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Val - Lab work you wanted per our phone conversation

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Hi Val,

A brief explanation of our conversation last week.

I am on 40mg of HC:

7am - 10

11am - 10

3pm - 7.5

7pm - 7.5

bedtime - 5

T3 grossman brand - 106.25mcg

Every two hours

8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm = 18.75mcg each

6pm = 12.50mcg

I have been on the RT3 protocol since March. My initial ratio was 8 and my

ferritin level was 25. I had to increase slowly due to the low ferritin.

My situation I talked with you on the phone:

On Aug. 5 I increased my T3 to 100mcg.

I was feeling more hypo during this increase and wrote to our group that I may

be getting resistence. I was told by Nick that it could be a possibility that I

reached the point where I shut down my T4 and my T3 hasn't cleared yet and to

increase until I reach it.

My temps avg are roughly 98.0F and I never seem to get passed it.

In 3 days I increased my dose to 106.25mcg and I felt more hypo, then I decided

to go ahead and try 112.50mcg the next day.

My temps did not budge, and I felt still hypo, but I started to hurt really bad

in my adrenal area Friday. I mean really starting to hurt. I did a stress dose

that day and the next day. I also dropped my T3 back down to 106.25mcg. It

helped the pain. I think I stressed dose 10mg for two days. The two days after

I stressed dosed my temps avg was 98.4F. I was really getting it up there. Now

my temps are lower than my avg 98.0F.

I decided to try to increase the T3 to 112.50. Within two days my adrenal area

was hurting and hurting. I immediately stopped that dose and went back down to


I have been on 106.25mcg since then which was Aug. 18.

I am still hypo, really dry, very tired, eyes bloodshoot from being dry,

heaviness in my breathing.

I also started hurting a lot at night with pain in my knees. I think this is

from low cortisol because I tested a pellet of isocort and it helped with the

pain. My knees don't hurt during the day, but I am taking my cortisol.

My temps are lower than 98.0F now.

I am not sure if I should lower T3 or raise HC. This is when I called .

She wanted me to run some tests. I got the tests back, still waiting on the

iron % saturation and should get it tomorrow.

These are from labcorp.

FT3 6.0 HIGH pg/mL Range 2.0-4.4

(Looks like I am pooling.)

Ferritin, Serum 230 HIGH ng/mL Range 13-150

(I stopped taking iron a week before the test and now. Do not think I need it

anymore. Don't seem to have a problem not taking it. I doubt very much it is

inflammation. The % saturation test should get tomorrow.If I am pooling I do

not think it is low iron related.)

Electrolyte Panel

Sodium, Serum 141 mmol/L range 135-145

Potassium, Serum 3.8 3.5-5.2

Chloride, Serum 103 97-108

Carbon Dioxide, Total 27 20-32

From my previous Electrolyte Panel my sodium is still the same. When I had it

done then I was having bad edema and when I took salt I would swell up like a

puffer fish. I have not been drinking my salted water since then. If I do, I

will swell up. Back then my potassium level was 4.3 and my RBC potassium was

106. The edema wasn't due to my electolytes then.

Now my potassium is lower.

I do not have frequent urination. At the most I may pee twice at night. I

always have to pee at least once at night. I am sleeping okay, getting up once

and can get back to sleep. But I am so tired upon waking and most of the day.

It has been this way since trying to increase from 100mcg.

I seem to be so close and yet so far away. I am tired of feeling so lousy.

With this lab work please advice.


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