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Hi girls

Following the investigation op on Friday and the follow up appt today, it

looks like I am still UU - it does not appear there is a small opening.

So, as I do not want to do IVF, I am going to try IUI again without clomid

this time. 2/3 natural cycles of IUI. MY OB suggested I still do the IUI

when ovulating on the bad side as the sperm could cross over to my UU. I

don't really want to do this and was surprised he suggested this. After

getting pregnant with twins with IUI and clomid and loosing both (1 mature

follicle on my good side and also 1 small one on my good side) I think I

should try the IUI when there are follicles are my GOOD side.

What do you all think???

I know that in my case the sperm did cross over to my horn but I hope the

chances of that happening again are slim. I am very nervous to try again

but I know that I have to as I long to have a baby of my own. Please send

me your thoughts girls on this.

I hope I will not have to take clomid and am ovulating on my own.

Following my next AF I will get scanned on day 10 and go from there with the

IUI again - please keep your fingers and toes crossed for me.

Hugs to you all


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Hi Janine,

I am also UU, but I don't seem to have another piece out there - my

one uterus seems to just be rounded off at the top where it should

have connected to what is now my " bad side. "

I am in the IUI battle, and this should have been my 3rd round, but

they put me on a new drug - instead of Clomid, it was Femara, which

was much better as far as symptoms. Clomid made me very depressed

but Femara went by without a hitch - UNTIL I believe I ovulated

yesterday (CD11) before my first monitoring Ultrasound, so this

month is probably over, and we just have to hope for natural success.

Anyway, for some reason, I've been " lucky " in as much as both other

IUI cycles were led by my good side, so I went ahead with the IUI,

but I would not have spent the money on it (no insurance for IUI) if

the lead follicle(s) were only on my " bad side. " (And I don't have

to worry about the non-communicating horn.)

In this whole battle with fertility, you have to do a great deal of

weighing out different factors, cost and sanity included. IVF is

not really a realistic option for us, so our hopes are hinged on the

IUI process. I'd rather focus on the times when it's my good side,

to maximize my chances with the few IUI's that we can afford.

So for what it's worth, I understand not wanting to proceed when

it's not your good side. And maybe ask about the Femara.

Good luck!!!


Age 34, UU, TTC#1

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


I became pregnant with my dd by using injectibles (as if I was going to undergo

an IVF) and IUI. I had tried clomid four times previously and never ovulated on

the side with my fallopian tube, so the RE felt it was not worth it to try IUI.

I am not one to give advice, so I will just tell you what I believe I'd do in

your place, which would be to go for it. You certainly can conceive on the side

where you have no tube so there is always that small chance, and than you have

the much higher chance to conceive on the " good " side. My RE also suggested we

try the old fashioned away - I forget the little schedule he gave us - think we

did that after the IUI, but I can't remember. Inanycase, I 'd definitely get

the opinion of others as well as your RE. I am in no way sure about the HCG

injection, but do think it should encourage both follicles. I wish you much

luck and lots of baby dust. I am starting again in August with my RE and know I

will be facing the same issues. I am sure whatever you decide will be the right



Amy, 33


DD 1/22/04

Congratulations !!!

>I am so happy to hear about your successful UU pregnancy with twins,

> and that the babies are here now and safe. I'm sure you will be very

> busy in the coming days and months, but if you have a minute and can

> drop me a line, that would be great! I'm getting ready to do an IVF

> cycle and I have a UU so am a little nervous about twins, but don't

> want to decrease my chances of pregnancy by only putting back one

> embryo. It's a hard decision. Would love to talk to you more about how

> you managed your pregnancy. Thanks. ladybuglive@...





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> Share files:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/files/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/




> es/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/






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I became pregnant with my dd by using injectibles (as if I was going to undergo

an IVF) and IUI. I had tried clomid four times previously and never ovulated on

the side with my fallopian tube, so the RE felt it was not worth it to try IUI.

I am not one to give advice, so I will just tell you what I believe I'd do in

your place, which would be to go for it. You certainly can conceive on the side

where you have no tube so there is always that small chance, and than you have

the much higher chance to conceive on the " good " side. My RE also suggested we

try the old fashioned away - I forget the little schedule he gave us - think we

did that after the IUI, but I can't remember. Inanycase, I 'd definitely get

the opinion of others as well as your RE. I am in no way sure about the HCG

injection, but do think it should encourage both follicles. I wish you much

luck and lots of baby dust. I am starting again in August with my RE and know I

will be facing the same issues. I am sure whatever you decide will be the right



Amy, 33


DD 1/22/04

Congratulations !!!

>I am so happy to hear about your successful UU pregnancy with twins,

> and that the babies are here now and safe. I'm sure you will be very

> busy in the coming days and months, but if you have a minute and can

> drop me a line, that would be great! I'm getting ready to do an IVF

> cycle and I have a UU so am a little nervous about twins, but don't

> want to decrease my chances of pregnancy by only putting back one

> embryo. It's a hard decision. Would love to talk to you more about how

> you managed your pregnancy. Thanks. ladybuglive@...





> Share bookmarks: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/links/


> Share files:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/files/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/




> es/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/






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Guest guest


I became pregnant with my dd by using injectibles (as if I was going to undergo

an IVF) and IUI. I had tried clomid four times previously and never ovulated on

the side with my fallopian tube, so the RE felt it was not worth it to try IUI.

I am not one to give advice, so I will just tell you what I believe I'd do in

your place, which would be to go for it. You certainly can conceive on the side

where you have no tube so there is always that small chance, and than you have

the much higher chance to conceive on the " good " side. My RE also suggested we

try the old fashioned away - I forget the little schedule he gave us - think we

did that after the IUI, but I can't remember. Inanycase, I 'd definitely get

the opinion of others as well as your RE. I am in no way sure about the HCG

injection, but do think it should encourage both follicles. I wish you much

luck and lots of baby dust. I am starting again in August with my RE and know I

will be facing the same issues. I am sure whatever you decide will be the right



Amy, 33


DD 1/22/04

Congratulations !!!

>I am so happy to hear about your successful UU pregnancy with twins,

> and that the babies are here now and safe. I'm sure you will be very

> busy in the coming days and months, but if you have a minute and can

> drop me a line, that would be great! I'm getting ready to do an IVF

> cycle and I have a UU so am a little nervous about twins, but don't

> want to decrease my chances of pregnancy by only putting back one

> embryo. It's a hard decision. Would love to talk to you more about how

> you managed your pregnancy. Thanks. ladybuglive@...





> Share bookmarks: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/links/


> Share files:

> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MullerianAnomalies/files/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/




> es/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/






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