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new and need help with test results

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Thank you.

> I'm new to the group. I've been Hypothyroid for 6 years and have

been taking Levothroid. I tried Nature-Throid and had terrible results,

so my doctor put me back on Levothroid. I'm still having hypo symptoms

and I've gained 30+ lbs in the last three months. I'm trying to find

out what is wrong with me. I just got my test results back and think I

have RT3 issues. The doctor didn't do a Free T3 only a T3, so I'm not

sure if I'm reading the results correctly. Can you help me read these?


> RT3 34


> T3 118


> Free T4 1.1


> TSH 0.09




> ------------ --------- --------- ------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our

experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent


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CORTISOL, TOTAL, AM 23.8 (4.3-22.4)

ALDOSTERONE 20 (< or = 28 ng/dl)

PLASMA RENNIN A D 2.54 (0.25-5.82 ng/ml/hr)


SODIUM 142 (135-145)

POTASSIUM 4.3 (3.5-5.3)

CL 103 (98-108)

CO2 29 (22-32)


HGB A1C%, HPLC 4.8 (4.3-6.1)


WBC, AUTO 3.9 (4.8-10.8)

RBC, AUTO 4.53 (3.80-5.40)

HBG, AUTO 14.7 (11.4-16.0)

HCT, AUTO 41.0 (34.2-47.0)

MCV 90.5 (80-99)

MCHC 35.9 (32-36)

RDW, RBC 12.9 (11.5-14.5)

PLATELETS, AUTO 245 (130-440)


RT3 34

T3 118 (54-163)

FT4 1.1 (0.9-1.8)

TSH 0.09 (0.35-5.50)

FERRITIN 25.7 (10-291)

VITAMIN B12 435 (180-914)

FOLATE 12.2 ( > 3.0)

POTASSIUM 3.7 (3.5-5.3)

MAGNESIUM 2.1 (1.6-2.4)


VIT D, 25-OH, D3 34

VIT D, 25-OH, D2 < 4

Supplements I've been taking since labs on 7/16/2010.

200 mg Elemental Iron

1000 mg Vitamin C

400 IU Vitamin E

10,000 IU Vitamin D

5000 mcg B12 Methylcobalamin sublingual

400 mcg Folic Acid

20 mEq K-DUR Potassium

I have Hashi's and RT3 issues. My RT3 ratio is 3.47. I still have hypo

symptoms including extreme fatigue, hair loss, and gaining 30 lbs in the last 3

months without a change in diet or exercise. My doctor (Kaiser) wouldn't

prescribe Cytomel and referred me to an Endo when I explained that I need to

stop Levothroid and take Cytomel to clear RT3. The Endo told me I didn't need

to worry about my RT3 and that Cytomel wouldn't help me. She suggested I change

my Levothroid dose of 100 mcg to 88 mcg to help with my continuing hypo

symptoms. After insisting on Cytomel, she prescribed 5 mcg to take with the 88

mcg of Levothroid. She told me that she would not prescribe Cytomel only and

that I need to continue taking the Levothroid.

I've decided to do this without my doctor, so any help or suggestions would be

greatly appreciated. I also posted my new labs on the adrenals group. I'm not

sure where to go from here. Is it okay for me to start T3 only? I want to start

feeling better.

I posted my 7/16/2010 labs on the RT3 group before and have been taking the

supplements suggested. My potassium has come up from 3.7 to 4.3. Should I

continue taking the K-DUR now that my potassium has come up?

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Thank you for your help Val! I'm taking the 24-hour adrenal saliva test (ZRT lab) next week. Is it okay to take Cytomel and B12 sublingually that day or should I swallow them or not take them at all the day of test?To: RT3_T3 Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 2:15:44

PMSubject: Re: new and need help with test results

It is very liekly potassium would fall again if you stop supplementing

so I would continue it but maybe cut down a little so it doesn rise

more. These doctors are the PITTS! T3 phobic all of them! i am glad you

have decided to go this on your own. you will be better off. I think oyu

need ot raise the iron a bit more but you may be able to tolerate a

small T3 dose now so try the 5mcg and see how that goes, if not bad

reactions you cna double that in about 3-5 days but I would keep raises

very small and slow till your ferritin looks better. Next time oyu do

labs ask for a full iron panel anbd be sure to stop iron supps for 5

days before testing.








> 8/26/2010


> CORTISOL, TOTAL, AM 23.8 (4.3-22.4)


> ALDOSTERONE 20 (< or = 28 ng/dl)


> PLASMA RENNIN A D 2.54 (0.25-5.82 ng/ml/hr)



> SODIUM 142 (135-145)

> POTASSIUM 4.3 (3.5-5.3)

> CL 103 (98-108)

> CO2 29 (22-32)


> GLUCOSE, FASTING 97 (70-99)


> HGB A1C%, HPLC 4.8 (4.3-6.1)



> WBC, AUTO 3.9 (4.8-10.8)

> RBC, AUTO 4.53 (3.80-5.40)

> HBG, AUTO 14.7 (11.4-16.0)

> HCT, AUTO 41.0 (34.2-47.0)

> MCV 90.5 (80-99)

> MCHC 35.9 (32-36)

> RDW, RBC 12.9 (11.5-14.5)

> PLATELETS, AUTO 245 (130-440)


> 7/16/2010


> RT3 34

> T3 118 (54-163)

> FT4 1.1 (0.9-1.8)

> TSH 0.09 (0.35-5.50)


> FERRITIN 25.7 (10-291)


> VITAMIN B12 435 (180-914)


> FOLATE 12.2 (> 3.0)


> POTASSIUM 3.7 (3.5-5.3)


> MAGNESIUM 2.1 (1.6-2.4)

> VIT D, 25-HYDROXY 34

> VIT D, 25-OH, D3 34

> VIT D, 25-OH, D2< 4


> Supplements I've been taking since labs on 7/16/2010.


> 200 mg Elemental Iron

> 1000 mg Vitamin C

> 400 IU Vitamin E

> 10,000 IU Vitamin D

> 5000 mcg B12 Methylcobalamin sublingual

> 400 mcg Folic Acid

> 20 mEq K-DUR Potassium


> I have Hashi's and RT3 issues. My RT3 ratio is 3.47. I still have hypo symptoms including extreme fatigue, hair loss, and gaining 30 lbs in the last 3 months without a change in diet or exercise. My doctor (Kaiser) wouldn't prescribe Cytomel and referred me to an Endo when I explained that I need to stop Levothroid and take Cytomel to clear RT3. The Endo told me I didn't need to worry about my RT3 and that Cytomel wouldn't help me. She suggested I change my Levothroid dose of 100 mcg to 88 mcg to help with my continuing hypo symptoms. After insisting on Cytomel, she prescribed 5 mcg to take with the 88 mcg of Levothroid. She told me that she would not prescribe Cytomel only and that I need to continue taking the Levothroid.


> I've decided to do this without my doctor, so any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I also posted my new labs on the adrenals group. I'm not sure where to go from here. Is it okay for me to start T3 only? I want to start feeling better.


> I posted my 7/16/2010 labs on the RT3 group before and have been taking the supplements suggested. My potassium has come up from 3.7 to 4.3. Should I continue taking the K-DUR now that my potassium has come up?






> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor.

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You shoudl aswallow meds the day of saliva testing Nothing


http://www.nthadrenalsweb.com http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/NaturalThyroidHormonesADRENALS/






Thank you for your help Val!  I'm taking the

24-hour adrenal saliva test (ZRT lab) next week.  Is it okay to

take Cytomel and B12 sublingually that day or should I swallow

them or not take them at all the day of test?





Sent: Thu,

September 2, 2010 2:15:44 PM


Re: new and need help with test results


It is very liekly potassium would fall again if you

stop supplementing

so I would continue it but maybe cut down a little so it

doesn rise

more. These doctors are the PITTS! T3 phobic all of

them! i am glad you

have decided to go this on your own. you will be better

off. I think oyu

need ot raise the iron a bit more but you may be able to

tolerate a

small T3 dose now so try the 5mcg and see how that goes,

if not bad

reactions you cna double that in about 3-5 days but I

would keep raises

very small and slow till your ferritin looks better.

Next time oyu do

labs ask for a full iron panel anbd be sure to stop iron

supps for 5

days before testing.








> 8/26/2010


> CORTISOL, TOTAL, AM 23.8 (4.3-22.4)


> ALDOSTERONE 20 (< or = 28 ng/dl)


> PLASMA RENNIN A D 2.54 (0.25-5.82 ng/ml/hr)



> SODIUM 142 (135-145)

> POTASSIUM 4.3 (3.5-5.3)

> CL 103 (98-108)

> CO2 29 (22-32)


> GLUCOSE, FASTING 97 (70-99)


> HGB A1C%, HPLC 4.8 (4.3-6.1)



> WBC, AUTO 3.9 (4.8-10.8)

> RBC, AUTO 4.53 (3.80-5.40)

> HBG, AUTO 14.7 (11.4-16.0)

> HCT, AUTO 41.0 (34.2-47.0)

> MCV 90.5 (80-99)

> MCHC 35.9 (32-36)

> RDW, RBC 12.9 (11.5-14.5)

> PLATELETS, AUTO 245 (130-440)


> 7/16/2010


> RT3 34

> T3 118 (54-163)

> FT4 1.1 (0.9-1.8)

> TSH 0.09 (0.35-5.50)


> FERRITIN 25.7 (10-291)


> VITAMIN B12 435 (180-914)


> FOLATE 12.2 (> 3.0)


> POTASSIUM 3.7 (3.5-5.3)


> MAGNESIUM 2.1 (1.6-2.4)

> VIT D, 25-HYDROXY 34

> VIT D, 25-OH, D3 34

> VIT D, 25-OH, D2< 4


> Supplements I've been taking since labs on



> 200 mg Elemental Iron

> 1000 mg Vitamin C

> 400 IU Vitamin E

> 10,000 IU Vitamin D

> 5000 mcg B12 Methylcobalamin sublingual

> 400 mcg Folic Acid

> 20 mEq K-DUR Potassium


> I have Hashi's and RT3 issues. My RT3 ratio is

3.47. I still have hypo symptoms including extreme

fatigue, hair loss, and gaining 30 lbs in the last 3

months without a change in diet or exercise. My doctor

(Kaiser) wouldn't prescribe Cytomel and referred me to

an Endo when I explained that I need to stop Levothroid

and take Cytomel to clear RT3. The Endo told me I didn't

need to worry about my RT3 and that Cytomel wouldn't

help me. She suggested I change my Levothroid dose of

100 mcg to 88 mcg to help with my continuing hypo

symptoms. After insisting on Cytomel, she prescribed 5

mcg to take with the 88 mcg of Levothroid. She told me

that she would not prescribe Cytomel only and that I

need to continue taking the Levothroid.


> I've decided to do this without my doctor, so any

help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I also

posted my new labs on the adrenals group. I'm not sure

where to go from here. Is it okay for me to start T3

only? I want to start feeling better.


> I posted my 7/16/2010 labs on the RT3 group before

and have been taking the supplements suggested. My

potassium has come up from 3.7 to 4.3. Should I continue

taking the K-DUR now that my potassium has come up?






> ------------------------------------


> We are not medical professionals here, just

patients sharing our experiences. Please use this

information with the help of a competent doctor. Yahoo!

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