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Hi dear friends!

Well, i should have known better than to see my neuro. just before

Christmas....but i wasn't really given a choice of dates.

Anyway...this time i saw not one, but TWO of those characters...both

very nice and very thorough. One was my usual neuro at Foothills

Neurological in Calgary...the other works with all ALS and some PLS


So.....i knew my prgression had really accelerated last 3

years....so no shocking news there. But one of the neuros ...who

works with PLS patients, said that he won't rule out the possibility

that I may have a type of PLS that accelerates and progresses much

more rapidly than normal. He said he didn't believe that PLS is

only 'lifestyle' threatening but, in a few cases, can be life

threatening too. Although he did point out that periods of more

rapid progression followed by a leveling off is common in PLS

So.....hmmmmmm. I am asking my self one very deep question.....'why

the heck did I go?!!!! " ha ha. I know it is getting worse.....but

seeing the neuros just TEMPORARILY pulled the sword out of my teeth

(see: Monty Python's Holy Grail). I will get it back though. It is

just that now i have to have that nasty EMG thing and an MRI more

frequently. Cuss!

Guess i am feeling a bit destabilized.


Love Di........PLS......Canada

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Dear Di. Now dont go getting all upset or crazy like me. The ALS

neuro gave you way too much info like the latest one I saw and I was

physically ill for days after that. but I picked myself up and

said " I am doing well and I am going to be ok " . I have been seeing 2

different neurologists for the past 6 years who have kept telling me

I will be allright and I believe I have remained stable because of

them. My history with this illness began slowly and then for a

couple of years moved very fast. My symptoms have been around for

longer than yours and correct me if I am wrong but I think I remember

that your symptoms started out slower. Maybe its your time to

progress before you become stable again. I know its hard but stay



> Hi dear friends!


> Well, i should have known better than to see my neuro. just before

> Christmas....but i wasn't really given a choice of dates.


> Anyway...this time i saw not one, but TWO of those


> very nice and very thorough. One was my usual neuro at Foothills

> Neurological in Calgary...the other works with all ALS and some PLS

> patients.


> So.....i knew my prgression had really accelerated last 3

> years....so no shocking news there. But one of the neuros ...who

> works with PLS patients, said that he won't rule out the


> that I may have a type of PLS that accelerates and progresses much

> more rapidly than normal. He said he didn't believe that PLS is

> only 'lifestyle' threatening but, in a few cases, can be life

> threatening too. Although he did point out that periods of more

> rapid progression followed by a leveling off is common in PLS


> So.....hmmmmmm. I am asking my self one very deep question.....'why

> the heck did I go?!!!! " ha ha. I know it is getting worse.....but

> seeing the neuros just TEMPORARILY pulled the sword out of my teeth

> (see: Monty Python's Holy Grail). I will get it back though. It is

> just that now i have to have that nasty EMG thing and an MRI more

> frequently. Cuss!


> Guess i am feeling a bit destabilized.


> Hugs.


> Love Di........PLS......Canada


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