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Re: Re: Had my surgery for my SU yesterday...

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Hi Gwen,

My doctor had at first recommended a local - but then because of the length,

they decided to give me a general - so I don't think it's odd that you had a


Thanks for the warning that I may not feel well later! I'm actually going to

a wedding tonight - I plan to take it easy. If I start to not feel well - my

MIL is going to pick me up.

I still can't beleive how well I feel now!!


breezespeak gwennspeak@...> wrote:

Hi Jen,

I had a surgery just like yours last week...so easy it was

surprising! However i was wondering, are you sure the doc gave you

general anesthesia without the lap? Because i had the same kind of

surgery but they just gave me Twilight (valium drip) I was 100

percent OUT and local....

I was wondering if other women here who didn't have the lap also have

the minimal anesthesia or if i'm the exception?

Just curious.

Glad you are feeling well but i have to say I was flying high for the

first two days, no cramping and no bleeding but a few days later in

the week i did have both (light bleeding, light cramping) so don't

worry because if that happens to you don't panic.

Hope you stay well.


40, SU, Sectioned 11/10/05


> I feel like I must still be on the pain meds or something - I feel

> fantastic!!! But I don't think it's possible. I took one before

> bed last night, and when I woke up my throught was a little sore -

> assuming from the tube - so I took 2 tylonal for that.


> I have hardly any pain in my adominal area.


> I didn't have a lypo - just the hyst... the doctor said he got it

> all, and that it was a great success. There was no need for a

> ballon, so that may help the pain as well.


> I had a little bit of nautia coming out - and that was it. I cried

> out of ansethesia (sp?) - but I was well aware that I was cry

> because of that.


> Let's see how my follow up goes - but if there is anyone in the

> Chicago area - I would whole heartedly recommend my specialist.

> Turns out - DH had a conversation with him afterwards - and asked

> him if he had a lot going on this weekend. He said he was leading

> some conferences for infertility - so he really knows his stuff.


> I really can't beleive how great I feel! Because of insurance - I

> had to switch specialists after my first surgery was all set up. I

> was devistated at the time - but it looks like everything happens

> for a reason!


> He told me that once I am done bleeding - I can try again already -

> of course - I am on the pill, so I have to wait for the effects of

> that to go away (I will be going off of it after next week) but I'm

> so excited that I get to start trying that soon!!!


> Thanks to everyone who shared there stories... it really made going

> in a lot easier.


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