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Re: Potassium question

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I'm confused. If you have no thyroid, why are you not on thyroid hormone pills? Who put you on the other things you take? Have they helped your symptoms at all? What symptoms do you have?

I am particularly interested in what low potassium symptoms you have, because I've been

thinking I might be low on this mineral.


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Subject: Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Bernetta I am up to 120mEq of potassium a day. My last labs in June

showed my RBC hadn't MOVED in a year on 100mEq and my serum actually

went down. Not much and stil does nto show my deficiency but I FEEL it.


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I'm confused. If you have no thyroid, why are you not on

thyroid hormone pills? Who put you on the other things you take? Have

they helped your symptoms at all? What symptoms do you have?

I am particularly interested in what low potassium

symptoms you have, because I've been

thinking I might be low on this mineral.


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Subject: Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps

loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct.

Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me

again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot.

Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot.


Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Thanks for your reply. I am on T3 40mcg. I just didn't add that part to my email. I have been on HC for 3 yrs. Now and Val has helped me with that all this time. I now see a doc that manages it for me. I was down to 10mgs. HC but he raised me back up to 20. But the potassium is my problem now that I am asking about. I have diarrhea, feel weak, blood pressure goes up, arms feel like they will slide off my body, feel faint, nausea, the list goes on. Thanks, Bernetta

-- Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Thanks Val,

Can you tell me how you take it? Do you take it 3 times a day? I have been since last week taking Klor-Con M20, 3 a day. And starting as of today feel a little better. I just went for my labs this morning and will be going to the doc on Thurs. for the results. Bernetta

-- Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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I take mine four times a day 40mEq inthe AM thne 20 at 10am then 40 at

1PM and 20 at bedtime.


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Thanks Val,

Can you tell me how you take it? Do you take it 3 times

a day? I have been since last week taking Klor-Con M20, 3 a day. And

starting as of today feel a little better. I just went for my labs this

morning and will be going to the doc on Thurs. for the results.


-- Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps

loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct.

Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me

again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot.

Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot.


Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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What was your potassium at on your labs.

6/30 I had an electo panel and here was mine

Potassium 3.8 (135-146)

Sodium 142 (3.5-5.3)

Do you think I could take more potassium because I still feel bad but a little better but not ok. I also

Need to figure out why is my potassium going low again. Bernetta

-- Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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My RBC was 75 and my Serum was 4.0, but befire i started tking

potassium my serum was 4.2 an rbc was 75. Insulkin use lowers potassium

and actuall yin known to cause wasting but other things can too, such

as high aldosterone. High cortio also causes potasisum wasting.


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What was your potassium at on your labs.

6/30 I had an electo panel and here was mine

Potassium 3.8 (135-146)

Sodium 142 (3.5-5.3)

Do you think I could take more potassium because I still

feel bad but a little better but not ok. I also

Need to figure out why is my potassium going low again.


-- Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or

keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June

till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening

to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low

pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high

pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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I have low aldosterone, and was on only 10mgs HC(which was a bad mistake to go that low) and am now

Back up to 20mgs. So wonder why mine is back low? Do you have an idea? So I can enlighten this doc?

I had no B12 at all so I heard from a B12 expert that when you start the Meythol B12 shots it can cause

Your potossium to take a big dumb when healing starts.

-- Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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That's the firts I have hearf dpo of an interaction with B12 nd

potasisum but it would not surprise me as my B12 is high (over 1000)

and I can;t keep potasisum in my system. It doesntl ever fall TOO lwo

to show in blood testing but I get sympotomis of low ptoasisum if I

,lower my dose.


http://faqhelp.webs.com/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


I have low aldosterone, and was on only 10mgs HC(which was

a bad mistake to go that low) and am now

Back up to 20mgs. So wonder why mine is back low? Do you

have an idea? So I can enlighten this doc?

I had no B12 at all so I heard from a B12 expert that when

you start the Meythol B12 shots it can cause

Your potossium to take a big dumb when healing starts.

-- Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in

potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you


I was loosing my potassium from

June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started

happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really

bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting

high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take

HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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What is the RBC testing? I have only had just a regular eletro planel. Also you don't have any other idea

Why so many of us have low potassium?

-- Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Well mosyt the folks on HC it is due to HC but also I suspect a low

carb diet dfoesn;t provide adequate potassium and many are on low carb

diets as they are the best for weak adrneals.


http://faqhelp.webs.com/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


What is the RBC testing? I have only had just a regular

eletro planel. Also you don't have any other idea

Why so many of us have low potassium?

-- Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in

potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you


I was loosing my potassium

from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started

happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really

bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting

high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and

take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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I am a senior, and I am on T3 only. I am up to 70mcg at present, and I THINK I'm at or very close to correct dose. I have several other conditions, as well as allergies so I am very careful with what I take. I have been titrating the T3 by only 5 mcg at a time, and keeping it there for a week or two (usually 2) before having symptoms telling me that I need more.

I think I am low on potassium too, but I think I am going to try drinking orange juice and/or eating oranges every day. I just had a glass of OJ and it had 465 mgs of potassium in it. 10meqs of potassium is 750 mgs. I figure the OJ plus other potassium from other fruits and/or veggies should help to keep me feeling better. At least I'm going to try it. Also, I have 99 mgs potassium capsules that I could use to fill in if I feel that I need a bit more.


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Subject: Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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If 10 meqs = 75mgs as it states on google, then you are taking 9, 000 mgs of potassium a day?

Isn't that a great deal?


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Yes ti si a horrendous amount of potassium. NO ONE including the one

doctor I stil confer with can figure out why I am losing this much

potasisum. Insulin especially Lantus Insulin causes potassium wastiugn

and I so use that insulin btu other Diabetics on thi sinsulin do nto

need htis much potassium so something is stil wrong here I haven't

figured out YET.. LOL It could be hand in hand wiht my undetectable

IGF-1 which we also have not found a cause or a fix for. This si

unheard of in adults. Growht Hormon3 did nto correct it ntr even bring

it onto the measurable testing ranges, so it is not from low Growth

Homrone but truly lwo IGF-1. I have to have weird things...


http://faqhelp.webs.com/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


If 10 meqs = 75mgs as it states on google, then you are

taking 9, 000 mgs of potassium a day?

Isn't that a great deal?


Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because

something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium

or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June

till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening

to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low

pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high

pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC.


Thanks, Bernetta

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I hear you. I get weird things too. One of my doctors a long time ago was asked by my then

husband why he didn't write up a paper on me. The doctor replied that they didn't pay for science fiction. He was kidding, and was the best doctor I ever had. Recognized that medicine should not be applied to everyone the same way. Anyway, I just found a very interesting site and thought you might be interested too.



Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: Potassium questionTo: RT3_T3 Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you take?

I was loosing my potassium from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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Yes I have read that site before. And MANY MANY more it is curious to

wonder why something goes awry in the body. ANd even more corious that

none of the MANY doctors I had seen in the past even checked my RBC

levels to see if thta was the problem when i had SO MANY ymptoms of low

potassium. I gues they all assumed i fthe serum levels were normal it

had to be OK. WRong.


http://faqhelp.webs.com/ http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

http://www.thyroid-rt3.com/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HypoPets/


I hear you. I get weird things too. One of my doctors a

long time ago was asked by my then

husband why he didn't write up a paper on me. The doctor

replied that they didn't pay for science fiction. He was kidding, and

was the best doctor I ever had. Recognized that medicine should not be

applied to everyone the same way. Anyway, I just found a very

interesting site and thought you might be interested too.



Immortality exists!

It's called knowledge!

Just because

something isn't seen

doesn't mean it's not there<>

Subject: Potassium question

To: RT3_T3

Date: Monday, July 5, 2010, 7:47 AM

Hi, anyone that is low in

potassium or keeps loosing potassium how much potassium a day do you


I was loosing my potassium

from June till Oct. Last yr. And then seemed to be ok. It just started

happening to me again. My potassium was 3.8. I am having all the really

bad low pot. Symptoms. I have been taking 3 Klor-Con a day and eatting

high pot. foods.

Also I have NO thyroid and

take HC. 20mg.

Thanks, Bernetta

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I just got my labs back and it has taken 90 MEQ of potassium daily, to get my

levels to 4.2 and to keep me from getting symptoms of low potassium.

If my cortisol gets low, I waste both sodium and potassium, so I have

to keep a watch on that as well.

FWIW, Deb in MI


> Thanks,

> What was your potassium at on your labs.

> 6/30 I had an electo panel and here was mine

> Potassium 3.8 (135-146)

> Sodium 142 (3.5-5.3)

> Do you think I could take more potassium because I still feel bad but a

> little better but not ok. I also

> Need to figure out why is my potassium going low again. Bernetta


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Hi Deb, thanks for your reply. Yes I have to figure out where my HC needs to be now and see and also experiment again on how much Potassium I am going to need. I have been at all this for a few yrs. And still trying to get it all right. LOL But it is nice to hear about others experience too. I am from Mi also but in live in Fl now. Bernetta

-- Re: Potassium question


I just got my labs back and it has taken 90 MEQ of potassium daily, to get my levels to 4.2 and to keep me from getting symptoms of low potassium.

If my cortisol gets low, I waste both sodium and potassium, so I have

to keep a watch on that as well.

FWIW, Deb in MI


> Thanks,

> What was your potassium at on your labs.

> 6/30 I had an electo panel and here was mine

> Potassium 3.8 (135-146)

> Sodium 142 (3.5-5.3)

> Do you think I could take more potassium because I still feel bad but a

> little better but not ok. I also

> Need to figure out why is my potassium going low again. Bernetta



We are not medical professionals here, just patients sharing our experiences. Please use this information with the help of a competent doctor.

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