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RE visit (loved her!!!) & Question about vaginal septum removal...

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I had my first appt. w/the RE today. I saw Dr. Kolp (after

hearing great things about her on here) and I absolutely loved her!

I saw both her and another doctor (I think he's an intern)- it made

me feel special that I got to see 2 people at once! We discussed my

history and she did an exam which confirmed my previous diagnosis of

UD. Then she did an ultrasound to check the size of each uterus and

to look for signs of endometriosis (none - yay!). I came away from

the appointment feeling totally positive and happy about my ability


conceive and carry a healthy baby.

She suggested that I consider having my partial vaginal septum


(although made it clear that this was totally my choice). It makes

tampons and intercourse somewhat uncomfortable and creates all sorts

of problems when I have to get my annual exam (one cervix is hidden

behind it). It is outpatient surgery and sounds like not a big deal

at all. I will most likely get it done so I can be all healed


we start TTC next summer.

So I'm just wondering if anyone has had this done. I see all sorts


posts about uterine septum removal, but have never heard of this.


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Hi, ,

> I came away from

> the appointment feeling totally positive and happy about my ability

> to

> conceive and carry a healthy baby.

It's amazing how much difference getting that information can make,

especially when it comes from someone who's opinion you feel you can

actually TRUST.

> She suggested that I consider having my partial vaginal septum

> removed

> (although made it clear that this was totally my choice). It makes

> tampons and intercourse somewhat uncomfortable and creates all sorts

> of problems when I have to get my annual exam (one cervix is hidden

> behind it). It is outpatient surgery and sounds like not a big deal

> at all. I will most likely get it done so I can be all healed

> before

> we start TTC next summer.

My new RE has suggested the EXACT same thing. My former obgyn (who

insists to this day that I am UD - feh) absolutely ruled out any

surgery unless " we have problems after a year " . Of course, she also

ruled out anything other than the HSG, too, so no MRI, no hysteroscopy,

nothing. (!!)

My RE, who strongly believes that I am bicollis with septate uterus,

has ordered an MRI (tomorrow morning) to confirm her belief, but has

suggested that even if I am (by some remote chance) UD, that I should

consider having the vaginal septum removed - for all of the reasons you


Her feeling is that if I am UD, " cleaning house " by removing the vag.

septum will make it considerably easier to conceive (especially if one

side of the vag. septum is dominant, and would effectively preclude the

swimmers from reaching the ovulating side every other month). Her

feeling is that if I am (as we suspect) SU, since she's going in to do

the uterine septum resection, and I'll be under anesthesia anyway, that

it would be the perfect time to do the vag. septum, too.

> So I'm just wondering if anyone has had this done. I see all sorts

> of

> posts about uterine septum removal, but have never heard of this.


> Thanks...



The one thing that my RE did tell me right up front is that her

preferred post-op procedure for the vag. sep. removal is to put in a

balloon stent that looks " the size of a Wisconsin Bratwurst " for at

least a full week to reduce the potential for scar tissue. She warned

me that it would feel " odd " , and that there is some sort of hideous,

granny-brief looking post-op undergarment that is used to keep it in

place (oooh. . . something to look forward to. . . NOT!).

On the plus side, she said that the actual baby dancing should be more

enjoyable - no more " bump and slip " sensation (ugh - was that TMI?!),

although the first time could be a little scary because " you've got a

brand spanking new vagina! "

Hopefully, others who have actually had the procedure done can jump in

to let us know what it's like.




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I also had vaginal septum resection, which generally

made tampons and intercourse better/easier. I have a

SU with 2 cervices and vaginal septum (vaginal septum

now resected 1x year). Intercourse post-resection is

less complicated as Ann mentioned- in terms of husband

not hitting the septum occassionally (which my husband

only told me after the fact was not exactly good in

the arousal department). Post-resection i still use 2

tampons as i did before (since there is somewhat of a

ridge at the top in between my 2 cervices- the 2

tampons help keep the space completely sealed off- 1

would not be enough- but it really depends alot on

your individual anatomy. My husband was very pleased

with the result in terms of it feeling " alot more

normal " (its not totally normal feeling apparently,

but much closer).

The surgery was also no big deal. I had laparoscopy

at the same time and most of my surgical discomfort

was due to that. The septum has no nerve endings i

think- i wasnt too sore down there at all if at all-

bled a little at first- was inactive for a week but

the resumed normal activity (including running etc.).

We didnt have sex for 6-8 weeks (even tho doc said 4

was fine)- b/c i was chicken. Anyway, it all worked

out for the best and i would recommend it generally

speaking- but again i dont know all the specifics with

you. My MA-expert doc incidentally was quite

surprised that i was living with the septum all those

years (36) (he often removes these from young

girls/teenagers at when the anomaly is first

discovered) and he had a posture of looking quite

sad/sympathetic towards me in the office --this was

bizarrely validating for me, in a way that shocked me-

i'd just totally accepted it for so long and didnt

think there was an option to do this (bc no one ever

suggested it before).

Good luck!


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EXACTLY what she said.

--- Heidi Thermenos heidi_thermenos@...> wrote:

> My MA-expert doc incidentally was quite

> surprised that i was living with the septum all those

> years (36) (he often removes these from young

> girls/teenagers at when the anomaly is first

> discovered) and he had a posture of looking quite

> sad/sympathetic towards me in the office --this was

> bizarrely validating for me, in a way that shocked me-

> i'd just totally accepted it for so long and didnt

> think there was an option to do this (bc no one ever

> suggested it before).

> Good luck!

> Heidi





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Hi ,

I have a complete vaginal septum, so I guess my situation is slightly

different - because it doesn't interfere with sex (indeed, I'd hardly know

it was there during sex). I was offered the chance to remove my vaginal

septum when I was under general anaesthetic for my lap/hyst and decided not

to. I didn't want to be in pain there, and since it wasn't causing me

problems, I didn't feel I needed it.

The other issue is that one side of my UD is 'dominant' the other side

'rudimentary' - so with a complete vaginal septum it is relatively easy to

control the side on which I conceived, if you see what I mean.

But now I'm pregnant with no. 2 and trying for a normal delivery, I do have

some anxiety about what is going to happen to my vaginal septum during


If your septum is causing you problems, I would have no hesitation in having

it removed.

Best wishes


> I had my first appt. w/the RE today. I saw Dr. Kolp (after

> hearing great things about her on here) and I absolutely loved her!


> I saw both her and another doctor (I think he's an intern)- it made

> me feel special that I got to see 2 people at once! We discussed my

> history and she did an exam which confirmed my previous diagnosis of

> UD. Then she did an ultrasound to check the size of each uterus and

> to look for signs of endometriosis (none - yay!). I came away from

> the appointment feeling totally positive and happy about my ability

> to

> conceive and carry a healthy baby.


> She suggested that I consider having my partial vaginal septum

> removed

> (although made it clear that this was totally my choice). It makes

> tampons and intercourse somewhat uncomfortable and creates all sorts

> of problems when I have to get my annual exam (one cervix is hidden

> behind it). It is outpatient surgery and sounds like not a big deal

> at all. I will most likely get it done so I can be all healed

> before

> we start TTC next summer.


> So I'm just wondering if anyone has had this done. I see all sorts

> of

> posts about uterine septum removal, but have never heard of this.


> Thanks...







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I had my vaginal septum removed. It was a pretty easy surgery. I

went home the same day. I was a little sore for a couple of days but

that was about it. It's really made transvaginal ultrasounds easier,

they used to be really painful.

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Morning -

I'm going to piggyback on this question. I'm going in to have my

horizontal vaginal septum removed next week. What kinds of questions

should I ask when I go in for my pre-op visit? My RE has done a

couple of these before however she was very straight forward with

saying most of the septums ran up and down the vagina rather than

across. Anyone been through this before?


27, UD

> ,


> I had my vaginal septum removed. It was a pretty easy surgery. I

> went home the same day. I was a little sore for a couple of days


> that was about it. It's really made transvaginal ultrasounds


> they used to be really painful.



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Ann -

Thanks for the info, I will ask about the stint. Yes, I do have a

partial septum. All of this should have been found durning a annual

exam, however no one ever found it. I do have very bad cramping and

they are going to check for endo during my procedure next week.

I'll let you know how it goes.

> > > ,

> > >

> > > I had my vaginal septum removed. It was a pretty easy

surgery. I

> > > went home the same day. I was a little sore for a couple of


> > but

> > > that was about it. It's really made transvaginal ultrasounds

> > easier,

> > > they used to be really painful.

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >





> __________________________________________________


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So glad that you had a great visit with Dr. Kolp. She resected my SU in 11/04

and I am currently seeing her. Dr. Kolp is such a wonderful doctor and everyone

is her office is just as kind and caring. Please keep us posted if you decide to

have the surgery.


resected SU w/BU fundus


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That is interesting...I had a similar experience where I had actually

seen this SAME doctor for 2 years before he " found " the septum. The

only reason he said he found it was because he had just been to a

class on MAs. He actually said he was going to run a couple of tests

because something was a little " off " but he didn't think it was an MA

because they are so rare. Needless to say I was one of the rare


Does your septum cause you problems?


> > Ann -

> >

> > All of this should have been found durning a annual

> > exam, however no one ever found it. I do have very bad cramping


> > they are going to check for endo during my procedure next week.


> Interesting - I am 34, and having been having annual exams since I


> in college. Yet just 2 months ago, I was found to have a vertical

> septum, and 2 cervixes. You would think SOMEONE along the line


> have noticed something different, wouldn't you?!


> > I'll let you know how it goes.


> Good luck!






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