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Rudimentary tube removed

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Hi ladies. Well it turns out that I had an ectopic pregnancy in my

right rudimentary tube (I have a UU). I was unaware until now that I

even had a rudimentary tube. Yesterday I had the tube and fetus

removed. Everything went very well and I feel pretty good today. I

guess this is a good thing, becasue now it can't happen agin. My left

tube and uterus look good, so that gives us hope. I'll update again

after my post-op appt. in 2 weeks. I'm interested in seeing the

pictures of the tube, they said it was pretty deformed. What a roller

coaster ride!



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I too am UU and am sorry to hear of your ectopic. I also lost twins in Jan.

Can you just explain as I am confused, did you have the horn's tube removed?

If so do you have a blind/non cavity rudimentary horn i.e. where a baby

cannot implant in? As if it was non communicating, i.e. you get endometrial

lining building up in there surely you would not be able to have the tube



Rudimentary tube removed

> Hi ladies. Well it turns out that I had an ectopic pregnancy in my

> right rudimentary tube (I have a UU). I was unaware until now that I

> even had a rudimentary tube. Yesterday I had the tube and fetus

> removed. Everything went very well and I feel pretty good today. I

> guess this is a good thing, becasue now it can't happen agin. My left

> tube and uterus look good, so that gives us hope. I'll update again

> after my post-op appt. in 2 weeks. I'm interested in seeing the

> pictures of the tube, they said it was pretty deformed. What a roller

> coaster ride!

> Hugs,

> Carla






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> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/




> es/


> The Congenital Uterine Anomalies Home Page:

> http://www.wegrokit.com/uterineanomalies/






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