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Re: Hospital visit, boss talk - preg ment

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So, after we had that wonderful visit to the hospital yesterday to see the

facilities, last night I actually got to " practice " what I learned. We went to

the hospital at 2:00 this morning because I had what I thought might be

contractions. I made myself go because I knew that's what I would advise anyone

else to do, even though I hated to drag DH out of bed if it were nothing.

Well, I was contracting at 4 minutes apart. No infection present, fortunately,

and my FFN test was negative. So, they gave me the tributilin (sp?) to stop the

contractions and went ahead and gave me the steroid shot to develop the lungs.

They felt like there was enough risk to go ahead with the steroid (FFN is only

96% accurate and cervical changes as well as contractions are also deemed

indicators of PTL).

We were so glad that we had gone for the tour the day before! Poor DH got lost

in the parking garage when we went for the tour, so it was good for him to get

that figured out before we needed to go there last night.

Lastly, I'm supposed to talk to my boss tomorrow about my work & medical

situation. Thank you so much for the feedback everyone has given me! I have to

tell him that I can not go into the office at all anymore (not even for a few

hours once a week). I'm going to practice what to say w/DH tomorrow so that I

will not be nervous and be able to stay focused. Your thoughts, prayers and

support are sincerely appreciated!

Mikell, 34, t-shape (reconstructed)

27 wks, 6 days

1 m/c 2/04

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Wow, how scary! I pray that with continued bed rest you will be

able to go many, many more weeks.

Good luck with your boss today! I definitely had butterflies just

telling my boss about all the upcoming dr appts and needing the

occasional day, 1/2 day off, but he was very understanding. I

decided to tell him a few details, just that we were actually

pursuing IF testing. I think that it helped because he has

daughters around my age and one just recently had her baby and the

other is ttc. I've been at the co. for 9yrs now and it's a small

office. He's kind of seen me " grow up " from an intern, thru my

wedding and now starting a family.

Good luck!!!

- In MullerianAnomalies , " Mikell Awwad "



> Ladies,


> So, after we had that wonderful visit to the hospital yesterday to

see the facilities, last night I actually got to " practice " what I

learned. We went to the hospital at 2:00 this morning because I had

what I thought might be contractions. I made myself go because I

knew that's what I would advise anyone else to do, even though I

hated to drag DH out of bed if it were nothing.


> Well, I was contracting at 4 minutes apart. No infection present,

fortunately, and my FFN test was negative. So, they gave me the

tributilin (sp?) to stop the contractions and went ahead and gave me

the steroid shot to develop the lungs. They felt like there was

enough risk to go ahead with the steroid (FFN is only 96% accurate

and cervical changes as well as contractions are also deemed

indicators of PTL).


> We were so glad that we had gone for the tour the day before!

Poor DH got lost in the parking garage when we went for the tour, so

it was good for him to get that figured out before we needed to go

there last night.


> Lastly, I'm supposed to talk to my boss tomorrow about my work &

medical situation. Thank you so much for the feedback everyone has

given me! I have to tell him that I can not go into the office at

all anymore (not even for a few hours once a week). I'm going to

practice what to say w/DH tomorrow so that I will not be nervous and

be able to stay focused. Your thoughts, prayers and support are

sincerely appreciated!


> Mikell, 34, t-shape (reconstructed)

> 27 wks, 6 days

> 1 m/c 2/04




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