC. My temps have been somewhat erratic: basal from> > 97.2–98.1, but typically bwtn 97.5-97.7; daily averages usually> > 98.3–98.9, again not really stable. My last ferritin lab showed 118 (13-150) > >with iron serum 120 (35-155) and iron saturation 34% (13-150). I did the > >salt test after experiencing pretty constant heart palps, and my pulse came> > down from 103

to 81. I will be testing my aldosterone, renin, sodium and> > potassium as I think I need Slow-K and Florinef; am off progesterone for> > 2 weeks. Although I supp with sea salt, labs are consistently low:> > sodium 139 (135-145) and potassium 3.8 (3.5-5.2) My weight is still stuck. > > > >Should I wait to increase anymore T3 till I go on Florinef & Slow-K? > >How will I know when the RT3 clears? Thanks for all your help!!!!!> >>------------------------------------We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor.

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I would reduce T3 until those temps become more stable. Tat is a

fairly high dose and if it is stressing your adnrelas to make the temps

unstable you never will get it throufgh to the cells even when the RT3

is gone as your cortilsl is not keeping up.










> Val or Nick (or anyone else)--what do you recommend? HELP!



>>> I started T3 only on May 18 after my FT3/RT3 ratio came back 6.9. So

>>> this coming week will be 12 weeks since I started. I'm up to 137.5mcg

>>> T3 and 40 mg HC. My temps have been somewhat erratic: basal from

>>> 97.2–98.1, but typically bwtn 97.5-97.7; daily averages usually

>>> 98.3–98.9, again not really stable. My last ferritin lab showed 118


>>> with iron serum 120 (35-155) and iron saturation 34% (13-150). I did the

>>> salt test after experiencing pretty constant heart palps, and my pulse came

>>> down from 103 to 81. I will be testing my aldosterone, renin, sodium and

>>> potassium as I think I need Slow-K and Florinef; am off progesterone for

>>> 2 weeks. Although I supp with sea salt, labs are consistently low:

>>> sodium 139 (135-145) and potassium 3.8 (3.5-5.2) My weight is still stuck.


>>> Should I wait to increase anymore T3 till I go on Florinef& Slow-K?

>>> How will I know when the RT3 clears? Thanks for all your help!!!!!




> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences.

Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor. Yahoo! Groups






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Roni T3 is alot less liekly to cause a heart attack tan being hypo

is. There is a LOT of HYPE about the dangers of T3 which ALL started

whne bodybuilders were using ti to pump up wand stil be able to eat

tons of calories. Their abuse of T3 is why all these warnings are in

place and they were nOT written for people fighting thyroid

resistance. For example. I take 125-150mcg a DAY and have for almost

2 years now. Not only is my heart in MUCH better shape now than it

was 15 years ago, I have cured congestive heart failure wiht proper

use of T3.  Pleas eread between the lines on these warnigns on the

manufacturer's information. They need to cover their butts in case

some idiot with huge muscles tries taking 500mcg and dies.

http://www.nthadrenalsweb.com http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/






Here's some information on T3 dosing. I'm on T3 too,

and have read all the manufacturer's

information which you can get from the pharmacist if

you ask for it. Tell them you want what the manufacturer

supplies with the medication, not their printed sheet.


The dose you are taking is very high according to

them. Please read the information for

your safety. This medication is not to be taken

ligfhtly, it can cause a heart attack if you

are taking too much.




Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!



because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not


Subject: BUMP: Questions about dosing T3

To: RT3_T3

Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 3:40 PM

Val or Nick (or anyone else)--what do you recommend? 


> >

> > I started T3 only on May 18 after my FT3/RT3

ratio came back 6.9.  So

> > this coming week will be 12 weeks since I

started.  I'm up to 137.5mcg

> > T3 and 40 mg HC.  My temps have been

somewhat erratic:  basal from

> > 97.2–98.1, but typically bwtn 97.5-97.7;

daily averages usually

> > 98.3–98.9, again not really stable.  My last

ferritin lab showed 118 (13-150)

> >with iron serum 120 (35-155) and iron

saturation 34% (13-150).  I did the

> >salt test after experiencing pretty constant

heart palps, and my pulse came

> > down from 103 to 81.  I will be testing my

aldosterone, renin, sodium and

> > potassium as I think I need Slow-K and

Florinef; am off progesterone for

> > 2 weeks.  Although I supp with sea salt,

labs are consistently low:

> > sodium 139 (135-145) and potassium 3.8

(3.5-5.2) My weight is still stuck.

> >

> >Should I wait to increase anymore T3 till I

go on Florinef & Slow-K?

> >How will I know when the RT3 clears?  Thanks

for all your help!!!!!

> >



We are not medical professionals here, just patients

sharing our experiences. Please use this information

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Thanks, Val. Since I'm now dosing 37.5, 25, 25, 25, 25, do you think I should

start by cutting back the first dose to 25 or take it lower than that by

reducing the nighttime dose also?


> I would reduce T3 until those temps become more stable. Tat is a

> fairly high dose and if it is stressing your adnrelas to make the temps

> unstable you never will get it throufgh to the cells even when the RT3

> is gone as your cortilsl is not keeping up.



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I agree with you that drug companies try to cover their butts from the occasional person who doesn't have respect for information about what these hormones actually do.

I have afib, and I'm very sensitive to the effects of the T3. I had been telling my doctors for years that they were giving me too little Armour, but all they looked at was the low TSH.

Now that I'm on T3, my RT3 has gone down to 9. That's a far cry from the 239 it was originally when tested.

My doctor and the drug store messed me up again. I called for a refill. The drugstore had to get the doctor's O.K. It was called in on a Friday, and on Tuesday it was still not approved by the doctor. I called the office and the girl said he wanted to see me the next day, so that was another day. I went in and he wanted a blood test which I refused to take then and there and insisted I'd get it the next morning. I did and had to wait another day for the results. He got them and ok'd the refill. I was taking 75 mcg at the time all this started.

When I went to get the refill the drugstore informed me that they had changed suppliers and gave me Paddock instead of Mylan. Then I started them the next day. I went back and took the 75mcg without thinking of the dry stretch, and my heart started giving me afib attacks.

I realized what it was from and backed up to 50. I'm up to 60 now, and I'll see if I need to

add more according to what my body tells me. I'm sure the clearance of the RT3 has had an effect on how much I may need too.

Yes, hypo can cause heart problems as well as hyper, but it usually worries me when someone is taking way more than recommended, and doesn't realize the implications.

You, of course, know what you are doing. Unfortunately not everyone does. I so much appreciate the knowledge, experience and information I get from this site and others.

The afib site also helped me a great deal. Thanks so much for your help, I know how

much you put into this.


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: BUMP: Questions about dosing T3To: RT3_T3 Date: Sunday, August 8, 2010, 3:40 PM

Val or Nick (or anyone else)--what do you recommend? HELP!> >> > I started T3 only on May 18 after my FT3/RT3 ratio came back 6.9. So> > this coming week will be 12 weeks since I started. I'm up to 137.5mcg> > T3 and 40 mg HC. My temps have been somewhat erratic: basal from> > 97.2–98.1, but typically bwtn 97.5-97.7; daily averages usually> > 98.3–98.9, again not really stable. My last ferritin lab showed 118 (13-150) > >with iron serum 120

(35-155) and iron saturation 34% (13-150). I did the > >salt test after experiencing pretty constant heart palps, and my pulse came> > down from 103 to 81. I will be testing my aldosterone, renin, sodium and> > potassium as I think I need Slow-K and Florinef; am off progesterone for> > 2 weeks. Although I supp with sea salt, labs are consistently low:> > sodium 139 (135-145) and potassium 3.8 (3.5-5.2) My weight is still stuck. > > > >Should I wait to increase anymore T3 till I go on Florinef & Slow-K? > >How will I know when the RT3 clears? Thanks for all your help!!!!!> >>------------------------------------We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor.

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