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Re: Miracles Happen ! (pg ment)

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, A huge congratulations to you!!! Your post brought tears to my eyes.

Here you are so excited, but at the same time thinking of everyone else. Here's

to a H&H uneventful 9 months. And BTW, your DS and I share a b-day...it's a

great day! :}


PCOS, SU Resected

DD 5/25/2005


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What wonderful news!! I am thrilled for you and your husband. I hope you have a

happy and healthy nine months.

Are you going in for your first beta test?



resected SU w/BU fundus


Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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I just started crying reading your post. Happy tears of course. When

I saw my positive preg test. it was probably the happiest moment of my



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Congratulations!! That is just wonderful news. Sending many, many

good wishes for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy!!


> Hi Ladies,


> I'm so pleased to tell you, after 2 years

> of trying and a few " procedures " , we are

> pregnant!


> Though I was very cautiously hopeful, I was

> (still am) in a bit of shock seeing the postive

> pg test!! The little + sign on the test popped

> up immediately!


> It's amazing how we begin to worry about the

> fragility of life almost the moment we find

> out. So, I ask for your prayers for a HEALTHY,

> happy baby (and a healthy mama - I have high

> blood pressure & am being monitored by an

> internist in addition to being SU - Resected).


> Now I get the most wonderful opportunity to go

> surprise my husband at work and deliver the best

> news he's ever heard! He has no children of his

> own, but is in the process of adopting my 7 year

> old son.


> I'm thinking of all of you today - all who have

> had the heartbreak of a loss, those on such strict

> bedrest trying to make it as long as possible, and

> those who are so desperately trying to conceive -

> (there's hope!!) thank you for sharing and letting

> me be a part of this wonderful community. Blessings

> to you all.


> With excitement and gratitude,


> , 34

> SU Resected 7/28/05

> PCOS, 1 working tube

> DS 3/13/98

> 17 days pg w/#2 (somebody pinch me!!)


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WAHOO!!! I'm so happy for you !

Telling dh was the best part for me. I hope it's just wonderful for


Like Heidi said, go lay down and enjoy the next nine months!!!

Lots of love,

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What wonderful news!! Many congrats to you and your husband! I hope you have a

healthy and happy nine months.

Are you going to get a beta test?



resected SU w/BU fundus


Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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What wonderful news for you; I will keep you in my thoughts! Like you, I know

the pain of secondary infertility; the issues are different but profoundly

painful still. I am so glad, and inspired, about your good news.

Take care of yourself. And know that you'll have LOTS of positive energy flowing

your way from the girls on the board.



SU (resected 8/05) w/ 2 cervices

DS - Noah - 3 yo

TTC 2+ years

Miracles Happen ! (pg ment)

Hi Ladies,

I'm so pleased to tell you, after 2 years

of trying and a few " procedures " , we are


Though I was very cautiously hopeful, I was

(still am) in a bit of shock seeing the postive

pg test!! The little + sign on the test popped

up immediately!

It's amazing how we begin to worry about the

fragility of life almost the moment we find

out. So, I ask for your prayers for a HEALTHY,

happy baby (and a healthy mama - I have high

blood pressure & am being monitored by an

internist in addition to being SU - Resected).

Now I get the most wonderful opportunity to go

surprise my husband at work and deliver the best

news he's ever heard! He has no children of his

own, but is in the process of adopting my 7 year

old son.

I'm thinking of all of you today - all who have

had the heartbreak of a loss, those on such strict

bedrest trying to make it as long as possible, and

those who are so desperately trying to conceive -

(there's hope!!) thank you for sharing and letting

me be a part of this wonderful community. Blessings

to you all.

With excitement and gratitude,

, 34

SU Resected 7/28/05

PCOS, 1 working tube

DS 3/13/98

17 days pg w/#2 (somebody pinch me!!)

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hi tracy

this is my official MA-board congratulations !!! :)

so how did you end up surprising your husband?

i guess he must be REALLY happy :)

here's to you for an uneventful, smooth pg !!!

big hug!!!


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Thanks to all of you for your congrats, prayers & well wishes!

I so appreciate each one.

I arranged to meet my husband for lunch near his work. We

sat out on a patio - very quaint - and I started to talk about

the plan for paying some of the medical bills incurred from ttc -

HSG, Surgery, etc... then I said " I bet you wonder how much

more it will cost before it will happen... .... .... well, not too

much more (pulled out the positive pg test and handed it to

him). Then I said " Congragulations Mr. Goose! (our last name

is Goosseff) We have a Baby Goose on board!! " He is overjoyed,

and after it sunk in for a few minutes his face just softened, eyes

got moist & he looked at me so sweetly!! He's such a planner,

he's already re-arranging the furniture mentally and thinking of

ways to baby-proof the house! He was confident and hopeful

that we'd get pg in the next 6-9 mos - his line to me recently was,

" even a bad salesman has a good day sometimes! " He was

surprised and elated.

Here's terrific thing - I have amazing in-laws & they're older.

My father in law is 72, mother in law is going to be 70. (Lovingly

referred to as Father and Mother Goose!) They have 3 grandkids

from their daughter, none from their two sons. My husband & his

brother are the end of the line in the family tree - there has been no

one born to continue it. The older son & his wife were unable to have

children. I married the baby of the family - we were the last hope for

more grandkids. They never gave up hope! These people have had a

crib in their spare room for YEARS!! We're so excited to share the

news with them - we haven't yet. Here's another really cool thing -

Baby's due date is same as my father in law's birthday - July 2nd.

My husband is also in the process of adopting my 7year old son &

his last name will be changed... so, by next summer, God willing, he'll

have two children of his very own!

We just hope & pray for an uneventful & healthy pregnancy & healthy,

happy baby. It's still so early & I'm trying not to worry too much - it's

so easy to do, but doesn't change a thing. I haven't had a beta test,

but do have my first OB appointment in a few weeks.

Thanks again for all your kind thoughts. I'm thinking of you all too!


, 34

SU - Resected 6/28/05

PCOS, 1 working tube

DS 3/13/98

2w 4 days pg w/#2

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Congratulations and thank you for sharing your wonderful story.

Best wishes for a happy and uneventful pregnancy!


> Thanks to all of you for your congrats, prayers & well wishes!

> I so appreciate each one.


> I arranged to meet my husband for lunch near his work. We

> sat out on a patio - very quaint - and I started to talk about

> the plan for paying some of the medical bills incurred from ttc -

> HSG, Surgery, etc... then I said " I bet you wonder how much

> more it will cost before it will happen... .... .... well, not too

> much more (pulled out the positive pg test and handed it to

> him). Then I said " Congragulations Mr. Goose! (our last name

> is Goosseff) We have a Baby Goose on board!! " He is overjoyed,

> and after it sunk in for a few minutes his face just softened, eyes

> got moist & he looked at me so sweetly!! He's such a planner,

> he's already re-arranging the furniture mentally and thinking of

> ways to baby-proof the house! He was confident and hopeful

> that we'd get pg in the next 6-9 mos - his line to me recently was,

> " even a bad salesman has a good day sometimes! " He was

> surprised and elated.


> Here's terrific thing - I have amazing in-laws & they're older.

> My father in law is 72, mother in law is going to be 70. (Lovingly

> referred to as Father and Mother Goose!) They have 3 grandkids

> from their daughter, none from their two sons. My husband & his

> brother are the end of the line in the family tree - there has been no

> one born to continue it. The older son & his wife were unable to have

> children. I married the baby of the family - we were the last hope for

> more grandkids. They never gave up hope! These people have had a

> crib in their spare room for YEARS!! We're so excited to share the

> news with them - we haven't yet. Here's another really cool thing -

> Baby's due date is same as my father in law's birthday - July 2nd.


> My husband is also in the process of adopting my 7year old son &

> his last name will be changed... so, by next summer, God willing, he'll

> have two children of his very own!


> We just hope & pray for an uneventful & healthy pregnancy & healthy,

> happy baby. It's still so early & I'm trying not to worry too much - it's

> so easy to do, but doesn't change a thing. I haven't had a beta test,

> but do have my first OB appointment in a few weeks.


> Thanks again for all your kind thoughts. I'm thinking of you all too!


> Hugs,

> , 34

> SU - Resected 6/28/05

> PCOS, 1 working tube

> DS 3/13/98

> 2w 4 days pg w/#2




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What an awesome story! I am so happy for you two/three! My in-laws have also

been waiting for years (only 6 but it feels like forever) for us to produce

their namesake, so I know how wonderful it feels to be able to give them that

gift. I hope you have a wonderfully smooth, uneventful pregnancy! Looking

forward to more updates from you!



28 wks

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What an awesome story! I am so happy for you two/three! My in-laws have also

been waiting for years (only 6 but it feels like forever) for us to produce

their namesake, so I know how wonderful it feels to be able to give them that

gift. I hope you have a wonderfully smooth, uneventful pregnancy! Looking

forward to more updates from you!



28 wks

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What an awesome story! I am so happy for you two/three! My in-laws have also

been waiting for years (only 6 but it feels like forever) for us to produce

their namesake, so I know how wonderful it feels to be able to give them that

gift. I hope you have a wonderfully smooth, uneventful pregnancy! Looking

forward to more updates from you!



28 wks

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