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Intro & Labour Concerns

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Hi Ladys..

I would just like to introduce myself, Im in my 1st pregnancy and starting to

worry on the birth...

I have a BU, it was located when i had a rountine check with the doc as i had

Overie Cyst and wanted to check they had gone.. They had, but then i dicovered

(BU) the pregnancy has been good and not much to report other than some trapped

nerves on the top of my right rib cage.. " ouch its a killer " as the uterus was

growing. The baby has 3 quaters of a uterus.. My doc says the baby is forming

well.. but until he's in your arms you'll never no..

Thats one of my worrys and also C-Section, as having a Baby with BU they

generally dont engage and are usually Transverse or Standing Up...

I would love to hear some labour stories " good or bad " .. as i want to prepare

myself as much as possibly.. Also at what week you had your baby as i hear they

can come quite early.. 34 weeks 32 etc...

I look forward to hearing from you all..


Oh you who believe, Fear Allah Truly, and do not die except as Muslims.


O Men fear your Lord who created you from one soul, and created its partner, and

from them spread men and women in numbers. Take care, Allah will question you

about it and the kinship. Surely, Allah is ever watchful of your deeds


O those who believe. Fear Allah and say what is correct so that it fits you. He

will forgive your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger that is a great




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