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Re: second opinion on SU - loss + child mentioned

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hi laurie

i'm SU - resected x 2 - and i had been misdiagnosed (by u/s) long

ago as BU - a few years later even the dr who performed my son's c/s

wrote in the op-report that i had a BU - after 2 consecutive mc

(6/04 and 1/05) i went to see a RE - he performed a HSG that showed

either BU/SU - he then suggested a MRI but since i had been reading

this board a lot i just asked him to go straight to the lap/hyst -

that's what he did last march and he found out i was SU and resected

me right then and there -

it is my understanding from reading so many similar stories here

that sometimes MRI are not accurate and it depends a lot on the

technician/dr who's reading them (among other things) - all over

this board it is written that laparoscopy + hysteroscopy is the gold

standard to differentiate between BU and SU or even

identify 'combos' (BU + SU) -

i'd say if you can have that procedure covered i'd go straight to

it -

i'm very sorry you lost the twins :( my heart goes out to you - i

hope you can get some answers and can go on to a successful pg and

birth really soon


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