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Re: Chance for a second miracle? (pg child m/c ment)

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welcome! i'm glad you found us - this group has been of great support

to me in the last few months :)

like you i also had a son after a pg that was normal and uneventful

until week #33 when he had to be born by c/s due to a placental

abruption. coincidentally he was breech too. we were very lucky and he

only spent 3 weeks at the hospital and has been doing great since

discharged - he'll be 4 in july.

unlike you i knew i had a uterine anomaly but i had been

misdiagnosed. drs said i was BU (bicornuate uterus) and they always

told me it was not a problem and it was not related to my son's

premature birth -

we started trying for #2 last year i miscarried twice in a row: 6/04

and 1/05 - i could have accepted 1 m/c as a 'natural, normal' thing

given my age (37) but 2 m/c in a row made me think - i didn't want to

try again until i knew what was the problem and if there was anything

i could do to fix it or at least minimize it - my husband, i and our

2nd m/c baby (10 weeks) had a bunch of tests and everything came back

normal - i started seeing a RE in January and he diagnosed me

correctly as SU (septate uterus) - he said it was highly probable that

my 2 m/c and my son's placental abruption and preterm birth had been

caused by my septum - i had a laparoscopy/hysteroscopy/resection last

3/9/05 and we'll TTC this month and see what happens.

having a septum does not mean you won't have normal pg and full term

babies but it puts you at higher risk for m/c if the baby implants in

the septum which is badly irrigated - many women with SUs have normal

pg and full term kids without even knowing sometimes that they have a

uterine anomaly - obviously that was not my case - personally i'm

happy i had the resection and i hope i am luckier next time - after 2

losses i could not have gone through another pg knowing that i was SU

and i was not 'fixed' but that's just how i think - i already knew my

son was a little miracle after being born so soon and making it

through the NICU experience, i have been even more amazed and grateful

since i learned he made it to 33 weeks despite my septum (which by the

way was taking almost 70% of my uterus' capacity).

as for statistics, i'm sorry i don't have them - i think that with a

history of recurrent losses like mine chances for better outcomes are

greater after resection - i think there are some statistics in chapter

6 of this book if you can get it: Structural Abnormalities and

Reproductive Failure: Effective Techniques for Diagnosis and Management

by Gerard S. Letterie (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-



maybe there's some info in the FILES or DATABASE section of this

site ....

as it happened before, miracles can happen again so i guess it just

depends on how comfortable you are knowing that you may be at higher

risk than 'normal' women .... anyway you can never assume anything

with a pg no matter how 'normal' you are so i do hope you are blessed

with another miracle soon :)

best of luck,


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