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Hysteroscopy & Fibroid Q's (m/c mentioned)

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Happy New Year All,

I have several questions that I am hoping someone may be able to

help me with.

I lost my baby girl on Nov 17th when I was 20 weeks pregnant. Her

heart stopped beating and we later learned that she had stopped

growing at about 18 weeks. The doctor told me that I likely had a

BU or a UU. But after my HSG last Tuesday, it turns out that I have

a fibroid...my uterus is " normal " shaped. I've talked to women that

have lost their baby in a miscarriage due to a fibroid, but in my

case, I did not miscarry--the baby's heart stopped. And many women

carry their babies full term with fibroids. Additionally, I had no

pain, no symptoms, no bleeding, nothing that would have alerted me

to a fibroid. I saw the films from the HSG--the fibroid is very

small. This does not make sense to me. How could the baby's heart

have stopped beating when the fibroid is so small? And why would she

have stopped growing? This would make sense if the fibroid was

large. Could the fibroid have shrunk over the past 5 weeks? Has

anyone got any ideas?

The doctor ordered a hysteroscopy to remove the fibroid. Can anyone

tell me their experience of this procedure? What should I expect?

How long is the recovery? Anything I should be watching for, be

careful of? Advice?

Thank you all, so much, I SO appreciate your help. This group has

truly been a blessing to me. I promise to return the favor when I

gain more knowledge and experience.

Again, Happy New Year, everyone. May you all be blessed many times

over this new year.


Lost Hannah Grace, 20 wks, 11/17/05

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I am so sorry for your loss. The unexplainable make it

even that much more difficult. It's good that you are

researching on your own and asking lots of questions.

Doctors don't have all of the answers and what one

will say another will have another explanation. It is

good to hear that they are not wasting any time in

diagnosing and treating what they find.

As for the fibroid question, I don't have any insight

on that, but I did just go through my second

hysteroscopy. I have an SU which has now been resected

through the two procedures. The first was a lap/hyst

which took much longer for recovery. The second a

hysteroscopy only, on December 22nd, was a much faster

recovery. The procedure for me this time was only

about 35 minutes including prep in the OR. Once awake,

I was given some pain meds orally and sent home about

1.5 hours after waking up from the anesthesia. At home

I laid low for the evening and took the presribed

Vicotin for pain... this time I could space them out

6-7 hrs vs the first when I took them every 4 hours.

By day two I was feeling much better and used the pain

meds only twice. Day three I was up and moving out of

the house and feeling quite normal. My RE put a

balloon in and because of the holidays I had to leave

it in for 5 days. It caused some cramping, but I

preferred to use ibuprofen by day three since it

allowed me to drive. There was bleeding until after

the balloon was removed and some cramping after they

removed it, but less than even my normal menstrual


On a related topic, there are some other great

Internet groups for coping with the loss of a

miscarriage. After our second miscarriage at 12 wks I

was sure that my heart would never heal. It physically

felt as if it were breaking in my chest. Listening to

the stories of others, crying and writing about my own

story helped me to heal. Each time I talk about it I

heal a little more.

Hope all of this helps. If you have any questions

please ask.


--- holly_c3 holly_c3@...> wrote:

> Happy New Year All,


> I have several questions that I am hoping someone

> may be able to

> help me with.


> I lost my baby girl on Nov 17th when I was 20 weeks

> pregnant. Her

> heart stopped beating and we later learned that she

> had stopped

> growing at about 18 weeks. The doctor told me that

> I likely had a

> BU or a UU. But after my HSG last Tuesday, it turns

> out that I have

> a fibroid...my uterus is " normal " shaped. I've

> talked to women that

> have lost their baby in a miscarriage due to a

> fibroid, but in my

> case, I did not miscarry--the baby's heart stopped.

> And many women

> carry their babies full term with fibroids.

> Additionally, I had no

> pain, no symptoms, no bleeding, nothing that would

> have alerted me

> to a fibroid. I saw the films from the HSG--the

> fibroid is very

> small. This does not make sense to me. How could the

> baby's heart

> have stopped beating when the fibroid is so small?

> And why would she

> have stopped growing? This would make sense if the

> fibroid was

> large. Could the fibroid have shrunk over the past 5

> weeks? Has

> anyone got any ideas?


> The doctor ordered a hysteroscopy to remove the

> fibroid. Can anyone

> tell me their experience of this procedure? What

> should I expect?

> How long is the recovery? Anything I should be

> watching for, be

> careful of? Advice?


> Thank you all, so much, I SO appreciate your help.

> This group has

> truly been a blessing to me. I promise to return the

> favor when I

> gain more knowledge and experience.


> Again, Happy New Year, everyone. May you all be

> blessed many times

> over this new year.


> Holly


> Lost Hannah Grace, 20 wks, 11/17/05








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I am so sorry for your loss. I have had several 1st trimester m/c and they

were so painful that I cannot imagine losing a baby at 20 weeks.

I can only give my opinion as to your daughter's death. I have trouble

believing that your fibroid had anything to do with her heart stopping. The

heart stopping is the way everyone dies really ,not really a " cause " . When

a woman miscarries, almost always the baby's heart has stopped beating

before the miscarriage begins. The farther in the pregnancy the less likely

it is that the baby will be " passed " (an awful word I know) without medical

assistance. I suspect unfortunately that it was one of those terrible

unknown twists of fate (like SIDS can be). I personally would feel that it

is a one time occurrence that will not repeat itself. I assume that they

examined her and determined that there was no obvious cause of her growth

retardation and death.

Once again, I speak with only my limited knowledge and do not wish to

contradict your doctor. I am again sorry for your daughter's death and hope

that this year will bring you joy.

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